Status: Done, Completed yayy!

Archer:A jerk.

Archer: An A-whole xD

It was a cold winter day in the office of Roy Mustang. Roy was snoozing at his desk as for Falman who was reading, Furey who was working on the heater inside the office, Havoc who was staring out the window with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, and Breda, who was eating his breakfast snack. Roy awoke when he noticed he heard Havoc ask Falman

“Where the hell is first lt. Hawkeye?, she’s never late or never has a day off and by now, she’d come in shooting wholes everywhere in the wall because of the Col. Sleeping at his desk”.

Falman just looked up at Havoc and shrugged his shoulders. Havoc said

“ well, its kind of worrying me, she’s usually not late or anything”. Roy looked up at the blonde man known as Havoc and said “

since when did you start having feelings for first lt. Hawkeye, Havoc?” Havoc spoke up in a loud voice and said “ she’s a good friend of my girlfriends, her and I have become close friends to, that’s why I’m worried”. Roy smiled and said

“ wow, your actually dating Catalina now?” Havoc smiled with a big grin and said

“ yes I am” with a proud smile on his lips.

Roy smiled and said

“I’m glad you finally got her, you two were always in a love hate relationship”.

Havoc smiled with a blush crossing his cheeks. Havoc was getting ready to ask Roy something about the first lt., but got interrupted by the door swinging open. Roy popped his head up hoping it was his first lt., but it wasn’t. It was a short alchemist with long blonde hair and a taller boy with short blonde hair. Roy looked up and asked

“full metal and Al, what the hell are you two doing here today?” Al said with a saddened voice

“we stopped by to tell you col., we got here about 20 minutes ago, but had to take the first lt. to the infirmary”.

Roy jumped out of his seat, stood to his feet and yelled

“what the hell happened to her!”, and stood to his feet getting ready to head out the door until Ed stopped him and said with a faint and sad voice

“she was all bruised, had scratches everywhere, blood covered all over her left arm, her clothing was ripped, her skirt all tore to hell, her shirt tore, she was unconscious though but still breathing, we took her to the infirmary”. .

The whole room got silent and Roy spoke up and said with anger in his voice

“what the hell is the room number she’s in you short pipsqueak!, tell me now damn it!”

Edward said

“you bastard don’t call me a pipsqueak, I don’t know what room she’s in but she didn’t look like she was in good shape”.

Havoc spoke up in a worried voice and said

“I’m going to go get Rebecca from Grumman’s office and let her know what happened”.
Roy said

“Havoc, while your up there let Grumman know as well, that something has happened to his granddaughter”.

Havoc had a shocked look on his face and said

“wait, Grumman’s her grandfather,? What the hell that was unexpected”

Roy shook his head and said with some annoyance in his voice

“no time for questions dam it, go Havoc”.

Havoc hurried out the door to Grumman’s office and as for Roy

yelled to the rest of the boy’s ,

“I’m going to the infirmary to check on Hawkeye, Falman keep things under control while I’m gone”.
Al spoke up and said

“were going to wait here for a little bit until you come back and let us know how she’s doing”.

Roy nodded his head and headed out of the door of the office. He was half way down the hallway when he heard a familiar voice yell

“hey Roy, what the hell’s up with the power walk, where are you headed to and where’s your ,body guard she’s usually at your heel every move”.

Roy started to feel tears in his eyes and looked back to see the one and only Maes Hughes. Roy had tears falling on his face when he looked back at Hughes and said

“your wondering where she is, come with me and you’ll find out”.

Hughes looked at Roy with a serious face and said

“it’s something serious with her, isn’t it Roy?”

Roy nodded his head with an answer yes and yelled

“Hughes, if your following me, hurry the hell up and catch up to me because I’m not wasting another second.”

Roy began walking fast again with Hughes at his heels.

Hughes asked “what the hell’s going on Roy, I noticed you were holding tears back”.

Roy finally made it to the outside of the infirmary and yelled
“Hughes, just get your ass in this door and I’ll explain on the way down to the hall!”

Hughes hurried and walked the same pace as Roy down the hall, he could tell something was wrong with Roy and figured it was something that had to do with lt. Hawkeye. Hughes looked at Roy, and noticed he was in a mood that was hardly ever seen in Roy. One that was dark, and hardly made Roy feel like himself. Hughes looked at Roy and noticed tears falling down his face and said

“it must be major huh Roy?”

Roy nodded his head in a manor of answering yes and said with a very saddened voice and said

“The Elrics picked her up this morning, they said she was all beaten, bruised, had blood all over her left arm, her shirt and skirt was ripped to hell and she was unconscious but alive”.

Roy was sobbing to himself trying to keep himself from letting tears fall but wasn’t doing to well. Finally Roy made it to the front desk and asked the receptionist

“where’s the room that Riza Hawkeye is in?”

The women at the desk smiled at Roy’s charm and said “room 102”.

Roy’s heart was pounding walking down the hallway while Hughes, just was in shock to see how much pain Roy was in and was worried about Hawkeye. Finally Roy and Hughes made it to room 102. Roy’s heart was pounding more and more when he reached for the door knob and broke out in sobs. He was afraid to look at Hawkeye. Hughes just stood there and seen the pain his best friend was in. Finally after 10 minutes of standing there, Roy opened the door and seen a blonde laying on the bed with blood all over her left arm of her shirt, ripped and torn clothing, and on a bunch of machines. Roy fell to the ground in sobs to the state Riza was in. Hughes went over to Roy and stood there looking at Hawkeye then Roy and whispered into Roy’s ear

“Roy, what’s wrong, I know your worried about her”.

Roy looked at Hughes with sobbing for breath and said “I should’ve been with her where ever she was, she wouldn’t be in so much pain, or even in this state”.

Hughes looked at Roy and said with a reassuring smile “I’m sure she’ll forgive you Roy”.

Roy said “she probably will, but I cant forgive myself for letting this happen”.

Hughes looked at Roy and said “Roy, I’ll leave you alone in here with her, you need to talk to her when she gets conscious, she’ll forgive you”.

Roy nodded and went and sat in the chair close to her bed. Roy grabbed her hand and squeezed it tight into his and cried silently into his and her hands.

He whispered “I’m sorry Riza, I should’ve been there where ever you were and to help out what ever happened and it would’ve never happened”.

Roy heard a knock at the door and heard a familiar voice of Major Armstrong and Hawkeye’s grandfather on the other side of the door. Roy said softly trying to stop his tears from falling and said

“come in, but she’s not awake yet”.

Grumman dead stopped in his tracks when he noticed the state his granddaughter was in and as for Major Armstrong, he was crying once he seen her but not as much as Roy. Grumman walked over to Roy and put a hand on his shoulder and whispered and said

“she’ll be okay Roy, she’s a strong girl”.

Roy looked at Grumman and said “I should’ve been with her at all times, this probably would’ve never happened to her” with tears in his eyes falling down his cheeks.

Roy looked up when he noticed the blonde on the bed moved, she was starting to come to conscious, but Roy didn’t let go of her hand. He gripped it tightly and whispered “Riza, I’m here now, I’m sorry I wasn’t there to stop any of this from happening to you, please wake up soon” with tears flowing down his cheeks like a waterfall.

The three men heard the door opened and seen the doctor come in. The doctor asked Roy “ are you her boyfriend?”

Roy (which still was in tears)blushed and shook his head lightly answering “no” and whispered hopefully soon I will be“.

The doctor spoke up and said “she’s in minor condition but she’ll be fine after a couple days of rest, she had a bullet wound on her left arm, we did test results she seemed like she was rapped, and the results turned positive she was, it’s a good possibility she maybe pregnant, we’ll give her a blood test here in a few days to check that, but she should be reaching conscious soon“.

Roy fell to the floor, off the chair and cried like a baby, he buried his head in his lap with his arms crossed, he didn’t even care about others being in the room, he just let the tears keep flowing.

Armstrong was tearing up and for Grumman, he sat in the chair Roy was sitting in and grabbed his granddaughter’s hand and said

“I’m sorry dear, please wake up soon”.

