‹ Prequel: In Over My Head
Sequel: P.S I'm Dying,
Status: Finished(:

Loving The Jerk Who Might Have Feelings

Save You (by Simple Plan)

Mr. James

In the morning Mr. James awakes quite early around five p.m. He bathes, dresses, and lets Roberta, his faithful servant for many years, brush his hair. Staring in the mirror, Mr. James notes the new wrinkles around his eyes.

He sighs and waves Roberta away. Down the stairs, he goes into his private study and sits down on his father’s favorite leather chair. Putting on his reading glasses, he glances at the stack of new bills.

Alexander’s cell phone bill... Alexander’s car bill... Alexander’s credit card bills... Alexander’s car insurance bill... Alexander’s medical bills... Alexander’s—

He abruptly drops them all again and shakes his head. So much expenses. And of course Alexander didn’t give a moment’s though when he was purchasing a new ‘toy’. Never did his son think about what it was costing his father in the long run.

Mr. James sighs and gets up. As he expertly winds through all the hall ways and stairs he thinks about how he still has to call Mr. Bertie from the bank to tell him to send Alexander’s school another thousand. They call it ‘donating’. Mr. James calls it bribing. Whatever his son does they can’t expel him.

He comes to stop in front of the only black door in the entire mansion. He ignores the laminated sign claiming Alexander will decapitate anyone who trespasses and enters his only son’s room.
Mr. James kicks at all the junk food wrappers and old socks as he walks over to the spare chair in front of the bed. He sits down and examines Alexander.

He’s lying on his stomach with the covers tangled up in his sprawled legs. His son’s face is mostly covered by the black-blue hair, but he can still clearly see the purple bruise on his cheek.
Mr. James shakes his head. He buys him everything in the world with the only condition that he does not physically exert himself and still Alexander insists on getting into fights and such.

Slowly, Mr. James reaches forward, stopping an inch from his son’s face. Then he brushes back Alexander’s hair and tenderly caresses his son’s bruised cheek.

A sudden pain suddenly strikes Mr. James and he feels the most intense emotions battling within his heart. His eyes water with confusing tears and he closes his eyes still touching his son’s face.

Alexander may think that Mr. James does not care for him because he composes himself with total aloofness, but he is extremely mistaken. Mr. James loses a lot of sleep worrying over his only son and at every second of every day Alexander is on his mind.

Sometimes he wishes he could confess all this to his son, but how could he? It is hard enough to go day by day without breaking down; if Alexander knew the man behind the mask he’d surely hate him for being so cowardly.

In the next moment, he’s already standing up and heading to the door; his face completely composed. He reaches the door but hesitates and turns back. He stares at his son’s face.

“If only I could find the answer...”
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