Status: I started this back in November and never got further than the first chapter. Keep or kill?

I Hope You're Ready for a Firefight

In August 2019, everything changed. Better Living Industries took control of the entire world populace save a few unlucky rebels who called themselves the killjoys. These brightly clad nomads who renamed themselves after weapons & radios and wandered the zones in small groups were spearheaded by a band of four men: Party Poison, Fun Ghoul, Jet Star, and Kobra Kid. Their followers created a threat to the peace and were ordered to turn themselves in, but this merely strengthened the movement and now the killjoys are a force to be reckoned with.

In April 2020, one of those killjoys, whose name becomes Transmission Baby, is captured by the industries and brainwashed. A chip is installed into the back of her neck, through which she receives transmissions from Airi and Korse. She becomes their puppet and is sent to join a band of wandering renegades - Crash Demon, Mister Mayhem, and Tommie Bomber - in order to learn their secrets, but as things start to happen, boundaries are blurred and battles are fought.