
Chapter One




I continued counting the steps in my head. It was the only thing i could keep track of now.

I had previously been counting the days....but I stopped at 1,461. Four years. Who knows how long it had bee since then? i hadn't eaten in about the same amount of time; four years. i can survive because I am an illusionist. I am immortal. I survived the obliteration of Earth.

And I had survived the birth or Distortia.

The only thing was....is that I was immortal, like I previously stated. I can live forever....but i am the only one living.

Each evening, I get up, cloak myself in Illusion so the Creatures Of Night do not hunt me, and i start walking. I do not stop until sunrise, upon which time, I sit down, set my internal alarm clock, and go to sleep.

I walked at night because the stars are the only thing on Ear-....Distortia....that remained the same. i have been following the North Star for four years. Occasionally i walk parallel to it, just so I don't walk in a huge damn circle....but that was all i did. I walked, and I slept. That was my life.

Sometimes I made an Illusion friend. i would talk, and he/she would reply to me whatever i wanted to hear. i would vary the appearance for most of them....but there was one that I could not push out of my mind, for some reason.

He was just taller than me, and his eyes were solidly coloured; no whites not pupils no irises. They were new-leaf-Green....at least, i think they were. i had not seen a tree, or any sign of life since Obliteration Second.

The Creatures Of Night were not living. the Future told me that they were set here to annihilate anything that crossed their paths; they were the dark and destruction of a human, and the strength and pollution of the machines, shoved into Monstrous Unholy Beings.

But they still had brains, regardless of what they actually were.....I controlled them...sort of...not really. I hid myself from their minds, basically.

I let my thoughts wander....and i let the images and memories of trees form around me; people, buildings, parents....home.....however, things were missing from my scenes now....i could tell because there were empty blotches about. they were small details i had forgotten. My mother's face was different...her eyelashes, maybe...or her eyes....I think they had been green the last time I had thought of her.

I was starting to forget.

Would I disband them completely one day? My whole other life? To be filled with nothing but this cold, baron hunk of rock?

I hoped not. That would be terrible.

Or would it?

At least if I forgot them, i would not feel the pain in knowing everyone I ever knew, and ever loved -and even those i didn't- were dead. Or... maybe I was the dead one? Was I in Heaven? Hell? Was I Stuck-In-Between? i knew the answer was - D)None Of The Above.

I wanted something.

I wanted a friend.

A family.

A pet.

A lover.


I was so alone.

I looked up at the sky; up at the North Star. It was starting to fade: dawn was breaking. I should cloak myself soon and sleep....oddly enough i was not tired; but my feet hurt like hell.

I spared a glance at my shoeless toes. I had grown out of my old Runners a while ago....before I stopped counting days. besides, they had been worn anyways.

The ground did not bother me, and i didn't need an illusion to think that either. The ground was as gray and as smooth as freshly dried cement....it was gross.

I ignored the stars, and the ground for a moment, and looked straight ahead. I expected to see nothing but baron wasteland, devoid of any life -even a cell-. But what greeted my eyes made me think i was having a mirage...or something.

About 300 feet in front of me was a human.

A live one.
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