‹ Prequel: In Over My Head
Sequel: P.S I'm Dying,
Status: Finished(:

Loving The Jerk Who Might Have Feelings

She's So Lovely

You know that feeling you get when everything’s perfect?


You do?

Hmm, I don’t. But oh well love can make even the worse things look like small speed bumps on the road to Heaven.

Well, that was cheesy.

I laugh at myself and pull up my covers midway. It’s the day before school starts. The last day I’ll have to keep this relationship secret from my family. And frankly it’s exciting.

Alex can be a bit of an asshole, but he’s got a soft side. Deep, deep inside that he only lets me peek at when I’m distracting him with my femaleness.

I hear a small tap on the door. That must be him! I automatically adjust my small night gown a bit lower (yes, I’m shameless) and sprawl my hair all over my pillow to look sexy. Hopefully.

I hear the door creak open, but can’t see anything except the utter blackness. “Athena?” he whispers.

I smile, “Present”

He snorts and climbs into my bed kicking off his shoes. I automatically cringe. He’s freezing! But then I hug him to rub off my body heat onto him. He takes off his socks and cuddles my feet with his frostbit ones.

“I’ve got to tell you something” Alex says as his hands snake around my bare shoulders and I giggle at the coldness of his body. Hm, I’ve always wanted to try—

I press my lips to his enthusiastically. He responds automatically with as much force as surprise. Usually I frown upon kissing after dark. What can I say? I’m a bit precautious.

“Sorry, I’ve always wanted to experiment with temperature difference” I laugh as his lips smother mine.

“I’ll be your lab rat any day, sweetheart” he says seductively while he nips at my earlobe.

“I’m ready, Alex” I suddenly say, but completely mean it. I’m both emotionally and physically ready.

“For what? School?” he asks half-heartedly as he kisses my neck.

“I’m ready, Alex” I repeat pulling away so he can concentrate.

And I can almost swear I heard his heart stop, “What? Really? When? How?”

I roll my eyes at him, “What do you mean ‘when’? Right now of course, Einstein” but my voice shakes a little while I whirl with excitement and nerves.

He’s completely still, “Are you sure? We don’t have to rush anything”

“You mean; I don’t have to rush. You’ve done a lot of rushing, actually”

Then he’s totally serious, “Athena, I’ve never felt like this for any of those girls. None. You are special. And you’re the one that matters, so don’t just go into this with your mind set on pleasing me”

I snort, “Oh, don’t worry about that, Alex, I’m seeking my own pleasure in all actuality”

And he’s back to kissing me. Whoops. There goes my nighty. Alex traces his finger on my stomach. It feels like the alphabet, but then he starts roaming his hands up and down my side and I get chills all over.

“Wait” I gasp and he pulls back his hands.

“What is it?”

“Didn’t you have something to tell me?” I ask him while my mind tries to remember what he said.

He hesitates for a moment, “No, it’s nothing, I just found out that I failed Calculus”

I blink at him, still breathing hard, “Aren’t you taking Freshman Algebra?”

“I know, right?” Alex says with a smirk in his voice and he’s back to kissing me. One things for sure; we’ll never have a dull moment in this relationship.

Alexander D. Winters

Alex stares at the moon from the balcony he’s standing on. It’s round and mystical like a magic 8 ball. He sighs deeply and thrums against the railing with his fingers.

“Do it” he orders himself as he freezes to death.

Then he shakes his head. No, I can tell her.

“Yes, you can, don’t be a coward!” he growls at himself. “You’ve got to tell her!”

But she’ll hate me.

“She’s gonna find out either way”

I can move schools.

“You’re too much of a coward to go anywhere away from her”

I know.

He sighs again, but this time with determination, and then walks back inside the mansion with the sole purpose of telling Athena his biggest secret hoping she won’t hate him or, even worse, break down and cry. He couldn’t stand it if the person he’s cares about the most gives in to the sadness of it all.

Here goes nothing... he thinks as he taps her bedroom door. Then he corrects himself; here goes everything...
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