Status: Writing Chapter one.

Serenaded Waterfall

The Prologue

Yang Fahrenheit

The Fahrenheit family is one of the wealthiest families ever known. Although their wealth and popularity status was envied by most, no one knew where their money came from. Elena Fahrenheit was in charge of an underground bio weapon plant. Her husband was the lead scientist in her division, Syren Fahrenheit. Their time at home drew them away from their work until Syren discovered a way to turn a human into another supreme being by sacrificing their humanity and giving it to another being or letting it spawn into its own entity. The first Human subject died instantly right after the split. Syren became bewildered at the results when it should have worked. Days at work became weeks of non-stop studying until he realized that only a person of Young age could go through the process. Their bodies are the only one who could take the growth strain. To test no one would offer their kid in fear of losing it. So the leader of the plant took it in his hands to force a child to get here, but Syren refused to do it on an unwilling subject. Him and his Wife quit the project and took their son to another area to try and keep him safe from the project. They were hidden and unknown up until their son's seventeenth birthday.
Yang Fahrenheit, the son of the scientists of Daedrox Project, heard of a contest that was trying the best of many towns for the best scientifically kid. Yang thought he could prove to his parents that he was Worthy of it just like they were. So he submitted his name into the ballot box. Unknown to him this contest was disguised to find him and his parents. Yang wanted to surprise them with it so he didn't tell them. As he began walking home, he heard steps coming from behind him. When he slightly turned he saw the person move out of sight. He stopped and turned around.
" So may i ask why you are following me? You have been there since the ballot entry."
Yang stood there as the guy walked back around the corner. The guy had a hood over his face. The guy didn't move or say anything. He began walking toward Yang. Yang instantly went on the offensive strike and instantly ran up to him. Yang pressed his hand to the guy’s chest and pushed him backwards. The guy fell and his hood came off. When Yang saw his face he knew who he was.
“What do i owe this honor Siege Tenma?"
Siege Tenma, got up and dusted off. He held his hand out and smiled. Yang looked at his hand and turned around and began walking away. Siege shrugged and put his hood back on.
“If you hurry and run you can still watch your parents die."
Siege Laughed and ran off. Yang turned in shocked and saw him running away. He didn't go after him. He decided to try and save his parents. By the time he got there his house was in flames. He dropped to his knees and there next to the house stood Siege. Yang clenched his fist and ran up to him. Siege pulled out his net launcher and shot it capturing Yang. Yang struggled from inside the net. Siege just laughed and shook his head.
“You lost everything. Now the Daedrox Project will finish."
Siege chuckled as he grabbed Yang's net and dragged him behind the house where he had a helicopter waiting. He threw Yang in the helicopter and then he got in.
“Take a look at your past Yang. That's all you'll have to remember."
The Helicopter took off to go to the facility where the Daedrox Project was held. Yang remembered what his parents told him about the project. He knew exactly what was going to happen. Also he knew what he could do to survive this. So he stopped struggling and began thinking of his revenge. Yang knew he was the first experiment that was going to go through this. So, they didn't know the power he would gain. He knew exactly what he would do.
The Helicopter arrived at the site and landed on the helipad on the top of the building. They dragged him off the helicopter and into the building. The halls were illuminated to the brightness as the passed different testing areas. They took him to an elevator that led all the way to an underground catacomb. They put Yang in a room and took the net off then barred the room. Yang got up and looked at the table. There was an inscription He read it quickly. His eyes widen as he began to understand what he was about to take on.
“What do you want with my humanity Siege?"
Siege looked confused at what he was saying. He looked at the table and then back at Yang.
“What are you talking about?"
Yang looked at him and a smile wiped across his face. He knew Siege didn't know what was going to come out of this project. He had an advantage in getting his revenge. He wondered was the element of surprised enough to extract his revenge. Yang stood on the table and looked at Siege.