Roy just couldn’t believe it, he was more worried now about how she’d act when she awoke if she could even stand being around him, he didn’t think she’d forgive him. Finally they heard moving around on the bed Hawkeye was laying in and they all 3 looked and seen her waking up. Her amber eyes opened and Roy smiled slightly, Armstrong sat there quietly, yelled “good morning first lt.”!, and Grumman looked curious seeing how Roy was reacting. Riza awoke and seemed a little scared and spoke with a scared voice

“where the hell am I”?

She looked and seen her grandfather, then seen a giant muscle man known as Armstrong standing by the door, the doctor on the left side of her and then looked in front of her noticing a man with raven black hair approaching her. She backed away a little and seemed kind of frightened until she realized it was Roy. She also noticed tears in Roy’s dark onyx eyes. She studied his teary onyx eyes for just a moment thinking to herself
“Is he crying because of me and my situation?”

Grumman smiled at Riza and said

“your at the infirmary, I’m glad your awake, you had us all worried’’.

Riza looked at her grandfather and said

“I don’t feel comfortable right now talking about anything, I prefer to talk later about it”.

Grumman smiled slightly at his granddaughter and said

“always as stubborn as I remember”.

Grumman walked over and kissed his granddaughter on the forehead and said

“I’ll stop by later and check up on you”.

Armstrong said his goodbyes to Riza as he made his way out the door behind Grumman, the doctor followed behind them. As for Roy, he stayed. He looked at Riza and noticed her tearing up and sat down in the chair beside her bed, grabbed her hand and said “ Riza, I’m sorry, I couldn’t stop what happened” and started to tear up once again, with more tears falling like waterfalls.

Riza looked at Roy and said

“Roy, its not your fault”.

Roy sighed to himself and said “the hell it’s not, what ever happened to you is my fault, I wasn’t there to protect you”.

Riza grabbed Roy’s hand tighter and said “but you’re here now Roy, when I need you the most”.

This made Roy feel a little better and he spoke up with tears falling down his cheeks and said in a sad tone

“I understand if you don’t forgive me for not being there when it happened, I’m so sorry Hawkeye”, with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Riza looked at Roy’s face and noticed the tears. She wiped them away and whispered in a small soft voice and said

“Roy, I’d forgive you for anything”.

Roy sighed and said

“I don’t forgive myself after seeing you like this”.

Riza smiled slightly but sadly at Roy with a reassuring smile and said

“Roy, I’m in this condition for you, for the protection of you, please don’t let it bother you or beat yourself up about it anymore”.

Roy let more tears fall from his face after her saying that and said “ damn it!, it should be me all beaten up then, not you Hawkeye!

”Riza looked at Roy whose black orbs were filled with more tears she looked at Roy with her amber eyes filled with pain and sorrow and said
“Roy, I’m sorry to say that like that, but it was for you, the protection of you, if I wouldn’t of gave up fighting, they would’ve killed you and I couldn’t have that”.

Roy looked at Riza and said

“Riza, your always covering my ass, I feel like a total ass now because of the state your in”.

Roy clenched his fist and punched the wall. Riza stood up beside Roy and put her arm weakly around Roy and said

“Damn it Roy Mustang, don’t beat yourself up, your not the one who did this shit to me!”

Roy looked straight into her glowing amber eyes and pulled her to his face leaving as little space between them as possible and said

“I wont ever leave you till this is over or even after this is over, until we figure who did this to you, why they did and what they hell they want with me and you”.

He pulled Riza into a soft but passionate kiss. Roy could feel Riza’s lips turn to a smile and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. Riza let Roy’s tongue explore her mouth and enjoyed his sweet taste in his mouth. About 10 minutes the kiss was broke when there was a knock at the door. Riza went back to her bed and laid down. Roy went to the door and looked through the peep whole and seen Furey, Breda, the Elrics, Falman, Havoc and Hughes all waiting at the door. Roy opened the door and Hughes and Havoc both gave Roy a big grin when they walked by him. Roy blushed slightly because he knew what they were thinking.

Roy sighed to himself and was thinking

“I don’t deserve her, not after letting her go through this” and tears began to roll out of his eyes again.

He made sure to turn away from the other guys so they didn’t notice. He dried his face up and turned around to the boys and said

“I take it Grumman told you guys what room she was in and that she was awake?” Hughes spoke up and said

“yes, he was the one who stopped” and then looked at Riza and said “I called Gracia, her and Elysia will be in later to visit and your more than welcome to stay at my house until you get all your rest and get better enough to come back to work”.

Roy spoke up and said “there’s no need for that, I’ve already decided I’m taking a couple days of leave to stay with her, make sure she recovers fine and make sure she’ll be okay”.

Everyone in the room awed as Roy’s face flushed a little and as for Riza, she turned her back away from the crowd of everyone with her face a deep blush of red. Her red flushed cheeks finally went down and she turned to the crowd of guys again. Roy who was sitting in the chair beside her with a sad look still on his face, was still whipping tears from his eyes.

Al walked up to Riza who was laying down in her bed and said
“lt., I hope you get better, brother and I were the ones who found you, and we were worried, the colonel ran outside of the office door after we told him about what happened”.

Riza smiled and said softly in a whisper to Al “yes, I could figure he did and thank you so much Al for helping me”.

She looked at Ed and said “thank you Edward as well, for bringing me here”. Edward walked up beside Al and said “that’s okay you don’t need to thank us, were just glad your okay”.

Riza smiled at the boy’s.

Ed pulled out his pocket watch and noticed the time and started heading towards the door and said “well, my brother and I both need to get heading home, Winry is really wanting us home for dinner”.

Ed waved back at everyone as they made there way out of the door. Roy walked to the door and stopped Ed and Al and said “boy’s, thanks for helping her out, she means a lot to-.

He got interupted by Hughes who spoke up and said “ to Roy who wants her to be his future wife”. Roy blushed slightly and said “dam Hughes, stay in your own business”. Hughes smiled devilishly at Roy and made his way back to where the rest of the boys were. Al looked at Roy and smiled and said “ you’re blushing colonel.”.

Roy smiled and said “that man knows how to embarrass me, he day dreams about everyone having a wife and a family”.
Ed smiled and said “he says the same about Winry and I”.

As they said there goodbyes Roy was walking back into the room when he noticed that Havoc was telling Riza how he was dating Rebecca and telling Riza that he was very happy with Rebecca and he was so glad that they have introduced them to one another and noticed Riza kept looking over at him but back to Havoc. Roy blushed slightly noticing her looking at him then back to Havoc with a slight smile and blush upon her face.

Riza noticed Roy was being really quiet. She looked over at Roy who was standing at doorway staring out the window on the other side of the bed.

Falman smiled and asked Roy
“are you okay sir”?

Roy shook his head with a “yes” manner and said
“I’m going for a walk, I’ll be right back’’.

Roy was walking through the hallway when he looked behind him and noticed Hughes was right behind him. Roy stopped in his tracks and turned to Hughes and asked
“what the hell are you doing following me?”

Hughes smiled and said

“Roy, your going to get her flowers from the gift shop Roy, I know you are”.

Roy blushed and said

“you know me to well, I’m also going to get her a little stuffed black and white stuffed animal I seen that looked a lot like Hayete”.

Hughes smiled at Roy and said

“she’ll love everything, she even loves the fact you being in her presence”.

Roy smiled slightly and said

“I just wish I could’ve been to there stop what happened to her”.

Hughes smiled and said

“it’s okay Roy I know she‘ll forgive you, I’m heading back to the room and getting the rest of the men back to work and also to give you two ‘your alone time’”.

Roy blushed and said

“well wait about ten minutes, I don’t want her being by herself please?”

Hughes smiled and nodded his head with a yes for the answer. As soon as Roy made it to the gift shop he seen a beautiful bouquet of red roses and picked those out for her, then made his way to the stuffed animals and found a little stuffed black and white dog. He smiled and said

“this looks just like Hayete, this is the stuffy I’m getting for her”.

After paying for the stuff he finally made it back to her room. He knocked on the door and then opened it, hiding the flowers and stuffy behind his back. He noticed all of the men even hughes had left. He walked over to the bed Riza was laying on and looked down to see If she was awake. He noticed her amber eyes were opened and staring out the window. He leaned down and whispered softly into riza’s ear

“I got you something special”.

