Status: active :)

All's Good With Love and Baseball

Chapter 1

“Do you really have to go to Omaha, we won’t be able to see each other for like a month!” My best friend Lissa complained over the phone. Tomorrow I was being forced to go to Omaha, Nebraska for three weeks for my twin brother’s baseball tournament.
“I’m sorry but I have to go unless I can stay at your house for a month. Oh, and my mom has to be cool with it. Good luck with that.” I said.
“Well I bet she would say yes to me, maybe not you, but she loves me.”
“True very true, haha” she laughed with me. I was whirling around my room trying to cram my whole closet into two suit cases. Needless to say it wasn’t working. “ Hey Lissa I got to go I have to finish packing I will talk to you all 10 hours there.” “ If you go back on your word I will hunt you down girl”
“ haha you are too funny but I wont go back on my promise okay love ya.”
“Love ya” the line went dead I hit the end button and threw the phone on my bed. I needed a bigger suit case, maybe Ty had one. I walked through Ty and I’s Jack and Jill bathroom. I knocked on the sliding door to Ty’s room. “ Come on in Tay.” I slid the door open and stepped in the navy blue room.
“ Hey do you have a big suitcase, bigger than mine.”
“ Um… Taylor can I ask why you need a bigger suitcase? Yours are big enough.”
“Well you know me I’m not organized I’m just cramming as much stuff as I can into two suitcases, and its not working out very well.” He laughed, “ Ya you would do something like that, I think I might have a huge suitcase though.” He walked over to the small door in the corner of his room that led to the attic where we keep the luggage. He pulled out a giant pink suitcase with green fancy letters on the front that spelled “Taylor”
“ Is this the suitcase mom got when we went to Europe for a month!” he nodded. “ Oh my God I always wondered where this was!”
“It’s been sitting in my closet forever.”
“Well I’m going to go finish packing good night!”
“ Night sis love ya” I walked out the door a slid it closed. The one giant suitcase was bug enough to hold all of my clothes, while the other smaller suitcase held my toiletries and make up and things like that. When I was finally done I looked at the clock, it was 12:30. I yawned, it was time for me to sleep. I undressed and threw on my coca-cola pajama pants we had gotten in georgia at the coca-cola museum and my Rocket Baseball t-shirt. I slipped under the covers and quickly fell asleep.
When I woke up it was not of natural causes, it was Jack my little brother. He was shaking me awake. “Sissy get up we have to go!” I groaned and sat up in bed.
“Ok Jack give me 5 minutes and I’ll be downstairs.” he smiled and left the room. I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed threw my pj’s in the suitcase and put on my pink and black zebra striped soffe shorts that read dance in white letters across the butt. I put on a plain black t-shirt and threw my hair in a bun on the top of my head. Since I was being subjected to riding on the bus with the team instead of in the car with the parents, I might as well look nicer. I tied a pink zebra striped ribbon around my messy bun, brushed my teeth put my glasses on, too tired to put contacts in, grabbed my phone, dropped it in my purse, and grabbed my two suitcases and wlked to the kitchen. When I came in my whole family was seated around the circular wooden breakfast table. My parents both greeted me with murmered good mornings. My mom asked “ Did you pack stuff to do on the way there?”
“Oh crap knew I forgot something! Do I have time to throw a few things in a bag?”
“Sure, of course.” I ran back to my room. I grabbed my white and black polka doted bag. I put my little pink and yellow notebook laptop computer, Ipod touch, and about 10 books in the bag. I grabbed the chargers for everything and went back into the kitchen. “ Got everything?” My dad asked.
“Well let’s go the bus leaves in thirty minutes.”
“Dad do we have time to go by Starbucks on the way there, or Sonic.”
“ Sure. Come on go get in the car.” I slung the bag and my purse over my shoulder and walked to the car. I slid into the bucket seat. We stopped by Sonic and got my usual a Route 44 Diet cherry coke. It tasted so good and the bubbles felt good in my throat. In about 10 minutes we were in the school parking lot right by the giant purple bus. It was a nice bus not like a yellow school bus, maybe the ride wouldn’t be so bad. I got out of the car, Ty came around the car to take both of my bags out of my hands to carry them. “ Thanks.” I murmured before I took another big sip of my drink.
“Hey it’s the least I can do you are agreeing to ride on a bus full with high school boys and three weeks of baseball.”

“Well I didn’t have a choice but thank you anyway.”
“Come on let’s get on the bus.” we walked together to the bus doors where his coach stood. “ Hey coach!” Ty greeted him. Coach Streaker smiled “ Well well well if it isn’t Ty and Taylor. Taylor I heard you were brave enough to take the bus.” he laughed, I would have normally but I was still not awake. “ Ok well you two are checked in go on in and take a seat.”
