

yuri isn’t like all the other boys. his brain doesn’t function like most people. he tries very hard and takes his medication when he’s supposed to. sometimes his parents ignore him sometimes they try to mould him into their perfect scenario they have in their twisted brains. yuri’s not like most people. his last composed thought was when his sister jumped off the bridge on to the pavement.


you see, his sister was perfectly normal. she had lots of friends and she had perfect hair with a perfect boyfriend with a perfect life. the only wrong with her is that yuri didn’t like her. she was too perfect. his parents preferred her over him. and why shouldn’t they. he has a lousy brain. he acts differently and pops pills everyday to act as apart of the normalcy.uahfuefneyuri didn’t do anything to his sister. he didn’t like her and she didn’t like him.

his sister, laura had many friends. her friends were cruel to yuri.

yuri’s only friend was pip. pip was a dressed up lion. pip wore lots of jewelry and showed yuri visions of killing laura’s friends. some would say pip was a bad influence on our dear yuri. but pip wasn’t real. he existed only in yuri’s deformed twisted brain. pip made yuri do things.

bad things.

one time pip manipulated yuri into doing a very very bad thing. yuri didn’t want to do it but he had to

for pip.

pip wanted yuri to get rid of laura’s boyfriend, pete. pete was the captain of the football team. he was very strong and had crooked teeth. he had clear skin but a horrible personality. sometimes he’d grab losers by the collars and hold them over toilets. once he did that to yuri. pip didn’t like that.

something had to be done to pete

pete wasn’t allowed to do that and get away with it. pip had a plan. it was a very dark plan but yuri still did it. yuri had to comply. pip was his friend afterall. pip wouldn’t make yuri do something that might get yuri in trouble. he cared about yuri.

but pip didn’t

he was just using yuri for his own little twisted game. pip liked games but he likes making yuri play them more. yuri’s brain didn’t function properly. he didn’t know what he was doing was wrong. all he knew was that pip was happy with yuri after he’d do what pip wanted. yuri liked making pip happy. pip liked being happy. also pip was growing stronger with every movement yuri did for him.

yuri was getting scared of pip towards the end of it. pip was getting scary. pip wasn’t his friend anymore. yuri didn’t have a friend anymore.

he still complied

yuri had to obey pip or else pip would do something very bad to yuri. yuri didn’t want to die he didn’t know what he wanted. pip decided those things not yuri. but what pip wanted went.

pip told yuri to end laura’s best friend tiffany’s life. tiffany was a nice girl. she did what she was told without hesitation. tiffany was perfect. too perfect. something had to be done about tiffany.

five days later a girl had been found in a ditch. it was tiffany and tiffany was dead. her blonde hair was now red. her perfect face was now splattered and distorted. there was no more tiffany. only one more left. one more deed one more lives. pip was ready. so was yuri. yuri didn’t want to be ready. he wanted it to end but he couldn’t end it.

not strong enough.

pip told yuri that laura needed to be dealt with. she wasn’t being nice to people like yuri. laura didn’t want to die. she wanted two kids one girl one boy. laura was going to marry pete

not anymore

laura died on march 30th. the day before her birthday. its amazing how cruel the world is. yuri didn’t touch laura. he didn’t push her off the bridge. laura jumped off on her own. yuri didn’t pull the trigger he loaded the gun as pip handed it to him. laura wasn’t pretty that day. she was ugly and pip was happy. yuri was scared.

you see, yuri’s not like the other boys.


uh oh. laura’s dead. maybe yuri’s parent will pay more attention. that’s all he ever wanted. maybe pip will finally leave him alone now. uh oh tiffany’s dead. uh oh pete’s dead maybe the losers will be able to breathe now that pete’s gone. uh oh pip’s gone.

yuri didn’t mean to

he didn’t.

i swear