Riza looked up and seen Roy leaning over her and kissed him on the lips and said

“ Roy, your enough and all I want” and smiled with a pink blush crossing her cheeks.

Roy smiled and pulled the roses and stuffed dog out behind his back. Riza smiled and said
“Roy, thank you, your so sweet and the little dog, looks just like Hayete”.

Roy smiled and said “the red roses, reminded me of your beautiful amber eyes”.

Riza blushed and said “I wonder if I’d be allowed to have Hayete in here”.

Roy smiled and said “ we can make that happen”.

Riza stood up from where she was laying down and wrapped her arms around Roy, pulling him into a hug. Roy smiled widely once he felt her arms wrap around him and wrapped his around her waist, pulling her closer to him. He looked down and seen Riza’s amber eyes tearing up again and asked
“are you okay, or are you going to tell me who did this and what happened?”

Riza shook her head in a nod and sat down on her bed after letting go of Roy. Roy sat down on the other side of the bed beside Riza, wrapped his arms around her once again and laid his head onto the top of her head. Riza spoke very softly with trying to hold tears back and said

“Roy, the reason this happened, was because if I would’ve tried anything for self defense, your life would be taken Roy, and I couldn’t have that”.

Roy looked at Riza with a look of fear and said

“Why the hell did you put yourself in this situation Riza, I would rather have my life taken then seeing you like this, it takes life out of me”.

Riza looked down with sad eyes full of tears then back at Roy, who was staring at her. She looked into Roy’s black orbs and noticed he was holding back tears, she pulled Roy closer and whispered into his ear

“I couldn’t stand not having you Roy, I’d do anything for you and follow you to the depths of hell”.

Roy felt her tears drip on his shirt and pulled her closer and looked down into her amber eyes full of tears and whispered “ Riza, thank you for it but you should’ve never done that, but I’ll make it up to you”. Riza looked at Roy and said
“you’ve already made it up to me Roy, being here all this time”.

Roy smiled slightly and kissed Riza’s forehead. Riza looked up into Roy’s black orbs and said

“there’s someone trying to take you out as well Roy, and I was supposed to be the bait but it didn’t work out because I ran off then the last thing I know there was someone standing above me, I’m guessing that’s when I got knocked out”.

Roy put his arms around Riza with a tighter grip and whispered into her ear “I wish I could’ve been there to help, it kills me so bad to see you like this because of me”. Riza said “I did it for you Roy”.

Riza was getting ready to talk to Roy about one of the people she remembers seeing but got interrupted by a knock at the door. She looked at Roy with a slight smile and said “ we’ll talk more later about it Roy”.

Roy got up, walked up to the door and looked through the peep whole and seen a tall brown haired girl with bright blue eyes standing there known as Rebecca Catalina. Roy opened the door for Riza’s best friend and Rebecca walked in. She ran over to Riza’s bed and yelled

“What the hell happened to you Riza!” Riza smiled slightly at her best friend and said “I’ll explain later”.

Rebecca looked back and noticed Roy was in the room. Roy was standing by the door and spoke up and said

“I’m going to get me some coffee, do you need or want anything?”
Riza smiled and said

“Roy, I’m fine” he looked back at the blonde with a slight smile upon her lips and said “well, I’m going to get you some tea just incase you need it”.

Riza smiled at Roy and Roy was out the door. Rebecca looked at Riza and asked
“wait, are you two finally together?”

Riza smiled slightly with a deep red blush across her cheeks, and said
“Well, I really don’t think so, I don’t seem like his type but I don’t know actually”, and pulled the red roses and stuffed black and white dog off of the stand from beside her bed.

She smiled at Rebecca and said “look what he got me this morning, he said this dog looked just like Hayete and the red of the roses made him think of my beautiful amber eyes”.

Rebecca smiled widely at Riza and said “I always knew it, that he loves you Riza, he doesn’t matter if your “his type“, he loves you for who you are, and for being at his side like you‘ve been, its so obvious!”

Riza smiled slightly and blushed and said “I don’t know if he does love me Rebecca”.

Rebecca smiled and said “he does, by the way he looked at you, and for the fact of him saying that, taking as many weeks off as you just to stay with you for rest, help you with things and protect you, and also to get you anything you need, also might I add, all day ever since the Elrics brought you in this morning he was flipping out until he came here and has been here all day with you”.

Riza blushed and said “Rebecca, how’d you find all of this out?”

She smiled and said “Havoc told me, he said that Roy was almost in tears when you didn’t show up and after what the Elrics told him about the state you were in, he flipped out even more”.

Riza’s face was a bloodshot red and she tried to hide it from Rebecca. Rebecca knew that Riza was embarrassed about her colonel, her fathers appetence, her most trusted and long time best friend, worrying about her, and everything else.

Rebecca smiled and said “I think you have found the perfect future husband, Riza” with a bright smile upon the brown haired girls lips.

Riza‘s face turned a bright shade of pink and said ”you sure are positive about your assumption Becca“ with a slight smile upon the blondes lips.

Rebecca looked at her clock and said “well, I need to get back to work and I’ll stop by later when I get off work”.

Riza smiled at Rebecca as she walked out of the door then after Rebecca walked out of the door she laid back down. She laid there and stared out the window, just watching the snow start to fall from the sky and wondering what exactly happened this morning. She was thinking to herself and remembered seeing Archer there. Roy finally made it back to the room, and opened the door, and seen Riza laying there with her back turned towards the door staring out the window. Roy walked over to Riza, she seemed a little startled but when she turned around she noticed it was Roy and laid back down. Roy walked into the room and laid Riza’s cup of tea down on the table beside her bed. He made his way over the left side of Riza’s bed and laid down beside her. She noticed Roy laid down beside her. She leaned over to Roy and softly planted a soft kiss on his cheek. Roy looked at her, smiled and grabbed her hands and entwined his with hers. Riza laid her head onto Roy’s chest, and looked up into his black orbs and kissed his lips softly.

Roy pulled away and broke the kiss and said “I’m staying with you, Riza, until this is over and we find who did this to you”, then paused and said ”actually, I think I will stay with you forever.” Riza smiled with a bright blush across Riza’s face and told Roy “I want you to stay forever, that would be the best decision.” Roy smiled and said “we’ll arrange that as soon as all of this is over” and planted a soft but passionate kiss on Riza’s lips.

Roy was getting ready to deepen the kiss when there was another knock at the door. Roy sighed and mumbled “Dam it someone ruined a good moment” and noticed the bright red rose color form on Riza’s cheeks.

Roy got up and walked to the doorway and answered the door. There stood Gracia and Elysia Hughes.

Roy smiled when he seen them and said “I’ll go get your husband for you, just please watch Hawkeye while I go and get him”.

They smiled at Roy and Gracia gave Roy the look of ‘awe‘, he moved out of the way so they could make there way into the room and Roy looked back at the blonde laying on the bed and said “I’ll be right back Hawkeye, I’m going to go get Maes”.

Riza smiled and nodded. Roy made his way out of the door and began walking to his office to get Maes to let him know his wife and daughter were visiting Riza, on his way there he seen Archer out in the hall talking to another officer. He noticed Archer had a spot of blood on his uniform and over heard Archer tell the other officer he was late today.

Roy began thinking to himself “that’s pretty screwed up, he was late, had a cut on his face and has spot of blood on his uniform, same day as Hawkeye was beaten and found outside”. He realized he was talking about Archer, one who has always wanted Roy dead ever since he first came to Central.

Roy stopped for a quick second and thought “What if he’s the ass who did this to her?”

Roy stood there for a few seconds thinking there for a few seconds thinking about that and began to almost tear up again. Roy hurried and began walking again and then made it to his office.

He walked in and yelled “Hughes, Gracia and Elysia are at the infirmary visiting Hawkeye”.

Hughes smiled and said “well, I’ll probably head down there and see them then, Roy are you coming with me?”

Roy smiled at Hughes and said in a sweet voice “well, since Riza’s down there that should be an obvious answer”.

