Status: Thinking 'bout it


Coffee Flavored

"Say! Say! Salem get up!"

Slowly opening my eyes and turning my head, I saw Johna frantically waving at me with a giant smile on her face. I unlocked the door so she could jump into the passengers seat. "Hey Johna." I yawned.

"Don't 'Hey Johna' me. Where's your permission slip?"

"Um," Rubbing my eyes, I reached into the back for my bag and pulled out a few crumpled pieces of paper. "What did that look like again?"

She thumped me on the back of the head before handing me a bright pink piece of paper. "I made it so you can't possibly lose it this time. Silver turned his in forever ago, so hurry up and get it signed."

"Yeah yeah, stop freaking out." Though saying it wont stop her.

Mornings always make Johna panic, her excuse being that if she wakes up with things to do then she didn't have time to do them the night before which meant that she had wasted too much time and would be late with something. She never considers that she only has something to do because she needed other peoples' help with it and no one had done it because it was only a day or so after they got the task. The definition of an overachiever, that's what she was. She just really didn't want to repeat her senior year again.

"The trip is Thursday, Say! You only have three days left to get it signed! Come on, this is the first thing I'm in charge of this year, help me out here. I already got mine signed."

"Johna, that's because you're legal and don't actually need anyone to sign it. Calm down, my mom gets home today, I'll get her to sign it later." Closing my eyes, I leaned my head back.

Not having gotten too much sleep the night before, my eyelids pulled towards the ground. Every time I finally managed to fall asleep, Silver would pop up and announce he was gay, looking as cute and proud as he had when he actually had done it. It wasn't keeping me up in a bad way, like when you're little and think the monster under your bed might get you. But in a good way, like you're going to Disney World the next day and are too exited to sleep.

Even though I had nothing to be exited about, since I still have the misfortune of being his brother, I was still exited for him. His smile was so big I'm sure his cheeks probably still hurt from it and he bounced down the hall so high I swore he'd hit the ceiling. I do hope that it wasn't just his lack of sleep talking again, but he does seem to say more of what he's thinking when he's tired.

I wanted to talk to him about it, just because I was so enthused, but he headed straight to the bathroom, took a shower, then went to bed (or so he led me to believe). I figured I could just talk to him today, but I didn't see him after I woke up which was strange. When I went to see if he overslept I found him sound asleep, curled up with Cali pulled to his chest and his alarm clock still going off. He only mumbled, sneezed, and swatted around until he heard the slap of my hand, going back to sleep after that. I gave up on him after about ten seconds, I wasn't going to deny him his sleep just to go to school.

"Why are you so tired, babe?" Johna handed me her coffee, still steaming through the opening in the mug.

"Silvester told me he's gay."

Without missing a beat, Johna started pulling pamphlets out of her purse. "It's about time he told someone. Where is he?"

"At...home." Looking through the pile of pamphlets on the dashboard she was adding to, I couldn't help but laugh at the titles. 'Coming out.' 'Closets are for .' 'Gay is okay.' "Johna, what is this? You carry this stuff around?"

"Of course! I was just waiting for Silver to say something. Knowing him he's going to freak out when he tries to tell his mom, or anyone else for that matter. I was hoping he'd trust me enough to let me be one of the first."

"'Rainbow Redemption'." I read "For some reason, that doesn't sound too kind."

"Yeah, I got that one from church, I was scared to read it after I saw the picture inside."

Sure enough, on the inside was a very colorful and explicit picture involving rainbows, crosses, and some not too friendly phrases. "Yeah, I don't think we'll give him this one, his virgin eyes might not be able to handle it. Wh- Johna?"

"Yeah?" Dumping her bag out in her lap, she glanced over at me. "What's wrong?"

"Why do you have condoms in your purse?"

"Oh right!" Smiling wide, she oped the glove compartment and started shoving the different colored packs in by handfuls. "They're for you, in case you and Hayden play hookie in the middle of the day."

"Johna, I can honestly say that will never in a million years happen." Okay, so yeah, I was in a relationship for the sex. But that did not mean I was a whore that would randomly get it on in the middle of the school day. Just....never. And definitely not in my car.

"You say that now, but just wait." Johna turned around and grabbed my bag that I'd thrown back into the back seat. "Hey, speak of the devil."

Turning to see if she was talking about Hayden or Mrs. Devile, I froze at the sight. It was Hayden, that much was obvious, he was wearing khaki skinnies (Where he found them, I'll never know) and a light blue plaid button up long sleeved shirt. But I couldn't make out who's ass he was grabbing. I could know him, but our school isn't the kind where everyone knows everyone else.

Quick waves of different emotions passed over me then. Anger, jealousy, sadness, rage, slight hurt, and confusion. I disregarded the rest and settled on confusion. Did he not see me? Did the license plate fall off? Is he an idiot? Right behind my car is not the best place to be feeling some guy up. Unless of course he wanted me to see him, which I don't understand why he'd want that. That's a terrible way to break up with someone, it'd just make them angry and cause a scene, not that I ever did that.