“Thanks,” Ty and I said as we walked up the steps onto the bus. On the bus was the rest of the team we were the last ones as usual. All the guys gave ty high fives and fist bumps as we walked by there was a set of seats open in the middle of the bus and Ty pointed to it, “Here ok?”
“Sure its fine.”
“SO do you wan the window or the aisle seat?”
“You didn’t think I was going to let you sit alone did you?” one of his eyebrows raised.
“Well you don’t have to do that Im just going to be sleeping and reading and writing the whole way there. So if you want to go sit with Aaron you can.”
“Well actually its 10 hours with you as the only girl on the bus I’m sitting next to you to protect you from teenage hormones.” he chuckled. I laughed with him. " I'll take the window seat." I slid into the seat and Tyler handed me my bags I leaned my chair back and got my laptop and Ipod out and set my bags on the floor. I opened my laptop and pressed the power button. I put the earbuds from the Ipod in my ears and unlocked it. I started scrolling through my music. Ty nudged me, " Im going to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back."
"K" I found a random playlist and pressed the play button. I set in my lap under my laptop. I opened Word Processor and sat there trying to think of what to right about. I write all the time and have written almost every type of book on the planet, but today I felt like starting something totally new something original. I had no idea what to write about. Soon I realized that someone was looking at me. I turned and it wasnt Ty next to me, oit was Aarin Ty's best friend and the guy who had a major crush on me. Ugh where was Ty when you needed him. " Good morning gorgeous." he said as a smile broke across his face. I ignored him and looked back to my computer. " What are you doing?" I still didnt answer. " Why wont you answer me?" He tapped me on the shoulder, I turned and I came up with a lame excuse. I took the earbud out of my ear," What?"
" Were you not listening to me?"
"Oh you were talking to me sorry my music was kind of loud."
"Oh his frown turned into a grin and I sighed when someone standing behind Aarin cleared his throat. It was Tyler, just when you need him he shows up. Aarin turned around, " Dude your in my seat."
"Oh hey Ty," he said as he stood up and moved back to his seat. I leaned over and whispered into his ear " Thank you" Ty laughed, " Anytime."
My phone rang, it was Lissa. " Hey Lissa, wats up?"
"Oh nothing much except that I made captain of the volleyball team!"
" Congratulations I'm so proud! So what do you do as captain?"
"Um...... good question. Well I've got to go to workouts I'll text you afterwords k love ya bye." She hung up the phone and I tossed the little blue phone in my purse. " So Lissa made captain huh."
" Ya you should probably call her seeing as your her boyfriend and all."
"Ya probably." he stood up so he could pull his green phone out of his red and black plaid fleece pajama pants. He dialed and I put the earbud back in my ear so I wouldnt have to listen to the mushy gushy lovey stuff he was about to say. I stared at the computer screen I gave up on writing, I wasnt awake enough to think. I decided that I should either take a nap or wait until the caffiene kicked in. I folded up my computer and slipped it back in the bag, with a sigh I leaned my chair back and closed my eyes. In a few minutes Tyler nudged me. "Hey I was told to remind you that you promised you would talk to Melissa the whole way after she gets out of workouts." Tyler was one of the only people who called Lissa by her whole name. It sounded funny when he said Melissa sometimes I had to remind myself that that was Lissa.
" Oh ya thanks for the reminder." I leaned back on the chair, " I would try to stay awake and talk to you but I dont think thats possible without another couple of hours of sleep."
" I think I'm gonna zonk out here in a second too. Do you want a blanket I brought one. "
" Na I'm good thanks though see you in a couple of hours."I curled my knees into my chest and closed my eyes. I fell easily into sleep.
When I woke up the sun was bright outside the window but it wasnt the sun that woke me one my phone was buzzing and two it felt like someone was staring at me. I looked at my phone it was 11:00 a.m. and I had 4 new messages all from Lissa no doubt. I answered the messages and sat up again. I had been right someone was staring at me, Aarin was in the set of seats across the aisle from me and Tyler, staring at me. " Yes Aarin? Can I help you?"
"Oh um no I'm good."
" Well could you please stop staring." he blushed and looked away. I looked where Ty was sleeping. I wish he was awake so I have someone to talk to. I leaned back in my seat and tried to fall back asleep or just look out the window so Aarin wouldnt know I was awake. God! He is so annoying. I could feel his eyes on me again, what would it take to get him away from me. I was now very thankful Tyler was sitting next to me. I fell asleep to the music from Ipod.
When I woke up it was because someone was shaking me awake. " Hey Tay time to wake up we are gonna eat lunch."
" Ty go away let me sleep."
" You do know I have enough strength to pick you up and carry you off the bus right?" he laughed.
"Then do it!" I challenged. Suddenly his arms were underneath me and I was in the air. " Hey! Ty put me down!"
" Hey you were the one that gave me permission." Ugh he was right, I never thought he would actually do it though. " Where are we?" I asked as we got to the front of the bus.
" We are in Missouri at a restraunt."
