The Meeting

Sibling Reunion

Chapter 3

“Destiny, you can’t do this to yourself again. Not this time. I won’t let you.” said my very angry boyfriend. “But Darron, it was the only way I could get her off my back. Do you really think I want what happened years ago to repeat its self? Plus how long can I stay here with my past lives staring back at me as I walk from place to place in time? Someone will notice I look exactly the same.” I said, pleading my case. “You know I don’t want that. And I’m not queen anymore. I’m just a princess now. I don’t have to be queen in this lifetime or the next.” He sighed. “We have to leave as soon as possible. Now that you have let the world’s biggest gossiper know who you were she will tell everyone if it is in her best interest to.” He said with sadness in his tone. “I also have something I would like to tell you. I am not a vampire. I am a werewolf.” I stared at him in disbelief. But I regain my senses and said to him in the most loving tone, “I knew you were something different, I just couldn’t tell how. I love you no matter what you are. We were together in the past and we will be together now. No matter what, I am yours forever.” He leaned in to give me a kiss when all of a sudden lights were everywhere. I looked around to see where they were coming from and when I turned back to where Darron was standing and he was not there. What have I gotten myself into this time? “Destiny!!!” I hear a voice cry out. “Darron! Darron where are you?! I can’t- I can’t see anything.” I respond in a pleading voice hoping that the lights will go out. I stuck my arm out hoping I could feel where he was at. I had little power left after facing Rose and was very tired anyway. “Destiny they’re right behind you.” he cried and to someone else he yells, “Can’t you see that you are killing her. She won’t stand another second in there. You really are monsters to your own kind as you are ot others.” I began to tremble from the loss of energy and hope that I was ever going to be rid of this curse. The curse that has been bestowed upon me in every lifetime I have encountered. I dread the thought that I will yet again perish within a month’s time of my eighteenth birthday. I began coughing and then spitting blood. Clots of blood scrapping against my throat. It hurts so much that it’s like being drowned against your will. “Destiny!! Let me go! I need to be with her!” Darron cries. He breaks free from his capturers, running up to me and he curses when he seen how much blood I had already lost. “Dez, oh my god. Everything is going to be ok.” he says pushing back the fragments of hair from my face. I could see him trying to hold back tears. “Dez did you feed today?” I shook my head and said in a horse tone, “No I was just going to get something to eat when I met up with you.” What he did next was the bravest thing I had ever seen in my life. He took his knife out of his pocket and cut his arm deep enough for it to bleed. “Here, Drink. Remember I told you I can’t lose you again.” I stared wide-eyed at him a moment and then did the hardest thing I had ever done. I drank the blood of the man I love. “Okay, I’m good. Darron you can take your arm back now.” I said to him with energy in my voice. “Are you sure? You still look a little down. I can spare the loss of more blood.” He said, covering up his cut. “No I’ll be fine now. See, I’m already healing.” Looking into his eyes I saw that of what I never could have imagined. It was the look of true love.
That night we discussed what had happened. “They were of your blood. They work for the high court and your parents.” he started. “They want to see how much you can take because your brothers will be here in a week’s time.” He looked as though it were a big mistake for them being here. “What are they, crazy? Do they not remember what happened the last time we were all together. William, Marcus, and Lustat are all dangerous to anyone they come in contact with.” I said thinking about last year at the castle. I shuttered at the tought. “I will not stand for this humiliation again. We stay till they are out of here.”

The next day I remained in my dorm. I didn’t want to see anyone except my Darron. Word is starting to spread about my brothers’ arrival at the end of the week. William is a werewolf; Marcus is a vampire and Lustat is a mix like me. William and Marcus are twins as are I and Lustat. I’m the oldest. Lucky me. I was born Destiny Rose Thorn, Princess of Vampires and an outcast to the werewolf community that Will belongs to. Lets just say Will and I don’t get along at all. We are very territorial. Very.

The day that my brothers are to show up, I am forced to see them around. Being family and all. “Dez. There’s my favorite sister.” greets Lustat giving me a big hug. “Lustat, nice to see you. Staying out of trouble are we?” I asked in a knowing voice. “Oh you know me. Have to these days.” next to arrive was Marcus. “Hello Marcus. Nice to see you. You have a good flight.” I said making a joke about how he got here. He gave me a warm smile and a big hug. “Nice to see you too, Dez. And yes I did have a good flight. Good night for it too.” he commented looking up towards the velvety black sky. “Well we are just waiting for William now.” I said. And speak of the devil here he came gliding up the platform. “Hello William.” I said trying to put every horrid thing aside, for now anyway. He just sneered at me in revolt and said, “Hello Destiny. Staying out of fights are we, oh wait I hear they had to examine your power to make sure it was harmless for us to be in the same room let alone the same school.” He remarked. “Yeah well I wouldn’t pester me if you knew what was good for you.” I commented. Getting ready for what could happen next. “I remember everything from every life and it does come in handy.” He looked at me and smiled. And with a questionably misleading tone he said, “Is that a threat I’m quite use to threats by now no thanks to you, sis.” That blow hurt. “Don’t you be putting this on me. I tried to get you to like me when we were mere children but all you ever want to do is fight, and thanks to that little test of yours I am now covering up my scars from the light that they used.” I said, very annoyed, with a frown on my face and fear in my heart. “Oh and don’t worry about us fighting I’ll be out of here in no time, so you don’t have to put up with me.” I said storming off back to my room.