Hughes smiled with a huge grin and said “I think you have found your future wife Roy boy!” and they made there way out of the door and Roy looked back into the room and yelled to Falman “make sure to keep an eye on things for Hughes and I while were gone”. Falman shook his head in a knowing manner.

Roy and Hughes were walking down the hall to the infirmary and Roy was the one who broke the silence between the two and said in a whisper voice “I’m kind of wondering if Archer was the one who did this shit to Riza, Hughes”.

Hughes had a quizzically look on his face and asked “Why do you think that Roy?” Roy said “ well when I was on they way to the office I seen him in the hallway talking to another officer and he had a spot of blood on him, a cut on his face and told the other officer her was late this morning, and it would make sense because Archer wants me dead because, of me being the hero of Ishbal and he was jealous of all of the promotions and Hawkeye told me if she would’ve tried to fight back, I would be dead and she didn’t want that”.

Hughes looked at Roy with a serious look and said “ that does sound a little suspicious, like I said Roy, she’d make you the perfect wife someday”. Roy blushed and said “ would you shut up with that Hughes, I’m really worried now that he’ll try something more dangerous now and I don’t want her hurt even more because of that ass whole!”

Hughes looked at Roy with a serious look and said “Roy, I’m sure she’ll be fine from now on, your staying with her now I know you well enough Roy and Roy, if I were you take it careful”.

Roy shook his head in a nod and spoke up and said “ Hughes, I am staying with her, I don’t want her hurt especially because of anything to do with me ”and Roy had tears filling in his eyes. Hughes put a hand on Roy’s shoulder and said “I know you really care about your lt., do anything you can to protect her”. Roy smiled slightly and said “ I’ve already planned that”.

They finally arrived at the door to Riza’s room in the infirmary and Hughes stopped before opening the door and said “Roy, you really care about her, I can tell I believe she‘ll make you the best wife someday”.

Roy blushed and said “Hughes, I do care a lot about her and I haven’t thought that far into ou-I mean my future yet”. Hughes giggled at Roy almost saying “our future“. As soon as Roy opened the door, he heard a little 3 year old by the name of Elysia yell “HI DADDY” once she seen Hughes behind Roy and Gracia said her hellos to Roy and then ran to her husband. Roy noticed Riza was sitting up now in her bed and Roy walked over and sat down beside her.

Gracia smiled at Roy sitting beside Riza and said “she said you’ve been keeping a close watch on her Roy”.

Roy smiled and said “yes I have, I don’t want her to be by herself”.

Gracia and Hughes both smiled at one another as for Riza and Roy, both just blushed because they knew what Gracia and Hughes were thinking.

Riza sighed to herself and said “I need to get someone or go to my apartment myself and get my clothing, other things and Hayete”.

Gracia looked at Riza with a warm smile and said “Riza, I can go to your house and get your things for you if you need any clothes, essentials and I’ll even pick Hayete up for you, it’s no problem”.

Riza smiled at Gracia and said “that’s okay I can make Roy go later”.

Roy sighed and said “I wouldn’t feel right searching through your apartment though Riza”. Riza smiled, sighed and said “true Roy, I guess you can go then Gracia, thank you so much for helping me”.

Gracia smiled and asked Riza where her apartment keys were. Riza dug in her coat for her keys and handed them to Gracia. Gracia smiled at Riza and said “I’ll be back in a while and Elysia, why don’t you stay here with Uncle Roy, Auntie Riza and Daddy while I’m gone”. The little 3 year old girl smiled brightly and said “Okay mommy, I’ll see you real soon”. Gracia kissed the top of her daughters head and then her husband on the cheek and headed out the door. Elysia looked up at her daddy who was holding her on her lap and said “daddy, let me down I wanna go sit on Auntie Riza’s lap”. Hughes let his adorable little girl down off his lap and she ran with a big smile crossing her face and sat on Riza’s lap.

Elysia smiled and said “ Auntie Riza, I hope you gets betters real soon”. Riza smiled reassuringly at the little 3 year old on her lap and said “I will soon I promise kiddo”.

Elysia smiled brightly, looked at Roy beside Riza and said “ Uncle Roy, your staying with Auntie Riza until she gets better aren’t you?” Roy smiled brightly at the little 3 year old girl and said “yes, I’m making sure she’s getting better’’.

Elysia smiled brightly and said “when am I going to have some little cousins Uncle Roy?” looking at Roy then at Riza after that being said.

Roy’s and Riza’s faces both flushed a deep shade of red and Hughes grinned at Roy and laughed so hard he almost fell out of his chair.

Roy looked at Riza, who was flushing a deep red and then looked at Hughes and smacked Hughes upside the head and said “your teaching your daughter bad habits Hughes”. Hughes smiled and said “she learns from the best’’.

About ten minutes later there was a knock at the door and also a dog bark. Riza knew it had to be Hayete and Gracia so she smiled and said “come on in Gracia”.

Gracia walked in with a bag of clothing and essentials of Riza’s and Hayete on a leash. Hayete ran up to his mistress and laid at the bottom of her feet. Elysia jumped off Riza’s lap and yelled “mommy”. Riza smiled and thanked Gracia.

Gracia looked at her watch and said “well I better get back home and get dinner made”.

Hughes smiled at his wife and said “I’ll be off In like 20 minutes so I’ll see you at home real soon”.

Hughes walked out of the room with Gracia and Elysia.

Roy just laid on his back and said “ I cant believe Elysia said that, Hughes is teaching her bad habits”.

Riza smiled and blushed and said “she’s really a sweet girl for her age”.

Roy smiled and told Riza ‘’you would be a good mother, seeing how you held her”.

Riza smiled with a slight blush across her face. Hayete noticed that Riza’s lap was free and jumped on her lap. Riza laid back on her back as well, still beside Roy.

Roy looked over at Riza and noticed her eyes were closed and knew she was thinking, but didn’t know about what. He looked over at Riza and said “Riza, you remember how you told me earlier about seeing Archer before you got knocked unconscious?”

Riza shook her head with a slight yes and Roy grabbed her hand and said “well, I think he is the one that did this all, I seen him in the hallway today when I was walking to the office to get Hughes, he had blood spots on his coat, he said he was late this morning, and had a cut or two on his face”.

Riza looked at Roy and had more tears in her eyes, Roy sat up slightly and grabbed her hands with a tight grip and said “I’m sorry to bring it up again Riza, I just wanted to tell you that”.

She looked at Roy with a slight smile and said “ I know your just watching out for me Roy’’. Roy blushed slightly and said “wasn’t that our promise Riza, you watch my back and I watch yours?, besides even with out that promise we made I would anyway no matter what”. Riza blushed slightly and said “that’s what I was thinking Roy”.

Roy noticed it was getting late and said “ you should get ready for bed Riza, ill sleep in the chair”. Riza smiled and said
“Roy, you can sleep in my bed beside me, there’s room for both of us’’.

Roy blushed and said “ well, I just don’t want to accidentally hurt you in my sleep by kicking you or something in any of your bruised spots”.

Riza smiled and said “Roy, you wont and don’t argue your sleeping in the bed”. Roy sighed and said “I can never win a fight with you can I Hawkeye?”

Riza smiled and shook her head no. Riza was getting ready to go take a shower when there was another knock at the door. This time it was the doctor.

Roy got up and opened the door for the doctor and the doc walked over to Riza and said “we have something to tell you about your test results we took earlier Miss Hawkeye, we did a test on you to find out if you were rapped and it came back positive and there’s a possibility of who ever did it, you maybe pregnant”. Riza fell to her feet on the floor, and hid her face in her knees and let tears fall down her face. The doc was getting ready to walk out the door and said “were going to do blood test on you in a few days to see if you are Miss Hawkeye”.

This made Riza tear up even more. Roy noticed Riza’s actions to this. The doc finally left the room and Roy sat down beside her on the floor.

Riza felt a arm wrap around her waist and said “Roy, what if I am pregnant?, I don’t and wont have any thing to tell the kid when it got older about its father and I don’t want to say that I was rapped” Roy noticed Riza was really upset and he pulled her closer to him.