If I think about it I probably deserved to be broken up with this way, since I am kinda leading him on, but still. And contrary to what people -mostly Johna and Ash- may think, I would be a little sad if he broke up with me. He's a cool kid, I liked hanging out with him, and he always tasted like oranges. I really like oranges.

A knock on my window made me snap back to the front. Yu was standing there in a red polo looking distressed and bouncing like she had to pee. Behind her was Ash looking like he'd gotten no sleep in a long sleeved royal blue button up shirt that, even though I hated to admit it, made his half black half blond hair look amazing and brought out his eyes. Though I will constantly make fun of him for wearing eye liner, I also have to admit that it does look amazing on him, especially when it's blue.

I motioned to the back and they both slid in, shutting the door behind them.

"Gods, your backseat is tiny." Ash complained as he shoved his knees into my back a few times.

"You're just giant." Yu said quickly as she swum around in her half. "Where's Silver?"

"At home, sleeping." Pulling my seat up to give Ash more room, I snatched my bag away from Johna who was trying to shove condoms in it. "I don't need those."

"I don't know." Ash said through a yawn. "Your boyfriend was out there dry humping Danny Dawson. That kid has three different kinds of STDs."

Turning back around, I glared at Ash. "How come you don't sound surprised?"

He shrugged. "I've seen them around."

"Thanks for telling me, Britshit."

"Hayden gave me thirty bucks to keep quiet, I needed new shoes." Lifting his foot up, he showed me a hard looking black pair of boot-like high tops. "Only twenty five bucks."

"You could spend the other five on your boyfriend." I said as I glanced at one of the many holes in his faded black jeans. "Oh wait, I guess you'd have to get one first."

Yu caught his arm before it could reach me. "If you guys don't fucking stop it I'm going to take a condom, stretch it over your head, and let it squeeze out whatever brain jizz is up there in those hollow skulls of yours, if any at all!"

That shut us up quick and just in time to see Conner's smiling face walk up to Johna's window. With the sleeves of his rich green button up shirt rolled halfway up his arm, you could see the irritated skin peaking through. He waved then looked into the back seat, immediately opening the door to slide in next to Yu.

"Gosh, Salem," He complained through his laughing smile. "your car is so teeny, geez."

"Yeah yeah, so I've heard." I sighed, rubbing the last hopes of a few seconds of sleep away from my eyes. "Next time we're sitting on the benches."

"Guys." Yu sounded almost in tears. "I didn't do my calculus homework. What am I going to do?"

"Clam down, Yu." I suggested. "It's only one assignment."

"It's not even the second marking period! I'm going to come off as a slacker in the first marking period!"

I looked at Conner for an explanation on Yu's odd behavior. Even I knew she didn't care this much about school, she planed to become a actor and if that didn't work out, a chef. Plus, she was just as smart as me and neither of us had to work very hard to get over a three point five GPA.

He smiled and mouthed the word 'period' to me before he shifted through his bag. "Here, copy mine. I triple checked it so everything should be correct."

"Con," Yu squinted at the paper. "what's up with your hand writing? Everything is all spaced out funny."

"Well, I couldn't see it when I was writing, so I used my brother's magnifying glass. So I stopped and started a lot while writing."

"Maybe you should invest in some glasses."

"Kitten," Ash leaned forward to peer onto the dashboard. "are those... are those coming out booklets?"

"Technically, they're pamphlets." I said trying to avoid the question I knew was next to come.

"Are those for Silvester?"

The car went silent then, every head turned towards me. I know I told Johna, but I told her everything. It got to the point when I sometimes forget to tell her things because I knew and figure she already did. But this wasn't my thing to tell, if Silver was to come out he had to do the vocal stuff on his own.

"Well?" Ash's prodding voice crept into my ear.

Thank the god of me, the bell rang right then. Swiping the pamphlets off of the dash, I shoved them into my bag and hurried towards the school before anyone had a chance to fall out of my backseat. I'm sure Silver will tell them soon enough so they really didn't have long to wait. Not that they haven't already partially guessed it long ago.

Are you considered a closet case if everyone hears you banging against the door gasping for air?
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoo, It's about time! My god, I just finally finished chapter thirty one! Not that you guys care or anything, you're all probably just wondering why I don't update more often since I have so many pre-written. but I already explained that! Didn't I?
Oh, and don't hate Hayden too much! There's a valid reason later on that might actually make you feel fore him.

My dad's a bitch, plain and simple, had to put it out there.

By the way, my computer is still deleting random words. Some new ones being deleted are weather, whether, 'd, jeans, and some of my links get deleted for no reason too.

Just so we get this straight, they're not going with each other. Pick someone else. Though I love all comments and suggestions! Speaking of suggestions, I still need some good acoustic songs. Oh, and I just realized that Ash doesn't have a last name! If anyone can help me with that, I'll love you forever! I need at least one semi-normal last nae, and I'm not good with normal, even of the semi variety

Back it up back it up back it p, now slap dat ass!!
Is that good pimp talk? 'Cause I'm pimpin all up in this joint, yo! I just started my first legit co-write with my sister, excitement! (I'm sorry!) It's called Frostbite. I'm writing the seme! Yay!

Hope you like it