Status: Starting Soon But Subscribe :)

We Are an Example of Why Not to Fall in Love


*Quick Note: This Chapter skips around time some so if it confesses you I'm sorry but it's just how I was able to make my idea's work the way I want them to.

Adjusting to life in Vancouver wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, I already knew my way around town it was practically my second home when I was a child. I had managed to find an apartment in Yaletown it was just as nice maybe even nicer then the one I had or still had in Chicago. I had started my classes about a week and was going to Penticton BC this upcoming week to see some Canucks training camp before the pre season started.

It had been almost a month since I had left Chicago and I had yet been in touch with Jonathan and I wasn't going to lie it hurt some nights I thought about giving up everything and going back to Chicago to be with him but he was just at fault at this as I was and I highly doubt he was thinking about giving up Blackhawks time to come and apologize to me only time would make this all work out or at least I had to think so.

I knew pretty much nobody in Vancouver I wasn't here to make friends I just wanted to work and go to school I had no time to socialize.

I was now currently on route to Penticton and the team was already there doing training camp and I wasn't going to lie I had no idea what the heck they did but I was excited to learn. About two weeks ago I decided it would be best to change my name back to Rebecca Robbs because right now I didn't want to be connected to Jonathan Toews especially if he didn't want anything to do with me and the next step to this would be annulling our marriage, I had already signed the forms needed and sent them to Jonathan and had yet to hear if he signed them, I stopped wearing my ring I put it away in my safe to keep it safe until I could somehow give it back to Jon.

I arrived in Penticton on the third to last day of training camp and the team was currently having a team lunch and I was told to go and introduce myself to them, I was a nervous wreck I loved this team and I had my whole life as I got closer to the table I noticed Ryan Kesler has noticed me and was standing up to greet me.

"Rebecca what are you doing here?" Ryan asks shaking my hand.

"Wait Kes you know her?" Derek Jory asked.

"Yeah I met her at the NHL awards Lu and Cory met her to she's Jonathan Toews wi I mean girlfriend." Ryan says.

"Yeah that's how he knows me but Jonathan is my ex, but hello guys I'm Rebecca Robbs Becca for short and I'm Derek's assistant for this upcoming season.” I say trying to smiling and waving at the team.

"Hi Becca." I hear from around the table.

"Well I'll let you all finish your lunch.” I say turning to walk away.

The next two weeks went by quickly and before I knew it training camp was over and I was back in Vancouver and Preseason was about to start tomorrow.

Since being in Vancouver I dyed my hair from the red shade it was to a medium brown which was closer to my natural color which really didn’t matter because I always just wore my hair in a messy bun or a ponytail. Makeup had taken the back burner in my life now that I was back in school my Urban Decay Naked palette had become my go to eye shadow every day.

I had learned how to get around Vancouver to and from UBC and Rogers Arena fairly quickly. Today was the opening game of the preseason against the Flames the game went by in a flash sitting up in the press box running a twitter off my laptop and before I knew it I was down in the locker room doing post-game interviews.

This is how the next two weeks of my life going to every home preseason Canucks game and I wasn’t going to lie and say I wasn’t watching the Blackhawks preseason because I was but normally after 5 minutes I’d have to close my laptop and do something else because I was wasn’t stable enough mentally to look at Jon for two seconds without breaking down.

I managed to get myself through the first month of school and was currently passing all my classes and was also offered a better job from the Canucks I was now going to be one of the hosts of Canucks TV I decided to still assist Derek if he needed me but I liked getting another job because it meant that I got more money and didn’t have to live off of credit cards. With my new job working with Canucks TV I would be mainly working during the pre-game hours which did at first mess up my schooling but once my professors found out what I was doing instead of going to class they were more than happy to let me out of class for work as long as I still did the work and found a way to get all the notes for tests from people.

The first month of the NHL 2011-2012 season flew by and it was now approaching November which in the end meant the Blackhawks would be coming to Vancouver and I didn’t know what I would do maybe call in sick pretend that everything in my life was perfect and that Jon and I never had the messed up relationship we had.

Today was November 16th which was the day the Hawks were in town and of course I couldn’t make myself call in sick I had to go to work and I would just go in film todays pregame webcast and get out before any Blackhawk saw me…at least that’s what I had planned. I went to work wearing a black pencil skirt with a green laced tank with a black blazer on top and a pair of heels which was pretty much the look I went for every day, now that I was working in front of a camera I started taking more pride with my hair and makeup, today I wore a smokey brown eye with a nude lip and had my hair in very lose curls which of course got some of the guys making cat calls at me as I walked into the dressing room just before the Canucks morning skate.

