Just The Way I'm Not

High school bullies

*May 12th 2008*

I was walking through the school hall way I walked to my locker and got my books out that I needed, just as I shut my locker I saw a blonde haired guy he was tall, probably taller than me I sighed as they came my, way.

They were the high school bullies always picked on people who kept themselves to themselves, the ones who never spoke much and kept their grades up. And I was one of them. The leader was called Kyle Burns he thought he ruled this school hah I think he forgot about the jocks on the team they also were bullies of this school.

“Merrick I thought I told you not to come in today” Kyle said he says that every time but he never does anything about it. I heard that once he beat up some kid and put him in hospital, but it never bothered him just made his ego bigger. I couldn’t help but stand there and not say anything I was sure if I said something he’d beat the shit out of me. “Well Merrick what you gota say?” he asked I could see the anger in his eyes and I could see his fist clenching up.

Just as he was about to take a swing for my face someone yelled my name “Zack I been looking for you every where” a boy shouted, he had brown eyes and sandy hair, he walked closer to me and I knew instantly who he was Alex Gaskarth. He was a cool dude but we never really spoke until now. “Ugh hey Alex” I replied nervously. Kyle looked at me and gave me a glare and was gone in seconds.

“Thanks for that you didn’t have too” I said as small smile appeared on the older boys lips. “No worries you’re more than welcome to sit with us at lunch if you like” he replied I smiled and nodded happy that I had made a new friend.

Kyle hadn’t even tried to start anything with me today not since this morning, Alex was by my side all day and I was actually thankful for that. Thankful that he spent his time with me when he could have been with his friends. “hey why don’t I introduce you to my friends” he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his friends in the canteen.

I saw a lanky boy shoving food into his mouth; he had blonde strikes and a huge nose. There was another guy with him, he had long black hair that went to his shoulders he was a bit chubby. “Guys this is Zack” Alex said as he sat down in his seat next to the lanky boy, he kissed the lanky boy and wrapped his arm around his waist. Was he gay? Not that I don’t mind or anything, I waved as I sat down next the dark haired boy.

“I’m jack” the lanky one introduced himself to me and leaned over to shake my hand. I shook his hand and smiled shyly. “I’m Rian” and jus as Rian said his name a girl came over and sat on his lap pressing her lips to his. I smiled and just sat there and took my lunch out of my bag. I knew that I’d make friends with these guys Alex seemed cool. And I was glad he had came when he did just to piss Kyle off even more.
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so a little bit into there past PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT tell me what you think I HATE SILENT READERS so dont be scared to tell me if its crap.