He began tearing up with her and spoke in a soft voice and said “the doctor came in and told your grandfather, Hughes and I about your test results saying positive about you being raped, I was going to tell you Riza, but honestly, it kills me to even think about that happening to you all because of me, because some bastard wants me dead and has to choose to go after the most important women of my life because they couldn’t kill me”, Roy busted into more tears thinking about the pain that Hawkeye must feel now and he pulled her closer to him again.

Riza sighed and said “if I’m pregnant Roy, I don’t know what I’m going to do”.

Roy sighed at Riza and said “well, when you find the right guy for your life, they’ll be able to help you raise the baby and will probably claim the baby”.

Riza smiled slightly at Roy and said “Roy, I have one in mind but I just don’t know”.

Roy smiled and said “I’d claim the baby, and help father it Riza”.

Roy looked at Roy with a slight blush crossing her face and said “Roy, would you really help care and father it?”

Roy smiled and said “it’d be the family I dreamed of having, and the dream involved you in my family mothering my child”. Riza smiled slightly, this put her in a better mood and she looked at Roy and said softly, “thanks Roy, it means a lot to me”.

Roy squeezed his arms tightly around her waist and whispered “I’d be more than happy to help father your baby Hawkeye, even if I’m not its father by blood and anyways Riza, it is kind of my fault I should’ve been there still”.

Riza slapped Roy slightly and said “Roy, its not your fault and I’ll enjoy you fathering my baby, you’d treat it like it’s mine and your’s blood and not just mine by blood”.

Roy turned to a deep shade of red. Riza looked at Roy’s blushed face and said “I know you’ll probably tell Hughes and he’ll say something really smart ass about it”.

Roy smiled and said “yes I know he will, but he did always tell me that you and I would make the best parents”, Riza looked at the embarrassed Roy and said “he guessed right Roy”.

Roy smiled and looked at Riza and said “I’m just worried though Riza, what if Archer finds out about your pregnancy?” Riza’s eyes filled with tears and she said “I don’t know what’ll happen.”

Roy sighed and said “ well, I’ll protect you Riza”. Riza smiled and said “thanks Roy, for being here” and kissed him softly on the cheek.

Roy blushed again and pulled her close to him and pulled her into a kiss. The kiss turned into a make out session that lasted about 30 minutes. Riza and Roy both broke apart from one another for lack of air and Riza, she was 3 different shades of red and Roy was a little embarrassed. After the kiss was broke, Roy still held her close in his arms for about 20 minutes and then Riza looked at Roy and said “Roy, I haven’t even gotten my shower yet and its 2130 hundred hours”.

Roy smiled and said “ well, then you can get your shower now but I’ll get mine when your done”.

Riza looked at Roy before she stood up and said “Roy, what would happen though if I started feeling uncomfortable carrying this child with being rapped?” Roy sighed and said “ well, just do what your heart would believe, mine tells me that you and I will be able to raise the child fine”.

Riza smiled slightly and said “Roy, I’ll figure out everything when we find out if I am”.

Riza stood to her feet and looked down at Roy who wasn’t moving and she lowered her arm and hand down and said “Roy, let me help you out”.

Just as Riza put her arm out to help him up to his feet he pulled her down on him and they both fell to the ground and she fell on top of him. Hers and Roy’s faces both flushed a bright color of red. Riza looked down at Roy, who was laying under her with his face a deep shade of red and his black orbs staring up into her amber ones.

Roy smiled and said” This is a lovely way to sleep” being his perverted self.

Riza smiled at Roy and said “maybe for a perv like yourself Roy”. Roy smiled and said “ I’m not that much of a perv and Riza smiled with a bright shade of red crossing her cheeks and said “just imagine if Havoc or Hughes were to see this, they’d be perverted as well”.

Roy smiled and said “like it’d bother me any, with it being my beautiful blonde right hand women” with a true smile on his face.

Riza smiled at Roy and said “ you never know Roy, it might happen someday” with a bright blush of pink crossing her cheeks.

She laid her mouth just a few inches away from Roy’s and then moved in closer and kissed him softly on the lips then stood to her feet once again and said “I need to go get in the shower now Roy” and she held her hand down for Roy to grab and she pulled him up.

When she pulled him up to his feet, he wrapped his arms around her waist for a few seconds and whispered “ Everything will be okay Riza, while I’m around everything will be”.

Riza kissed Roy’s forehead andsaid with a bright smile looking at Roy and spoke in a soft tone and said “well I really need to go get a shower Roy, I look like hell”.

Roy smiled slightly at Hawkeye and said “you look fine and beautiful as any other day”.

Riza blushed slightly and said “ well, I’m still going to get a shower”.

Roy gave up trying to keep her from taking one and leaving him alone for 15 minutes. Roy went and laid down on the bed, with Hayete laying beside him as Riza went and got into the shower. Roy sat there just petting Hayete and told Hayete “make sure Hayete, if I’m never around boy you protect your mommy for me”, Hayete just licked Roy’s hand after saying that with a friendly manner.

Roy laid there thinking about if Riza was pregnant and what if she didn’t feel comfortable keeping it, would he be able to have his own blood child with her? Or would they not even be together anymore?” all of this made Roy tear up in the eyes. He heard the bathroom door open and a sweet feminine voice say something to Hayete who jumped off the bed when he heard the door open. Roy just laid there with tears filling his eyes and closed them for a few seconds.

When he opened them he seen his special blonde, Riza, in his face just a few inches away from his face and she said in a soft voice
“Roy, what’s wrong?” and whipped his tears away with her soft hand.

Roy grabbed her hand and asked with sadness in his voice and said “Riza, if something happens to this baby, would you still be with me?” Riza smiled reassuringly at Roy and said in a soft sweet tone “of course Roy, why wouldn’t I be?”
Roy sighed with a look of relief upon his face and said “well I was just thinking of what if you decide you don’t want it because of who the father is or because of what happened and if I had a blood baby of my own with you and it just had me worry if something like that came up that we wouldn’t be together anymore”. Riza looked at Roy with a reassuring smile and said “Dam it Roy Mustang, I told you that I’d follow you to hell didn’t I and you told me you would for me as well right”? Roy nodded his head in a yes manner and Riza said “ there’s your answer Roy, and also your baby would be conceived by will”.

Roy smiled slightly with a pink blush crossing his cheeks and put his arms around Riza’s waist and cuddled close to her. He cuddled so close to Riza, he could hear her breathing pattern in his ear, this made him smile. Riza was fast asleep in Roy’s grip and as for Roy, he was fast and sound asleep as well holding Riza all night in his arms, and Black Hayete was laying down at the bottom of the bed. The next morning at 0930 hundred hours Roy and Riza both awoke to a knock at the door. Roy sat up and told Riza to go back to sleep because he’d get the door. He walked up to the door and looked through the peep whole and seen Grumman, Havoc, Rebecca, and Hughes waiting outside the door. He sighed and opened the door.

He noticed when they all walked by they were all smiling at Roy with a grin and Roy smiled and said “What the hell is all of the grins for?”

They all looked at Roy and giggled and Havoc spoke up being a perv said “the fact that you probably “slept with the Lt.” all night”.

Roy yelled at Havoc and said “shut the hell up Haovc, but no that‘s not what I ment”.

Hughes, Grumman and Rebecca all smiled at Roy and said all at once “well it’s because you two are spending so much time together’’.

Roy smiled and said “well she’s still asleep so be quieter so she doesn’t get woken up”.

They all gave Roy a look of awe. Roy blushed a little.

Grumman spoke up and said “ did you or the doctor tell her about the test results and there’s a possibility she maybe pregnant because of it?” Roy said “ yes, the doc told her last night she was worried about who would father it if she is or if she decided to keep it”.

Hughes spoke up and said “ Roy, I know you volunteered”.

Roy blushed and said in a small voice “yes I did, and I got worried about if she isn’t or if she decides she didn’t want it because of how it happened and who the father might be“.

Roy was getting ready to tell them that she said that we’d still be together and at least my baby would be conceived by will, Riza spoke up and said it. Riza was awake but pretended to be sleeping until she heard Roy say the last sentence and had to say it.