“Becca who are you trying to impress today?” Derek says as I walk farther into the room.

“Nobody Der, I just woke up early this morning and decided to spend some time getting ready?” I say setting my bag down and pulling my laptop out.

“Oh well it looks like your trying to catch someone’s eye today but you look wonderful.” Kesler says walking past trying to sneak at my laptop.

“Thank you Ryan, and if you must know what I’m doing I’m just quickly checking my tumblr.” I say closing my laptop and placing it back in my bag.

“Oh god you have one of those things.” Kevin Bieksa says walking by pulling a jersey over his head.

“Yes I do have a tumblr it’s very funny and I have quite the following of Cancuck fans girls on my blog.” I say laughing and exiting the dressing room to make my way to the bench and to watch practice.

Everything goes alright until I’m exiting the locker room with Maxim Lapierre and making our way to the players entrance of the arena when I see the Blackhawks bus pulling in.

“So Becca, would you like to go to lunch with some of the guys and me today.” Maxim asks with a strong French Canadian accent.

“I would love to but I can’t, I have a 6000 word essay due before puck drop tonight and I’m only at 4000 words but I will gladly take a rain check.” I say trying to keep my attention away from the bus that is behind me unloading.

“Well how bout this why don’t you come out to dinner and drinks with the guys when we win tonight eh?” Maxim asks me as he gets in his car.

“That sounds great, but go have lunch and take your pre game nap so you’ll be rested to kick some ass tonight.” I say laughing and turning to walk away that was until I hear someone behind me screaming my name and my heart stops but I turn to find Ryan Kesler standing there and I feel as if I’m about to pass out.

“Jesus Becca, you forgot your phone and I was just trying to catch you before you left.” Ryan says handing me my phone.

“Thank you, sorry about that I thought someone else was yelling at me and I was nervous.” I laugh.

“It’s alright I know it must be hard for you right now but just tell yourself if you can get through tonight everything will be alright.” He says giving me a quick brotherly like hug which made me miss Jake and so I made a mental note to call him soon. But as I pull away from Ryan I see Jonathan standing at the door of the bus with a pissed off look across his face.

“Thank you again Ryan but I should get going I have a 2000 words to go write before pre game skate.” I laugh.

“Alright see you sometime tonight.” He says walking away and I start to make my way to my car when I felt someone approaching behind me and once a reach my car I feel a hand grab my shoulder and my first instinct is to scream but a hand quickly covers my mouth.

“Becca clam down it’s just me.” I hear Jon saying.

“Jon let me go.” I say struggling to get away from him.

“Becca can you just listen to me.” Jon tries to plea with me.

“No Jon, I’m not going to listen to you, you broke up with me, you refuse to sign the allotment forms, you wouldn’t answer you phone and guess what I’m happy where I am right now and I don’t need you ruining everything for me.” I scream.

“But Becca you don’t understand.” Jon says.

“Oh what don’t I understand Jon that I wanted us to work out I really did but you have to go and be all diva bitch because I wanted to do something more with my life then just be a Hockey Players life, because you do realized if I was still working for MAC that I didn’t always want to work in a store I wanted to work on runway shows and maybe be a celebrity makeup artist, you get to play hockey which is what you love to do, couldn’t you let me try and do something to make me happy.” I scream with tears running down my face and the next thing I know Jon slams his lips into mine and forcefully shoves me into the side of my car and I instantly feel myself getting lost in the kiss missing the feeling of his lips on mine. He starts to pull at my blazer which them makes my sense kick in and realize what I’m doing and shove him away and I can see the dark rings of lust that lay in his eyes.

“Jon no let me go.” I say trying to break out of his grip and he just places his lips on mine again. “Jon I said no let me go.” I say slapping him across the face with my left hand which should be the home of my wedding band which Jon noticed.

“Where’s your ring?” he asks.

“I don’t wear it, you broke up with me remember, but if you want it back I’ll gladly bring it back for you.” I say opening my car door.

“I’m coming with you,” He says opening the passenger door.

“Jon, just let me go, I don’t want to deal with this.” I say giving him a glare.

“Becca, just let me come along I’m sorry.” He says as I start the car up.

“Jon it’s going to take a lot more then I’m sorry to fix things.” I say.

“Well at least it’s a start.” He says placing his hand on my thigh and I start the drive off towards my apartment not realizing what I was getting myself into.
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I am so sorry for the wait but it's summer and I hardly have anytime to do anything but I really promise to write more often I have the next update started and I'll finish it tonight and update maybe after work tomorrow
Also I'm sorry if i sound creepy I just know kinda a lot about the Canucks and I'm afraid to show it hahaha.
