Status: I got it mostly laid out :)

Just the Five of Us

Bang, Bang, Bang

So I thought last night. I thought about a lot of things, like how I view myself and I’m pretty proud of what I came up with.

As it turns out, I am not all about hiding and crying. I can see that much. But now, how to put into action my new found Kristiness?

That is where the problem comes. In the movies, the girl realizes she is something after all, then goes out and does something daring and brave. But, I’m too scared to do something daring and brave. You can’t just suddenly summon up the courage in real life; you can’t suddenly go from a looser to a superman. It does not happen.

So I’ll just sit and wait for the right moment when the right amount of adrenalin gives me that extra kick. It’ll come sometime. Won’t it?

Even if it doesn’t, I’ll take this slowly.

“Are you ready?” Adrian breathed in my ear. I jumped and glared at him.

“No, of course not, I’ll get destroyed,” I whined.

Ray appeared on Adrian’s other side, “Nope, we’ll throw our weak and disposable bodies in front of that raging ball and save you from any bruising or banging you might otherwise feel,” he bowed at me.

Awww, Ray, what a gentleman. I was almost positive he might have a thing going for me.
He was always so kind and up in my face about stuff. That helped my pride an excellent bit.

But it also made me worry, what if he asked me out?

“Okay!” Darren sang from behind me, “It’s time, we’re going to let cabin twelve kill us one way or another. Come one guys!”

I frowned as Shean magically (ha, get it? They’re magic and stuff…never mind) appeared next to me. Bring out the Kristiness!

Task 1) Ask Shean a simple question.

“Why are we going to let them kill us?” I asked, “I don’t know about you, but I want to win at this dodge ball match.”

Shean shrugged, “We’re stronger than them, so we can’t just win. We have to let them.”

My jaw dropped. What?! Limit yourself because of racial differences? You have got to be kidding me!

“Well,” I grumbled crossing my arms across me chest, “I’m going to try my best to kill them. One way or another.”

Shean flashed me a rare smile before dropping back into blank mode, “You do that, and we’ll make sure you don’t get hit. But aim for their legs, don’t let them catch the ball.” With that advice he turned on his heel and headed for the battle field.

“Come on princess,” Adrian grabbed my arm, “Darren is closer to human strength so he can try hard with you. But not one hundred percent,” he winked at me.

I sighed and nodded slowly. Oh well, I’d do my best.

Everyone was gathered around the battle field. Almost all of them supported our opposing team since (apparently) cabin four hadn’t won in eons. Only Crystal shouted. “Go Shean, go
Ray,” several times.

Kristin Task 2) Take out at least one person in weekly dodge ball tournament.


Welcome Mr. Rocky again, he’s commentating today. I don’t think he’ll do anything strange seeing as almost every other councilor is present. But still, the memories of him are painful.

“Will the opposing teams take their sides,” he yelled.

I shuffled over to our side. Ray and Shean flanked me. they stood a couple steps ahead
with one person on my right and the other on my left.

Shean stood with his arms at his sides and his weight on his left leg. His black shorts and deep blue shirt brought out the color in his dark hair and his deep blue eyes. He look so nonchalant, he looked so hot, he looked so…

Don’t get me wrong, Ray looked just as amazing.

Darren and Adrian positioned themselves too. To the average eye, it would have looked random, but if you looked closely you would see that they were actually guarding Ray and Shean both.

I noticed this was usual. They stood like this often, with Shean and Ray in the center and the other two seemingly watching their backs. How weird…

My attention was diverted to the other team as Jake stood at their head. They were tough looking guys with one scrawny one hiding in a corner. They had the advantage with six people, if you counted Mr. Chicken Legs in the back.

I could tell by the look on Jake’s face that he was out for blood.

On the spur of the moment I rushed forward, grabbed Shean’s shoulders from the back and pushed myself up onto my tiptoes so I was level with his ear.

“Please, just this once, can we take this like a war? I know your all chivalrous but please, I’m begging you!” I pleaded into his ear before I even knew what I was doing, “He thinks he’s going to win, look at him! It doesn’t have to be spectacular, but, for me, can we beat him?”