"Ok cool. Will you let me down now please?"
"How about when we get off the bus I let you down." I knew I wasnt going to win this fight, " Fine" suddenly the arm that was holding my legs up disapeared and the fell toward the ground.I stumbled back and Ty caught me, I turned around and shoved him " You are a jerk, you know that right?"
" Ya I'm aware of that." we laughed. Coach Streaker walked up to us, " You ok?" he asked.
"Ya I'm fine."
" Then why did Ty have to carry you out of the bus?"
"Oh she refused to get of the bus because she was tired so I fixed the problem." Tyler said half shoving me.
"Oh ok good. Well let's go eat." We walked up to a restraunt called Ole Missouri. Soon after we ate we were back on the bus and headed to Omaha. We still had 4 and a half hours left until we were there. Ty and I decided to keep ourselves busy by playing Words with friends on my Ipod four hours later I had 10 wins under my belt and he had 2. When we arrived at the hotel we all got off the bus Tyler carried my bags again. We walked into the extremely elegant, lugurious hotel. THis wasnt just an average hotel the rooms were 2 to 3 bedroom condos complete with a kitchen and a living room. There were two giant pools one indoor and one outdoor, there was a huge workout room which I was dreading but if I was going to look good in a swimsuit I had to work at it. The only thing I was dreading was sharing a room with the rest of our family for three weeks. No privacy at all. This meant that if I wanted to be alone my haven would have to be a treadmill. Ugh we walked in and my parents were at the counter checking in. " Hey" I said as we aproched the counter.
"Hey sweetie," she greeted us," How was the bus ride?"
"Um it was great? I guess." she laughed," You lie like a dog."
" Ya its kind of hard to relax when there is a guy with goo goo eyes staring at you for 10 hours." Tyler laughed as he set down our bags.
"Is it Aarin again?" My dad questioned, I nodded. He let out a laugh, " persistent isnt he?"
" You have no idea," I let out with a sigh. Then my dad handed me a key." You and Ty are in room 506 and we are right down the hall in 509."
" Wait I thought we were all sharing one condo?"
" Well we were but because you are going to be here for three weeks of nothing but baseball and you are making so many sacrifices that you shoukd be at least able to have your own bed."
" Thank you!" I gave both my parents big hugs and Ty and I started toward the elevator. When we were in the condo I took my bags to the master bedroom and came back out to where Ty was sitting on the couch about to turn on the tv. "Ok there is only one rule that is being inforced here." I announced, Tyler raised an eyebrow," Aarin does not under any cercumstances come in here."
"Thats probably a good idea." Ty laughed out.
" SO what do you want to do tonight?" I asked but I already knew the answer.
" Mega movie marathon?"
"You know it" we high fived and celebrated our movie marathons were something we did when the parental units werent around. We watched about 5 movies that my parents had forbidden us to watch. It was one of the reasons that Ty and I had bonded. We used to bicker all the time so my mom thought if she forced to spend a ton of time together we would stop. I t worked. " Hey I'm going to go ask mom what we are doing tonight and if we can get the car keys so we can go get movies" I stated while opening the door he grunted and I left the room.
I walked down the hall and knocked on room 509, Jack answered the door. " Hey can I come in?" I asked.
He frowned, " No unless I can sleep with you guys in your room." he crossed his arms thinking he had me.
"Um well that's not my call. Ask mom and dad."
" Urrrr fine come in." he grumbled. He folded his hands across his chest and stepped aside so I could go in. When I came in my parents were sitting on the coach and my dad was watching a baseball game. " Hey," I said as I entered the room. They turned to face me," Hey Tay how's the room?" My mom questioned.
"It's great, thank you so much. Um Ty and I were wondering if we could borrow the car."
" What for?" My dad asked
" Well Ty and I were going to order pizza and have a movie marathon to break in our new home."
" Oh that sounds reasonable, hon let them borrow the car." My mom said. My dad grunted in agreement and handed me the keys. I took the keys and left the room. When I got back to the room Ty was on the coach watching the sports channel. " Hey got the keys," I said as I dangled the keys in front of his face.
" Sweet I'll drive!" he said as he reached for the keys, I pulled them out of the way.
"Nope I'm going to drive Ha!" he grunted " Fine let's go" he pulled his butt off the coach and we walked toward the front door. When we got back we ordered pizza. We opened the first DVD and popped it into the DVD player. 7 movies later we were both half asleep on the coach. " Ok you've got a game tomorow and I need to sleep we will continue tomorow." I yawned
" That sounds like a good idea." He got off the coach and then helped me up,"See you in the morning." he grunted in agreement and went to his room and shut the door. I decided to do the same. When I curled up in my bed I attempted to think of story ideas but I failed. I couldnt muster up even one idea. I was pathetic I used to think up whole stories before I even had time to get it all down on paper. I was suffering a serious case of writers block. So I fell asleep frustrated with myself.