Everyone stopped dead In there tracks and yelled “AWEE all at once” and Hughes patted Roy on the shoulder and said “ I knew some day you two would get together”.

Roy smiled a bright smile, on of the most brightest smiles and said “well it’s made me the happiest”.

Riza sat up in her bed and said her good mornings to everyone and gave Roy a good morning kiss in front of everyone In the room.
Grumman smiled at Roy and said “so I take it now, you’ll take my offer to take her hand Roy?” Roy smiled and said “that’s a major possibility”, Hughes and Rebecca both were crying with tears of happiness running down there cheeks and Havoc smiled and said “ I think I was right sir”.

Roy smiled and said “well at least she’d be willing for me and not that ass Archer!”

Grumman, Rebecca and Havoc all looked at Roy confused because he didn’t get the chance to tell them about him seeing Archer in the hallway yesterday. He explained to them that Hawkeye said she remembered seeing Archer before she got knocked unconscious, he seen Archer in the hall and noticed he had blood on his coat, told another officer he was late and had a cut on his face. Grumman sighed and said “if it was him who did this to my granddaughter, Roy, I give you permission to take him out”.

Roy smiled and said “I had that planned only to fry his ass, no one is allowed to mess with my first lt.!”

Hughes smiled and awed really loud to where Riza looked at Hughes and said “Hughes, you’re always obsessed with Roy and I getting together now your yelling awe and waking me up”.

Havoc smiled, interrupted with another perverted comment and said “Roy will be waking you up at nighttime”.

Riza blushed and pulled her pistol (she had in her bag that Gracia brought to her) and pulled it off the table and pointed it at Havoc and said “Havoc, that’s none of your business”.

Rebecca smiled at her boyfriend Havoc who was sitting beside her and said “Havoc, your such a perv!” Riza smiled and said “Becca your just now figuring this out?” Rebecca’s face went 10 shades of red.

Grumman spoke up and said “so if you decide to keep this baby if you are pregnant by Archer for the what he did, who’s going to father your baby?”

Riza smiled and pointed at the man sitting beside her with black raven hair and dark eyes and looked at her grandfather.

Grumman smiled and said “so you two finally, really??” Riza and Roy both smiled and nodded with a yes. Hughes and Rebecca had more tears of joy running down there faces and Havoc, was smoking a cig just spacing out.

Grumman looked at his watch and said “well Rebecca and I need to get back to the office and work on some of our paperwork, Havoc and Hughes both said “we might as well head back up as well”. They said there goodbyes as they walked out the door.

Roy laid there just thinking to himself about Grumman asking him “does this mean your going to take my offer and take my granddaughter’s hand?” Roy smiled to himself and answered “yes, I’ll take that offer anyday“.

Riza who was still half awake looked at Roy with a quizzical look and asked “yes, you’ll take what offer any day?” Roy smiled and said “the offer of your hand, your grandfather’s been asking me for a while to take, I’ve been telling him he’s been jumping the gun because I didn’t know how you’d take It and felt about me but I know from me to you, I’d except”.

Riza blushed and said “ well Roy, you should know I’d except as well”.

Roy smiled and said “ well, you just need to tell your grandfather”.

Riza smiled and said “ if I did, he wouldn’t leave me alone all day and I’d end up having to shoot wholes through him”.

Roy giggled and said “your grandfather is a perv though, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he said any smart ass comments like Havoc this morning”.

Riza giggled and said “you, Havoc and my grandfather are all perv’s, no wonder how you three get along, but you’ve settled down when your around me and as for Havoc, Rebecca still has training to do with him and my grandfather, has and will never change”.

Roy smiled and said “it’s respect for you Riza”. Riza smiled and said “I’m glad you respect me like that Roy”. Roy smiled at her with a true smile and gripped her hand and said “we’ve been together so long, I’d respect you in anyway”.

Riza blushed and kissed Roy’s hand that was entwined with hers. Roy smiled and said “ well, I really don’t want to move, but I have to I need to get a shower”.

Riza giggled at Roy for saying he really didn’t want to move but had to. Roy stood to his feet and made his way to the bathroom to get his shower and Riza laid back down with Hayete beside her. She stood to her feet to walk to the café to get some tea, as she was getting ready to stand up there was a knock at the door. Riza walked up to the door and looked through the peep whole and seen the doctor waiting at the door. She opened the door for the doctor. The doctor looked at Riza and said “good morning Miss Hawkeye, are you feeling any better”. Riza smiled and said “yes I am, thank you”.

The doctor smile and looked around the room and said “were doing a blood test tonight on you, to see if your pregnant Miss Hawkeye”.

Hawkeye’s heart began to speed a little because that made her think of the conversation that her and Roy had about it. She smiled at the doc and said “okay, thank you, about what time?” The doc smiled and said well, its 1030 hundred hours right now so about 1130 hundred hours”.

Riza smiled slightly and said “okay, I’ll be ready by then for a blood test”. The doc smiled at her and said “is there anything we can get for you?”

Riza smiled and said “no, I’m fine I was just going to get me some tea but thanks anyway”. The doc smiled and said his goodbyes while walking out the door.

Riza just laid back down on the bed with Hayete at her side liking her hand. She laid on her back and stared at the ceiling thinking “what if I am pregnant and Roy decides since it’s not his by blood he doesn’t want to father it?”

Riza’s eyes began to fill with tears. Roy got out of the shower and walked out, seen Riza laying on the bed on her back with tears falling out of her eyes.

He walked over to the bed and laid beside her, put his arms around her and said “What’s wrong Riza?” Riza just looked at Roy with more tears falling from her eyes and said with a soft voice “there doing the blood test in an hour Roy, and I was just thinking what if I am and you decide since it’s not your’s by blood that you don’t want to father it”.

Roy’s grip tightened around Riza’s waist and he said with a soft voice “Riza, you know better than to thank that, I’d stay with you and father it rather it’s my blood baby or not, It’s been my dream of raising a child with you”.

Riza looked at Roy and the tears finally slowed down and Roy pulled her lips close to his and before he pulled there lips close he smiled at her and said “it’s a miracle to me to father a baby of yours Riza”.

Riza cheered up slightly then Roy pulled her into a soft kiss. Riza just laid there letting the soft kiss keep going for about 30 minutes. She then broke the kiss by pulling her head away and saying “Roy, do you think we should go tell grandfather that there doing the blood test today?” Roy sighed and said “ well, lets see how it goes then we’ll let him know”.

Riza smiled at Roy with a reassuring smile. Roy and Riza just laid there on the bed with there arms wrapped around one another holding each other tightly. Riza looked at the clock and noticed an hour went by fast and said “ well, I’m prepared to find out Roy”.

Right after she said that there was a knock at the door and it was the doc. Roy stood up from the bed and opened the door.

Riza just laid on the bed and looked at the doc and asked “where are we doing the blood test?”

The doc smiled and said “well, I can take your blood in here, I brought the needles to take it with and the results should be in tomorrow”. Riza smiled and said “okay”.

Roy laid there beside Riza still and quietly while the doc took her blood. Roy closed his eyes and began thinking to himself “Even if she is or not, I hope we’ll be together like this forever”.

He got knocked out of his thoughts when he heard the door close. The doctor walked out of the door. Riza turned to Roy with a smile and said “Roy, are you okay?”

Roy nodded his head with answering a “yes”.

Riza laid her head on Roy’s chest and said “your not okay Roy, your to quiet and I can tell your thinking”. Roy opened his eyes and said “I’m just worried about something that’s all”. Riza wrapped her arms around his waist and said “Roy, what is wrong?”

Roy looked into Riza’s amber orbs and said “ Riza, rather your pregnant or not I hope we’ll be together like this forever”. Riza looked at Roy with a reassuring smile and said “it’ll be forever Roy”.

Roy smiled at Riza and gripped Riza’s waist tightly and whispered in her ear and said “that’s the answer I was hoping for”.

Riza smiled and kissed Roy on the cheek. Riza just looked into Roy’s black orbs and said “I cant believe I find out tomorrow Roy”.

