The Meeting


Chapter 2

“Oh look if it isn’t little miss three month coma.” said a very annoyed girl the next morning to me as I walked into my trigonometry class. It was the blond haired girl from the hallway. “You have fun on your little vacation. Bet you felt special having Darron there when you woke up.” she remarked. “Hey don’t be mad at me just because he and I are sole mates and old soles and the fact that he didn’t want to be with you even before I showed up.” I commented. Then walked in our teacher Mr. White and as he did he said to us, “Rose, Destiny, if you are going to fight then take it out side. I will not tolerate having students fight in my classroom. Is that understood?” We turned, glared at each other and then said at the same time, “Yes Mr. White.” He clapped his hands together. “Good now if you will take your seats we will continue class.” He finished.

The class drug on for what seemed like hours when finally the bell rang. “Destiny can I talk to you for a moment?” asked Mr. White at the end of class. “Sure but I am going to be late for Tech if I stay too long.” I replied. “Oh don’t worry about any of your other classes. You now only have one class a day and it will be spent teaching you to remember your past lives,” he said. “Okay then what all do you need?” I said in an embarrassed voice. “You will no longer be in any class as a student but as a helper. Do you understand why that is?” I was so confused now. “No, I don’t know but I have a feeling I know why. Is it about when I was in my mini coma?” He looked calm but alarmed as if I had read his mind about what he was going to say. He Sighs. “You finished and took all of your homework, quizzes, tests and exams all in just that short period of time. You gave us images about what the answers were and what they were going to be without even a second thought.” He seemed as though I was the smartest student he had ever seen. “Um sir, if you don’t mind, what do you mean I finished everything with images. Like images from my mind, like being a mind projector or something. Are you saying I’m Telekinetic or whatever you call it where you can say, read, and do things with your mind.” He smiled. “Destiny that is exactly what happened. We have never had anyone at this school do something that extraordinary, well sense the last time you were here. You see that book over there if you really wanted it you could get it with your mind or read it or even blow it up. But we won’t get into that now you need to get back to your’s and Darron’s dorm and rest.” Mr. White finished. “Okay. Wait Darron and my room? I thought that was prohibited for mixed gender rooms.” I said. “Well it is but you and Darron are the exception. Good day.” “Good day.” I said leaving his room.

“There she is the star student the exception to every teachers’ rule.” said Rose as I was about ten meters away from the classroom door. “Well nice to see you too, Rose. Now if you don’t mind I really have to go.” I said trying not to start a fight. Not now anyways. I need to feed I thought. “Thought that you could embarrass me in front of the entire class well think again.” she said as her fist flew past my face. “You think that is going to scare me? Think again.” I spoke as I used my mind to pick up a stone and throw it at her. “You have no idea who you’re messing with.” She let out a cry when the stone hit her and she looked at me and with furry in her eyes and vengeance in her voice screamed, “What the hell was that. Did you just throw a stone at me?” I was borderline of furry now that I knew she wasn’t about to give up. “Yeah with my mind you stupid girl. I’m an old sole. One of the oldest from what I remember I was once queen of the vampires. So if you will stop wasting my time I will spare your miserable little life. Is that clear?” I said in the most calming voice I could. “Oh. Oh my god, it really is you Queen Desiree. I will not bother you again.” Rose said as she began to back away. “Oh I almost forgot you will not tell anyone of whom I was in my past life or you will pay the consequences.”