Status: Will see where this takes us.

Life Lied

Here we go.

If I could write a book about what not to do, who to trust and how to live. I would write it, make it become published and unleash it on the world. Only problem would be, no one would read it. You go through your whole life being told what not to do, who to tell, what's right and what's wrong. Blah blah blah, and the only people who listen, are those no life fucks. And they only listen half the time. You have to remember one thing throughout your life. People don't care.

And I know, that sounds rebellious and un-true. It's almost astonishing what people do these days. How can someone really go out there and kill a human being? I've been there where you really dislike someone and don't pretend you haven't said it, because you have. The saying "If I really got a chance to kill him/her I would." But if you really thought about it. If you were standing in front of that person with a gun, or whatever weapon of your choice. Could you really look them in the eye and watch them take in their last breath?

Some people can. Or could. And that's why we have jail. People don't understand that with every decision there is a consequence. Most people may lie, and get away with it. For however long. A month, a year, a few days. But, it will come back. There will be a time where someone sits you down and asks you what really happened.

I'm not saying that I have killed someone before. But I have lied. And you may think, "well, everyone lies, right?" And that is true. Everyone lies. It might be a little white lie, or a one big, huge ass, mistake lie. But It happens, because remember, everyone lies.
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Writing this, because this is what is on my mind. I will probably only update when I feel like venting. This is my life, my thoughts and my opinions.
Don't enjoy it? Don't read it.
Comments would be nice, but Im not fishing for them.
Much love.
- B.