Roy sighed and said ‘’yes, I know Riza”. Roy got up and stood to his feet out of the bed and said “I’m going to get some water, Riza do you want anything?” Riza smiled at Roy and said “ I do want something, I want you to come back as fast as you can Roy” and her face flushed with a bright shade or red. Roy smiled and said “I’ll be back as soon as I can Riza”, and he walked over to her and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. Riza smiled as she watched Roy walk out the door and rolled over on her left side and seen Hayete laying on the bed beside her.

She petted Hayete softly on the head and said “Hayete, Roy’s probably going to be your knew daddy” and Hayete licked Riza’s hand. Riza smiled and thought to herself “I cant wait until I get out of here, I get to enjoy my own home and bed, well even though Roy will be staying with me, but that’s no problem I’ll enjoy it”.

Riza sighed to herself and began dozing off to sleep. She heard the door open to her room and looked and seen someone she wasn’t expecting to see. It was Archer, some how he found out she was in the infirmary and the room number. She had a scared look on her face and was going to try to get up to go get Roy but new better.

She looked up and noticed Archer standing over her and he said with a very dark voice “so have you found if your pregnant with my child yet?”

Riza looked at him with a death glare and said” Shut the hell up Archer and get out of my room before Roy comes back and fries your ass!”

Hayete started to bark but gave up because Riza quieted him down. Archer sighed and said “well, at least you sacrificed yourself for him”Riza looked up and seen Archer standing over her. He opened a bottle of pills and said “ take this if you don’t want me to kill you, Roy and the kid when its born incase your pregnant!”

Riza tried to knock the pill out of his hand but failed, he snuck it into a glass of water and said “here then drink it” and opened Riza’s mouth forcefully and pored the water into her mouth. Riza just stared into Archers eyes with her eyes full of tears.

Archer looked at Riza before he walked out and said “ that’s a good girl, now I shouldn’t be responsible of a child”. Riza started to cry, her eyes filled with tears. About 10 minutes after her getting forced to take the pill, she ran to the bathroom and got sick. Roy was walking in the hallway back to the room and seen Archer in the hallway. He ran back to Riza’s room as fast as he could. Once he got there he seen her with her hands covering her face and heard her crying.

He ran over to her bed and sat down beside her and wrapped his arms around her and whispered gently into her ear “what the hell happened, I seen Archer in the hallway.”

Riza looked at Roy with tears in her eyes and said “he just stopped by and somehow found out my room number, he tried for force me to take a pill incase I was pregnant but I denied and then he said he’d kill me, you and the child if I was pregnant and then I tried to knock it out of his hand and failed miserably”.

Roy looked at Riza with a serious look and said “that bastard, I think it was a abort pill, did he force you to drink anything?”

Riza nodded with answering “yes” and spoke up softly and said “he forced my mouth opened and dumped it in, then about 25 minutes after drinking it I got sick”.

Roy sighed and began to tear up as well. He looked at Riza and said “I’m going to find that ass later, he better hope he’s been asking for a death wish because he’ll be getting one!”

Riza grabbed Roy’s hand and kissed it softly and said “ Im sorry Roy, if I was pregnant I probably lost it because of the pill, if I did I’m sorry Roy”.

Roy looked down at Riza and pulled her close to him and said “ I did tell you I’d be with you no matter if you were pregnant or not, well I’ll still be with you Hawkeye, no matter what and we’ll have our own baby alchemists and sharpshooter’s with both of our blood”.

This made Riza smile slightly with a blush crossing her face. Roy and Riza sat there holding one another for about 30 minutes and then they heard a knock at the door. Roy heard the voice outside of the door and it was Hughes, Rebecca, Grumman and Havoc. Roy yelled “come on in.“

As soon as Roy let them in they noticed Riza and Roy both were in tears.

oy explained to everyone that Riza had her blood test today and would be getting the results tomorrow. Becca walked over to Riza’s side and asked “what’s wrong Riza”, Grumman was in panic, Havoc was worried and teared up a little , Hughes walked over to Roy and asked “What the hell happened now Roy?”

Roy looked at Hughes and everyone else in the room, spoke up softly and said “I‘m sure Riza will explain when she feels ready”. She looked up at Roy and said “Roy, I’ll go ahead and explain now”.

Riza made sure to speak up loud and clear and began explaining that about what just happened about an hour ago. Rebecca started to cry, Grumman said “that ass whole Archer”, Hughes and Havoc both looked at Roy and said “Roy, if you need help going after him, we’ll help!”

Hughes was tearing up a little bit as well and asked Riza “so what are you going to tell your doc?”

Riza sighed and said “well, when he comes in I’m telling him exactly what just happened and if the blood test did show positive that it’s not positive anymore”.

She looked at everyone in the room and said “I did it for Roy and myself, I don’t want Roy hurt because of me”.

Riza started to tear up again and Hughes looked at Riza and said “isn’t love a strong thing Hawkeye?”

Hawkeye’s face turned a little red and Roy spoke up and said “yes it is Hughes, I would rather have myself killed than her hurt” and pulled Riza into his arms.

Everyone in the room awed and Grumman spoke up and said “ well Roy, your going to take my offer than?” Roy smiled, his face grew a deep shade of red and shook his head with a yes” manner and said “I just don’t know when though.

Grumman smiled at Roy, while everyone else including Riza looked at them with a lost and confused look on there face. Riza looked at Roy and then her grandfather and asked ‘I figure this is about me, what did you offer him grandfather?”

Grumman smiled and said “wait and see Riza, when the time comes”.

Riza smiled slightly and asked Roy and Grumman both “should I be worried?” Roy smiled and said “ No, unless you don’t care about me or love me”.

Riza smiled at Roy slightly and said “ Roy, your impossible but should already know the answer to both of those”.

Hughes and Rebecca both cried tears of happiness in what they just heard out of there best friends mouth, Haovc was in shock as what he just heard he dropped the cig out of his mouth and Grumman was tearing up and said “my granddaughter’s growing up!“

Roy blushed slightly and Riza just sighed and hid her face in her pillow. Hughes giggled and said “See Roy, I told you all the time that she’d forgive you, and also that she’d be your future wife”. Roy sighed and said “you never shut up about everyone getting married do you?” Hughes smiled and said “nope, not even Ed with Winry, and Al with May”.

Roy looked at Havoc and Rebecca sitting beside one another with there hands entwined and said “ now, Havoc and Rebecca are going to start to hear it, so Havoc and Rebecca be forewarned. Riza giggled through her pillow and pulled her face out from her pillow, looked at Becca and said “have fun Becca”. Havoc smiled and said “Hughes, look on Rebecca‘s right hand and her finger“. Hughes and Roy both looked at it and noticed she had an engagement ring on. Hughes smiled and said “ to late to give them the speech, but it’ll just stick with Roy, Ed and Al”.

Roy smiled at Grumman and Grumman spoke up and said “well Lt. co. Hughes, you wont have to worry about giving Roy the speech anymore, because he will have a wife soon, the one sitting beside him on the bed”.

Riza and Roy both blushed tremendously and Riza spoke up and said “ your funny grandfather”. Roy looked down at Riza with a big true smile and said “he’s right you know, that’s what the offer was to take your hand”.

Riza blushed and heard Hughes start to cry once again. Riza just sighed to herself and laid back down. Roy giggled at how embarrassed she was. Grumman looked at his wrist watch and said “well, I think we should all be getting back to work now, we’ve been in here for like 20 minutes and Roy, take care of her’’.
Roy smiled and waved goodbye to Grumman and everyone else in the room as they walked out of the door. Roy laid back down in the bed on the left side of Riza and looked down and seen some of her face peeking out of her pillow and still noticed she was still blushing.

Roy threw his arms around her waist and said with a sound of happiness in his voice “well, that is the offer he asked me, I told him before he was jumping the gun because I didn’t know how you felt, but now I told him I’d for sure take that offer any day when I found out you felt the same way about me as I do you”.

Riza looked at Roy with her amber eyes glowing again and said “Roy, I’m glad you excepted it, I don’t know what I’d do if you wouldn’t of”. Roy smiled and said “well, when you get out of here we’ll pick your engagement ring up”.

