Status: I got it mostly laid out :)

Just the Five of Us

I Just Got Paired With a Witch

My head hurts like hell.

All of my boys are cheerful and are buzzing over last night’s escapade, but I’m dying from exhaustion.
Breakfast was simple, toast and hot chocolate. But I couldn’t even look at it. I was deing slowly in a shell of agony…

“Kristin!” Adrian screamed in my ear. He was right next to.

I winced painfully then gave him a smile. They didn’t need to know I was about to pass out. I was covered in bruises. The adrenalin from the water fighting had numbed the pain from the whips until now.

“Yup?” I asked tiredly.

He smirked at me, “you look tired.”

I rolled my eyes at him and picked half heartedly at my toast. He continued to stare at me with large eyes. He didn’t move, it was a little awkward.

I sighed and faced him again, “yes Adrian?”

He giggled, “You know what today is?” he asked evilly, his eyes going slit like.

I frowned, “no…”

He chuckled darkly, “today is the day they dump us in the middle of the forest and give us a map to lead us home. Are you ready for that?”

Oh shoot. I had completely forgotten about that. I sighed, feeling annoyed. The rest of the guys were watching me curiously, they were interested to see if I would enjoy this. The answer was no.

I shook my head, “I hate things like that. I’d rather just play around, I guess.”

“Well,” Ray said standing up, “it’s about time to go; we’ll be out all day.”

I dumped the remainder of my food in the trash can and then slumped outside to the fire pit where everybody met after meals. I stood next to my cabin mates and stared at the ground. People no longer watched me like I was some bizarre science experiment, they just ignored now. That was thanks to the three people who hated me I was sure. But I had no problem with that, I actually preferred it.

“Alright! Campers, this is the first Tracking test!” Mr. Brice announced. He was one of the councilor, he was actually kinda cute. Like a little caterpillar you find on your food and are about to smash when you realize how fuzzy it is and decide to let it live. That kind of cute.

A low rumbled started through the crowd. He ignored it and continued, “You will be divided into groups of five and left at various points throughout the forest, find you way back before dark!”

“Your teams are as follows,” he pulled out a list, “once I call you name go get a map from Mrs. Morris and find your group.”

“Shean, Alexander, Mark, Patrick and Sean,”

I slumped, there went Shean.

“Dean, Harold, Fin, Austin, Ray”

There went Ray too. This wasn’t looking to good.

“Daniel, Phil, Oscar, Darren, Teddy,”

Oh shit, we had just started and already three of them were gone. I had a very bad feeling about this.


Oh please, fingers crossed…




Oh, hell, shit, please…please, Adrian I am begging of you!


I died right there.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's short, btu i wanted to leave it there! Sorry i've been gone so long, I was out ;) If this chapter sucks, then please i am begging of you to tell me.

And also, I came up with a new sotry called Star Child (slash) it woudl make me all fuzzy if you'de check ti out. I'd post a link here if i could...but I have no idea how. if it stinks, again, tell me, i'll do my bets to fix it's stinky ness.