Then the sense I have begun to love came. But this one wasn’t as familiar, same thing, different being. I was alone. No one would hear me if I screamed. I hid behind a pillar and waited for the person to pass. Then what it said was creepy. “Destiny. Oh Destiny come out, come out where ever you are.” I must have done something because the being was right in front of me. “There you are. Now I have come to apologize for what I said earlier, I don’t want us to fight in this lifetime too.” the voice said. “William,” I whispered. “I know it’s not true. So why have you really come. Be honest.” I finished in a louder voice. He came closer until he was about an inch away. “I came,” he started, “here to, to.” I could tell that he was having trouble choosing his words so I interrupted. “Came here to do what? kill me before I turn eighteen like every other time.” I started laughing until I heard the one word that shattered my heart. “Exactly. But I can’t, not now anyways.” I stood there flabbergasted. “Dez! Oh, Dez, there you are.” Darron said giving me a huge, protecting hug. “And you,” Darron said looking towards William, “you can’t kill Dez not this time. You thought that your parents could send you here to kill her, well when you go back tell them that she doesn’t want the thrown. Ever.” William let out a sigh and said, “It’s not the thrown they are wanting her dead for it’s for being in love with you.” Tears began to spillover from my eyes down my cheeks and landed on Darron’s palm. I choked out a sob and said, “This is what the whole thing is about, me being in love with Darron? They should be the ones to talk. All those past lives, all that pain, for what? To kill me every time I come back. Do they have any idea how much pain I have been through?” William looked at me and I thought that at that moment that my heart would stop. “I don’t think that they know how much they hurt you and I never want to do that to you again. And if they send someone else to kill you I will protect you. That is why I came here to make sure that you are safe until your eighteenth birthday.”
“You know he could be lying.” Darron said as we walked to our room. “He isn’t.” I calmly replied. “But how do you know that.” “Because he’s my brother. I would know if he was lying to me. Trust me I’m the one who taught him how to lie.” I spoke trying to remain calm. “Ok if you believe him then I believe him.”

Rome 1800, The Thorn Coven, Desiree. “Desiree! Mother and Father are really starting to get impatient, so quicken your pace,” Called Marcus from the bottom of the banister. “Tell them to stop being impatient and that I will be down in a moment,” I replied whilst leaning over the rail. “Okay, be it your head this time,” he recalled. I turn back to my room, walk into the door, and there it is. The most elegant dress in the entire colony. It’s a vibrant midnight blue, short and is lined with satin. That dress is to die for and I’m the only one that has one. Scar, Nicky and Tori all wanted it for themselves but I’m the favorite. Next the exquisitely dark and shining firestone necklace in the world and it also is my protector from the light. I stare at my self in the mirror and I think: if I didn’t have to go to this stupid party I could see my Derrick. God how I love him so. Then I heard a noise outside my door. “Hello? Anyone there?” I called. Knock, Knock, Knock. The sound seamed as though it were coming from everywhere. “Desiree, open the door.” came a low and husky voice from behind. Walking over to the door I get that feeling of sudden paranoia. “William! What in heaven and hell are you doing up here?” Today is Will and Mark’s 16th birthday. Lustat and I are only a year older then them but I am the oldest. Will doesn’t seem like he’s in a good mood today I noted. “Mother and father sent me to tell you that your presents is needed. They said it was very important and that you go to their study, they need to see you right away.” he said in a very saddened voice. “Ok I’m ready enough don’t you think.” I cheerfully replied, spinning around for him to see the full dress. Down the stairwell I went strait into my parents study. My happy mood suddenly evaporated as soon as I walked onto the threshold, and you’ll never believe what I saw...

Present time, Darron and Destiny. Someone was calling my name when I woke up from my daydream. Or was it a daydream. “Destiny where did you go?” said the voice. He had his arm around my waist, so I think it was Darron. “Rome. I was in Rome, 1800,” I replied automatically, “I think it was Will and Mark’s 16th birthday. Their first one I mean.” Darron had this look as though he knew what day I was speaking of, October 31 of 1800. “Is everything alright?” I asked, quite afraid of what the answer might be. “Destiny, that’s the day you died. The very first time that is.” Fear plunged through out my entire body. That was the first life that I remember but I feel as though I was the first of the vampires. “Why would I need to relive that moment in time if that’s the day I died.” Then someone from the corner of the room answered that question with what sounded like pleasure in their voice. “Because you missed what the real problem was. You were pregnant with his child,” the person said as she walked towards us. “Nicky,” I whispered as soon as I saw her.