The Meeting

The Beginning

Chapter 1

Thirteen. Thirteen months I've missed out on. Thirteen hundred times I’ve begged to be home. And thirteen people I’ve left behind.

The day was May 20, 2013. It was cold, wet, and dreary. I just found out away for me to leave this place I’ve called home, but in order to get out, I have to die. Completely that is. You see I’m a vampire and a werewolf and that is a very bad thing. The Council ordered a banishment for me; so I’m going to this school in the mountains. The school is the best one in existence, so they say. And I’m leaving everything behind to go . . .

First day. Okay, you can do this I thought to myself as I put on a skin tight black and white shirt and pulled on a black mini skirt with fish net hosiery on underneath. Next, my hair; a disaster I thought as I brushed out my elliptic brown hair. Finally, I put my Firestone necklace around my neck. “Destiny Thorn! Hurry up or you’ll be late,” yelled a very annoyed housekeeper, “I won’t tell you again.” I sigh and walk out of my room. “I’m coming. Just hold on.” I yelled from atop the stairs. I turn to go back to my room to get my MP3 player from my table, when I see something out of the corner of my eye. “What the hell,” I said, walking to the spot. “Destiny,” Something whispered. Then that’s when I bolted. I went flying down the stairs and ran into something hard. A man? I thought. Wait no a young man who looked to be my age. He wore black pants and shirt, he had strait black hair with red tips that fell into his face. “S-sorry about that.” I stuttered trying not to look at him and picking up the books I just dropped. “That’s all right. It happens all the time,” he lies “hey, your Destiny Thorn, right?” said the boy holding out his hand. “I’m Darron.” Standing up to face him I thought: Oh My God he is so gorgeous.“Yes I am, and nice to meet you.” I said. “But if you don’t mind me asking: What are you doing here in the girl’s dorm?” In a serious, yet relaxed tone he said, “I’m your guide. I’m here to make sure you get to your classes and don’t get lost.” I must have looked puzzled because what he said next was the creepiest or the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. “We volunteer to be guides and we even get to pick our charges. And well I picked you.” He sounded kinda embarrassed when he said it. “Thanks? If you don’t mind what do you mean by charge?” I said though still confused. “Our charge is whom we will be spending the rest of our life helping.” He said then added, “Let’s get you to class so you don’t get into trouble.”
I was walking from my last class to the dorm when I heard two girls talking and stopped at the corner to listen to what they were saying. “Did you hear who chose the new girl for their charge?” the first girl who wore black pants and a blood red shirt said. Her hair was also black and it fell into her face.“Wasn't it Darron?” the second one said who wore a corseted white and red dress with her blond hair about shoulder length. “She must have requested him or something. He’s like the hottest guy here. No offense. Besides he never helps, anyone not even when you showed up two years ago and your like his sister,” The Second girl said. Two years? How old is he then?

I decided that I would just study in the library until the two gossipers were done with their gossip. That was the first time I felt like someone was there and then I heard it. “Hey there you are,” Darron said as he ran up to me. “Destiny, what’s wrong? You don’t look to good,” he sounded like something was very wrong with me. Like I was sick or something. Sense I didn't quite hear his questions I asked, “How long have you been here? How old are you? Why didn't you tell me you had a sister?” He looked shocked by what I said. “ Why are you asking these questions?” I was about to fall over but I didn’t want him to see so I said, “I just want an answer. And answer them truthfully.” He sighed. “I’m 17 just like you. I’ve been here four years. And my sister and I haven’t spoken sense she came here two years ago.” I nodded my head to cover up the fact that I didn’t fell well. “Okay now I will answer your question: No, I am not all right I feel very light headed and about to fall over at any moment. About the other thing I’m okay I guess except I overheard two girls having a conversation about how they think that I must have requested you to be my guide or something because you never did guiding, not even when your sister showed up here two years ago. ” This time I fell over and Darron caught me and said, “I think I need to get you to the nurse NOW.”

August 30, 2013. “Has she had anything to eat at all?” I heard the nurse say. “No she said that she was full from the day before and didn’t think she could take one more sip.” The tone in his voice sounded as if his world was falling apart. “As you are her sole mate you should be worried but as her guide you should have brought her here as soon as you saw she wasn’t looking right.” The nurse said in a very low tone that I could barely hear her. “Is she going to be alright as long as she eats all her meals?” he asked. “Yes she will be just fine.” I moved my arm only a fraction of an inch and somehow he picked up on that little movement and was by my side in a second. “Destiny. Hey your finally awake.” he then gave me a very soft but protective hug and said, “I was so worried. You have been here for three months. I thought that you weren’t going to make it.” I strained to sit up so that he could sit down next to me on the bed. “Three months. What happened? All I remember was that we were talking in the hall way and I was really dizzy and I tried to not fall over quite a few times.” He sighed. “You were dehydrated. You need to feed the vampire side of you or else you will get very sick. And that would not be a good thing. The werewolf side needs to be feed too, but not as much.” he said while he cupped my face in his hand. I felt a spark flash from his hand onto my face, but it didn’t hurt and he seamed to be shocked by the spark but he didn’t seem to be hurt. “So you’re my sole mate. I was awake and heard you and the nurse talking about what you should have done and what you did do.” he looked like a thousand pounds was taken off of him. “Yes we are sole mates and old soles. We are always drawn to each other no matter what.” I was puzzled. “Old Soles? I thought that was a legend. Wait so we have lived many lives together then.” I said, then remembering the last time we were together in our past life. I had died in his arms. I didn’t feed when I needed to and had slipped into a coma like now but never woke back up. I started to cry. “Dez what’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” he asked in a very worried tone. He started to look to see if he did. “ I remember. I remember everything. I am so sorry that I startled you like that again especially after you just got me back.” I said weeping into his shoulder as he hugged me. “It’s okay. Really it is. See I’m still here and I’m not going anywhere.”
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First time publishing a story. Hope you like it. My best friend, Aricka, and I have worked really hard on it. ^.^