Riza smiled with a bright pink crossing her face. Roy and Riza were getting ready to lay fall asleep with one another in each other’s embrace and there was a knock at the door. Roy walked over to the door and looked through the peep whole and seen the doc at the door. He opened the door and the doc said his apologies about stopping by so late.

Riza sat up and said “it’s okay doc”.

The doc looked at Riza and said “well, your test results came in, you are pregnant Miss Hawkeye”. Riza laid back down and Roy had a stunned look on his face. Riza looked at the doc and said “ well, the baby’s lost I know it is doc”. The doc asked “why’s that Miss Hawkeye?” She explained to the doc about the pill thing with Archer earlier and how she got sick a few hours after she took it, and got lost it in tears.

The doc looked at her and said “ well, we can check tomorrow Miss Hawkeye for you, we’ll take you for another test tomorrow”, the doc looked at Roy who had tears rolling out of his eyes and the doc said “Miss Hawkeye, I’m sure your boyfriend that’s been staying with you will be able to give you a family with a loving and caring environment”.

Riza blushed and Roy looked at the doc with a slight smile and said “that’s fore surly going to happen”. The doc looked back at Roy and said “that’s good for you two, I’m glad to hear that “ with a big smile on his face. Riza blushed slightly and asked the doc when they were going to test her tomorrow and the doc looked at her and said “ well, possibly around 1130 hundred hours”. Riza looked at him and smiled and said “I’ll make sure to be awake”.

The doc told them both good night for the rest of the night. Roy went and laid back down beside Riza, with Hayete between the both of them. Roy wrapped his arms around Riza, with a tight grip. Roy and Riza both fell asleep for the night at 2100 hundred hours. They woke the next morning to a knock on the door and it was the doc.

The doc smiled at the two and said “good morning early birds”. Riza and Roy both yawned it was earlier then 1130 hundred hours. The doc smiled and said “well, Miss Hawkeye, this is the last test were doing on you to see if your still pregnant, after that your released to go home”. Riza looked at Roy with a big grin on her face and said “did you hear that Roy”?

Roy smiled and said “yes I did and after we leave here, were going to pick your ring out” and Roy had a evil grin on his face. Riza laid still while the doc took the test on Riza, Roy just laid still as well with his arms still around her waist. Riza looked at the doc after he was done taking another blood test and asked “when should the results be in for this test?”

The doc smiled and said well it should be by the end of the night tonight, you can stop in later and get the results. Riza smiled and thanked the doc for all of his help and Roy thanked the doc as well.

Riza stood to her feet and went and started to get her things packed and Roy as well did. Finally, as they were heading out of the infirmary they seen Hughes from a distance and Roy yelled “ Hughes?, what the hell are you doing here this early?”

Hughes smiled and said “well, I figured today they’d let her out so I just wanted to stop by and tell you two when you two decide on a wedding date, make sure you make Elysia the flower girl.”

Riza smiled at Hughes and said “ we’ll keep that in mind”. Hughes smile widely with a evil grin on his face. Finally Roy and Riza made it to the jewelry store and he let Riza pick out her engagement ring. The ring she picked it was a silver band with diamonds on the outside of a ruby. Roy smiled at Riza and said “that color of the ruby, matches your amber eyes’’.

Riza blushed and Roy looked down and said “ and the ruby also matches the color of your embarrassed face right now as well”. Riza looked at Roy with a smile and playfully smacked him. Roy giggled to himself. That night Riza snuggled close to Roy in her bed, well now it was known as hers and his because he decided he was moving in with her now since they were engaged. She and Roy both fell asleep and woke up the next morning to the phone ringing. Riza answered it with a sleepy voice and noticed it was the doc on the other line.

She smiled slightly and asked “did my results come back?” The doc said with a serious voice and said “yes, they did and I’m sorry to say this Miss Hawkeye, but that was an abort pill and you lost the baby”. Riza sat up in her bed, her eyes filling with tears and she hung up the phone after thanking the doc for the test. She sat up crying and Roy started to wake up once he noticed she was crying. He jumped up out of his sleep and said “what’s wrong Hawkeye, well I’m going to start calling you Mustang” he said with a smirk. This made Riza giggle a little but still was tearing up. Roy asked her “ was that the doc with your results?”

She looked at Roy, with her amber eyes tearing up and said “Roy, that was the doc and I did lose the baby, that was an abort pill”. Roy sat down and started to tear up and pulled Riza close to him.

They sat there most of the morning just holding one another and Roy looked down at Riza’s hand, with her ring on it and said “Riza, look at your right hand, it’ll tell you that you’ll have another chance to have a baby”.

Riza looked at her hand noticing the ring and smiled up at Roy and put him into a tight hug.

Riza looked at Roy and said “well, when are we going to start planning?”

Roy smiled and said “ well, since Rebecca and Havoc are getting married in two days, I think we should have a double wedding”. Riza smiled with a big grin and said “you should ask Havoc and Rebecca, but I’m sure they wont mind”.

Roy smiled and said “I know Havoc wont mind and neither will Rebecca, they told me when they heard me tell your grandfather about excepting his offer and mentioned we should have a double wedding”. Riza blushed and said “well then, I guess I’ll have to go pick out my dress”.

Roy smiled and said “well I’m sure you, Ross, Rebecca, and Gracia will probably all go do that tonight while I take care of the planning”.

Riza smiled and kissed Roy on the cheek but then moved her lips off his cheeks down to his lips.

5 months later..
Riza was walking into the office and Havoc looked at Riza, he thought to himself “there’s something different about her”. Riza noticed Havoc was giving her a weird look and asked “Havoc, you should be getting on you paperwork”.

Havoc smiled and asked “Hawkeye, not trying to be an ass whole, but there’s something different about you.”

Riza walked over to Havoc with a smile on her face and whispered in his ear “I’m expecting a little boy in 4 months Havoc, just don’t tell Roy the gender yet I want it to be a surprise.” Havoc smiled slightly and asked “He’s going to be a daddy?”

Riza smiled slightly at Havoc and shook her head yes. Havoc asked quietly “when are you going to tell him the gender?”

Riza smiled and said “I’m going to sometime today, I just found out this morning, at my 3 month apt. Roy and I wanted it to be a surprise and told them not to worry about telling us the gender, he said if I wanted to I could go to the doc sometime and see the gender, but I decided to go to the doc this morning and see the gender, Roy will find out, actually I think I’m going to go tell him now and Havoc, I’m surprised Rebecca didn’t tell you I was expecting, I know she is a month and 3 weeks along with hers”.

Havoc smiled slightly and said “well, we hope it’s going to be a little girl”. Riza smiled slightly and made her way to Roy’s desk. When she got there she noticed him sleeping but she awoke him by slamming a pile of paper work on his desk. Roy jumped awake but seen his wife right in front of his face and smiled at her. She bent her head down to meet his forehead, slightly kissed it and whispered “it’s a boy Roy’’.

Roy’s eyes grew wide with excitement and happiness and said “when did you find out?” Riza smiled and said “this morning, we’ll think of a name for him tonight”. Roy smiled slightly and stood to his feet and said “I’m going to go get some coffee, want to come with me?’’

She smiled but shook her head answering yes. As they were walking down the hallway, Riza on the left side of Roy, they noticed a familiar voice behind them, the voice of one and only Maes Hughes.

Roy and Riza both looked at one another, smiled slightly and turned around to see Hughes walking towards them both with a big grin. Hughes said with a cheerful voice “So Hawkeye, your 5 months, remember babies aren’t born after 5 months”.

Riza sighed but smiled slightly and Roy giggled at Hughes. Hughes smiled and asked “so, what’s the gender of it, do know?”

Roy smiled and said “ we were gonna make it a surpirse, but she wanted to go to the doc and see this morning, it’s a boy”. Hughes’ grin grew wider and pulled Riza and Roy both into a tight hug and yelled


Roy sighed and Riza just blushed slightly, Hughes could feel the heat off her flushing cheeks.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dont own fma, if so Roy and Riza would've had a kid or two xD