He Had Me at Bonjour

Day One


Yea that woke me up alright. I rolled out of my queen sized bed hitting the laminate roughly, since I couldn’t untangle my body from the duvet that cocooned me. My ass hurt from the fall, and I felt it as I stood up. "Why the fuck does he always come home screaming all the time?” I grumbled as I fixed my boxers after pulling them up. I decided to go without a shirt , before leaving my bedroom. Walking down the white hall I yawned, and saw Mikey along with Frank, of course, sitting at my kitchen table.

“What the fuck is your problem screaming like that?!?” I shouted at him angrily.

Mikey simply smiled and ran over to hug me. I hugged him back awkwardly, as I looked at Frank. He smiled at me and waved slightly. I shrugged my brother off of me and looked at him in the face.

“ What the fuck do you want?” I asked folding my arms over my untoned chest.

“WillyoubeachaperoneformyclasstriptoParis?” He blurted all into one sentence.

“ How do you do that?" I asked, completely oblivious to his actual question, instead mesmerized by his ability to talk without breathing.

“ GERARD?! Are you going to chaperone for us or not?” He asked shoving a flyer along with a few permission slips and chaperone slips into my face.

“ Sure, whatever.” I grumbled. “Now gimmie both of your slips so I can sign them. When is the trip?”

“Next Friday.” Frank chirped in.

I nodded. Okay good, enough time for me to take off work for a few days. Then I looked at both Mikey and Frank. “Hey, you two need to go clean up your shithole of room, it smells like dirty balls and cheese in there." Frank giggled and Mikey gagged, causing me to laugh too.

Let me give you a little background on our makeshift family. Mikey is my younger brother, not by much though, and Frank is his boyfriend. They both live with me, and I am their legal caretaker. Our parents died in a car crash caused by a drunk driver. All four were dead on the scene, so I stepped up to take care of the two idiots. It’s their senior year, and it’s their last trip as highschoolers. Frank skipped a grade of two, because he is pretty bright. We all have jobs, so we all pitch in with rent and whatnot. Life has been pretty good with them actually.

~* ~*~ * ~

I left the apartment about an hour after the boys had arrived, I was headed to work. I had no reason to drive, since I worked right around the corner at Barnes & Nobel. I walked in and went directly to the back, checking in and looking around, to see if any new postings were up on the employee billboard. Nope, nothing. I sighed and began to look around, for my boss Henry. He happened to be in his office, Lucky me. I knocked on the door lightly and got a loud ‘come in’ and that was what I did.

“Henry, I need to take the next two weeks off, my brother is going to Paris, and I am required to go with him. But the trip isn’t until next Friday. “ I said firmly, knowing that’d he’d say yes. Why wouldn’t he, I am an amazing employee. Henry grunted, and nodded.

Fuck. Yes.
I walked out of his office happily , before going to the register. I had cashier duty tonight, and it sucked because tonight was always one of our busiest nights. I sighed and began ringing people up, having to give them a fake smiled so that they were satisfied. Once my line cleared out, I had to go scope the floor for any misplaced books and put them where the belonged, which is the worst job ever. By far.
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Eh This is kinda short, but it is just to give you a feeling of what this will be about. I guess.

HA. So we are back, re writing our Gerandy? Andrard? Someone come up with a name for this pairing please.
- Ryan