I leaned forward around his neck so I could catch his expression.

I saw him smirk. It glinted with pure hunger.

“If you say so,” he murmured darkly, “let’s play some hard ball.”

He glanced over at Ray who had obviously heard the entire conversation and had a giant bloodthirsty grin on his face. Darren was grinning the same way and so was Adrian, who was actually licking his lips as well.

The crowd noticed a change in our demeanor as I skipped back to my previous spot. They had gone a little silent. I didn’t know if Mr. Rocky noticed but whether he did or not he continued normally.

“Okay, get ready!” he picked up two bright yellow balls and then held them out at arm’s length, “Go!” he shouted.

The balls both flew forward and Adrian had already leaped forward and captured one.

Shean was at the border between our separate lands before anyone even saw him move and caught the ball just as Jake had been about to.

The both backed away from the border and stood at the center line.

“Remember,” shouted Shean, “Don’t kill them!”

“Yes master,” Adrian shrieked wildly and threw the ball at ninety miles an hour.

Oh, this had to be the most amazing dodge ball match I had ever watched. Because that was all I did, I stood in the exact middle clutching my stomach trying not to have an aneurism from laughing as Shean and my boys taunted the opposite team with the balls.

They would pretend to through then throw and catch it again only then to really throw and listening to guys shriek like girls is the most amazing fun.

Whenever anyone aimed at me either Ray or Shean was there to catch it before it hit. And whenever anyone aimed at them Adrian or Darren came swooping in even though I was sure they really didn’t have to.

They were having as much fun as I was. The game only lasted about seven minutes and at the very end only Jake was left. His face was red and he looked ready to explode from anger.

Shean walked casually over to me with a grin planted on his face, “Take the final shot?” he asked holding a bright yellow rubber ball out to me.

I tentatively took the ball from him. I was going to complete task two, one way or another. I looked up at Jake who despite his situation had a sneer on his face. Time for this jerk to eat toe jam!

I threw the ball as hard as I could.



Caught it...

Boo me.

Oh well at least I tried right?

Oh wait! He tripped, and he…


Cabin four started shrieking in victory. They all clustered around me as if I was the one who had played the entire time.

Ray actually picked me up and spun me around before dropping me I was then swept up by Adrian who lunged onto my back for a piggy back ride. I locked my knees preparing for the weight, but he was as light as a feather. He threw his arms out and whooped. Darren clapped me on the back and I as turned I felt lips touch my cheek.

I froze as the feeling vanished as quickly as it had come. My eyes flitted to Ray who was frowning slightly to Darren who was watching Adrian who was still screaming on my back, then slowly to Shean.

He was watching me with a soft smile. He gave me a wink before spinning on his heel and grabbing Shean and yanking him off me.

I was so red. So, so, so, red. He did…didn’t he? Oh my gosh…

My brain froze up and I just smiled and laughed with the others as we made our back to cabin for the thirty minute break.


I could melt into the floor right now…

“Hey, stop,” Ray said suddenly.

We all froze. We weren’t far from the cabin and everybody gave him annoyed looks. I wasn’t
tired but I was sweaty and dusty and wanted to change.

He shook his head frowning, “Something’s not right…”


Ray smashed into Shean and they both went flying into a crowd of boys who shrieked and swore at them I gasped and my head whipped back and forth as what sounded so much like a gunshot echoed off.

Oh shoot, had they been shot? Who shot them? Where were they now?

I was by Shean and Ray in seconds. Darren and Adrian right behind me.

Shean was sprawled out on the ground with huge eyes and Ray was draped over him. His eyes were closed and he wasn’t moving.

Oh, please no…

Shean slowly flipped over, his arm stayed around Ray’s waist. Ray touch the ground slowly his face was paler than normal. We all studied his head silently then our eyes slipped down to his chest.

♠ ♠ ♠
I've made a terrible mistake.
Who else thinks Ray and Shean are adorable together?
anyway, I hope you like this update.
schools starting on Monday, *shudder*
I started a new story: Prince of Black Sun
it's, again, very different from this one and Star Child (which you should also see). It's a horror sort of slash thingy