Through the Windowpane


I lay in my bed, staring up at the ceiling, a practice that had become far too familiar this summer. Waiting for something to happen, something to save me from the intense boredom.

I sat up quickly as the phone rang, and snatched it up, holding it to my ear.

“Jess?” A voice questioned, and I smiled, relaxing as I recognized my friend Alyssa.

“Yeah, It’s me, what’s up?” I answered back.

“Kay, well, two things. First of all, Matt just called me and apparently there’s a party, some mid-summer thing, at Kaylie, that senior’s house, if you wanna go. And secondly, what are these rumors I’m hearing that a cute boy just moved into the house across from you. Seriously Jess, I’m dying from lack of gossip here!”

I sighed, biting my lip and pondering how much to tell. I knew Alyssa would immediately spread whatever I said around, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to yet. And about that party…
“Well, yeah, he just moved in, his name’s Owen, but I totally don’t know him yet; he hasn’t really come out of his room.”

“Well, I guess you’re just gonna have to bring him along.” She stated bluntly.

“What, along where? Wait, along to the party? Lyssa, you’re kidding.”

“No, I wanna meet him, and see for myself if he’s cute. Yay, I can’t wait. See you there, at like 7!”

“But-” I protested, then stopped as the dial tone sounded in my ear. I sighed, then lay back on my bed, pondering. Yeah, a party would be fun, and it wasn’t like I had anything better to do. Though, I’d heard about the kinds of parties Kaylie threw, and the whole alcohol experience was kind of new to me.

Plus, there was the Owen problem. If I brought him, I would first have to explain my lie to Alyssa, which would be awkward. I would have to introduce him to everyone, and he would be stuck at a party with no- one he knew. And what if he thought I was asking him out. Would that be weird?

I groaned in frustration, smacking my hands against my forehead, then, deciding, stood up and strode out the door to his house.

I heard the doorbell sound and raced down the stairs to answer it, starved for any kind of action. I was surprised and pleased to see Jessie there, and quickly took hold of her hands, stepping outside and shutting the door behind us.

“Hey,” I began enthusiastically. “What’s up?”

“Uh, well, I have something kinda weird to ask. Do you, uh, do you want to go to a party?” She stuttered quickly, then blinked and looked up at me.

“A party? Tonight? With you? Yeah, sure.” I grinned at her, but was confused that when she continued staring at her hands, looking worried. I copied her move and tapped her under the chin, forcing her to meet my eyes. “But, what’s wrong?”

Jessie took a deep breath. “Well, my friend Alyssa called, and she, well, talks, so, I-I told her Ididntknowyou.”

I stepped back, struggling to hide the hurt that flashed across my face.
“Does that mean you’re…embarrassed to be seen with me?” I said slowly.

“Embarassed? No! No, not at all. I just, I didn’t want any drama, not yet anyways. I didn’t mean it like that! Don’t be sad, kay?” She smiled at me, stepping closer and putting one hand on my chest. I shivered at her warm touch, then smiled back, leaning down to kiss her quickly.

“Not sad, don’t worry. So, what time’s this party?"


I rushed around my room, once again in the position of dressing for something important and having absolutely no idea what to wear. I knew I had to look slightly slutty, and I was doing my best to work with my clothes, all of which had to have been pre-approved by my mother before purchase.

I growled, frustrated, and used my fingers to slingshot a tank top across the room so it hit the wall. I had settled on a pair of white ripped shorts that barely covered my butt, and a green off-the-shoulder top. My hair was wet and down around my shoulders, the curls drying quickly in the hot air.

As I walked across the street to grab Owen, I self-consciously tugged the shorts down, already regretting my choice. But, I reasoned with myself, how sluttly could someone be if they were driven to a party by a parent .Owen's mom was driving us there, although I was choosing to view her as a friendly, middle-aged chauffeur.

Despite my self-assurances that this was only a party, I was nervous, really nervous. I hoped Owen hadn't done this kind of thing before either. It comforted me that he was probably as new to this as me, and wit that thought in mind I reached up and rang the doorbell.
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Okay, this is definitely just a filler chapter, I have more written but I'm waiting for the comments people. Say ANYTHING. Talk about the weather, if you will. I know you guys are out there, so pleeeease comment.