‹ Prequel: In Over My Head
Sequel: P.S I'm Dying,
Status: Finished(:

Loving The Jerk Who Might Have Feelings

All You Need Is Love

One Hour Earlier

Pandora Emelia Night

“Nah-nah-nah-nah!” I sing to BFFF by Bowling for soup as I dance around my office, “I’m trying to say I love you… in a heterosexual way!!”

There’s a knock on my door and I turn down the volume slightly; if it’s Principle Strict, I’ll get in trouble.

I open the door and find my loving husband, high school sweetheart, best friend forever, father of my children, and the love of my life standing there. Not to sound dramatic, though.

He flashes me his signature half smile and prances in side, taking a seat on my desk.

Ever opens his arms wide and looks at me with pleading eyes, “I missed you, Andy”

I smile wide; “It’s been like two hours since you last saw me, boy you’re needy” I playfully complain but go into his arms none-the-less. He’s warm and smells like chocolate, as always. But when Ever leans down and places a kiss on my lips it’s like we’re teenagers all over again; the fireworks never cease to amaze me with their intensity.

He pulls away slightly so we’re a few inches apart; his longish brown hair brushes my cheeks and his warm breaths hit my lips, making me long for more touch. But I don’t move in for more; instead I stay staring up at him into his hazel brown eyes. Their depth is bright and clear, and I can pick out every fleck of orange, gold, and green, even. I sigh happily whispering, “Sometimes I think this is all a dream, y’know, that I can’t possibly have a big great family with you, it’s all so surreal when I step back and think about it”

A grin plays on his lips. Ever gives me a peck on the tip of my nose, “Well maybe its karma balancing out for the suckish family I had, and for the absence of your mom”

I nod slightly, “You always make sense of things; sometimes I think you’re the smarter one in our relationship”

“You’re right; I am” he smirks kissing me again. I groan from the intense euphoric sensation growing in me. Ever moves his hands from around my waste to playfully roaming my abdomen under my shirt, while my fingers entangle themselves in his oh so soft hair.

Before I know it he has his button-up shirt unbuttoned and my hair is out of its supposed-to-be bun. Things are getting hot but I don’t want to do anything in here, what if Ms. Morgana shows up?

But I’m getting drunk on his kisses, and I can’t—

There’s a knock on the door. Ever and I disentangle ourselves rapidly.

“Er, coming!” I say trying not to giggle.

Ever hurriedly buttons up his shirt, whilst I brushed my hair back into a ponytail; thank God I had decided to wear a casual band-tee (My Chemical Romance) and black jeans so it wouldn’t be too off that my hair was kind of wild.

I push Ever into a seat in front of my desk, straighten his tie and messy hair, and cross his hands politely on his lap. He winks at me but I ignore him and go to the door.

When I open it, I notice it’s a seventeen year old boy. He has familiar looking ice-blue eyes, dark black-blue hair spread messily on his head, a dark blue band-tee of The Fray, and killer ripped jeans that look expensive. He looks like he’d rather be anywhere else but here.

“The headmistress said you were my new counselor,” he says through tight lips.

“Oh, you’re Alex Winters, right? Well give me a sec; I was just having a meeting with a teacher”

I turn back to Ever, “Well, Mr. Evans, I think we’re done here, and for the last time, no I don’t think bringing up sex is a good idea during class. The teenagers tend to be a bit wild when it comes to that” He gets up, smirks at me then walks out the door past Alex Winters.

“Come in” I say happily to the young man, ushering him to the seat that Ever had just occupied. I lock the door and sit down on my special chair, “You can call me Mrs. N, if you’d like, to be honest I’ve been counseling for a little over six years and I’m still not used to the whole last name crap”

He blinks at me shocked at my language and looks me up and down, “Uh, how old are you?”

I roll my eyes at him, “Hasn’t anyone ever told you that you do not ever on any occasion ask a woman for their age” I shake my head.

Alex can’t help but grin, “No offense, uh, Mrs. N, but I was expecting a middle-aged lady asking me about how I feel, not, er, well you”

I beam at him, “Well, lucky for you, Mr. Winters, I consider that a compliment”

Then I look down at the file I had extracted earlier from counselors’ cabinet, and open it. The only thing in there is a printed out paper that states Alex Winters to be a violent and emotional kid with deep rooted problems and that he needs to be counseled at least four times a week.


I look back at Alex, “So, since I don’t know you at all, care to tell me a bit about yourself and your past?”

At that he looks uncomfortable, “I’ll be seventeen on Halloween, my mom died that same Halloween ten years ago and my father dumped me at this boarding school because he didn’t want me when social services came knocking at his door, how ‘bout you?”

I stare at him for a second; he’s radiating anger, sarcasm, and a dark sense of humor. I suppose he says that to anyone who has to know and since it’s hard for him he makes it seem like it’s a funny situation he’s been placed in and that he’s perfectly okay with it.

I can immediately tell that that’s the thing that has thrown off anyone else who’s tried to talk to him.

I take a deep breath, “That’s pretty screwed up; my mom died right after I was born, and my dad who was four years younger than you are right now had to raise me on his own, it’s kind of scary how the world works, isn’t it?”

Alex looks up and his shocking blue eyes meet mine; at last he’s found someone who can get through to him; but it’s going to take a lot of patience and effort.

And a lot of chocolate
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