“Watch and learn."
Yang held his hands up to his shoulder crossing over his chest. He closed his eyes. The seal on the table light up.
“I accept the offer to become a new being."
The seal began swallowing Yang Slowly. He looked up at Siege to see Siege with a smile on his face. Yang suspected a trap. He then closed his eyes until the seal swallowed him whole. Yang opened his eyes to see a door in his face. His body was held by chains that wrapped around him like snakes. The door slowly opened and Yang looked to see a female standing there. Her body was mostly shown except the black tattoo marks that covered her breast and thighs. Yang knew what she represented, but nothing else about her.
“I am Yang Fahrenheit. I sacrifice my heart to a one of your puppets. In exchange for your powers so i can't take revenge on the man who slain my family."
She grabbed his chains and the faded and he fell in front of her. She smiled and brushed his hair gently.
“Dear Yang... I already know what happen. I've been expecting you. So I’ll make you a deal. I'll separate your mortality into a puppet that resembles you. Protect it. Your life is him. If he shall fall anyone could claim your vessel. In return be my messenger. And Do as i bid."
Yang nodded. He had no choice. The Female reached her hand in the door and the darkness swallowed her hand. When she brought it back out she held a black orb like object.
“Then my first wish is to protect my Son. I can't help him from my current bounds. He will find you. Just remember the Name Celosia. That's my last name."
She pushed the orb into Yang’s mouth. And back into the door. The door slowly closed and it faded. Yang clenched his shirt as a pain shot through his body. He pulled up his shirt to see his skin growing off his chest. He let out a scream as he grabbed it forcefully and pulled it. He shrieked as he pulled it off of him. The flesh grew on itself and took form. It became a two foot version of Yang. He picked it up and held it.
` A voice was heard with no origin saying," As a Servant of Mine Thing has changed about you. Your hair is now Magenta and your eyes glow their green color. That's it for physical. You are now an alchemic being. Any element known as periodic is under your control. You can shape and change them but never create them. Go take your revenge. The rest I will let you discover on your own."
Yang grabbed his shirt and held it in front of him. He thought about changing things but nothing happened. He sighed and looked down. A bag fell and hit him on the head. He looked at the bag and saw clothes that fit the being in his hand. He looked up and saw the lady sitting there. He began dressing the being.
“What will you name him?"
“Chibi is the only name that fits."
“That's not exactly clever."
"But it is sensible. I will find your son as soon as possible."
Chibi woke up and stood on his own. He looked at Yang and reached for Yang's hand. Yang smiled and grabbed his hand.
“Let’s go Chibi."
Chibi nodded and they closed their eyes. They emerged from the Seal and looked at the people in the room. Chibi hopped down and a guy tried to grab him. Chibi glared and touched the ground and a seal emerged from his hand and a sword drew out the ground leaving an imprint of it on the floor. Chibi cut the guy’s head off and looked at the others.
Yang chuckled and the guys pointed guns at them. Yang raised his hand and a seal appeared on the wall behind them. The wall wrapped around their bodies binding them.
“Where is Siege?"
Siege walked in the room holding a gun pointed at Yang’s head.
“Thank you for your success. It's over now."
Clementine Tenma

A couple of high schools took the liberty in themselves to start an underground Mercenaries training facility. They would meet up every night at 6pm and every Day except weekends. The kids that were recruited into this place were selected among the top fighters in the group. Clementine Tenma and Grad Moeru were the current leaders of the group. The leader often changes by either getting beaten or after someone leaves another one takes over. It's been around for over twenty years. It was originally established to give people who didn't know how to defend themselves a chance to learn. Leaders of the group tend to be prodigies at a certain style of combat and joined to teach others. It soon became an underground family. Once a person joined they were under the protection of the group, not only the people in the group, but people who they saw fit. No mission they encountered ever endangered their life up until today.
Clementine was home on a Sunday morning. He normally thought of trainings and practices for the group mainly, but his day was interrupted by info of his uncle coming to the house. Clementine never trusted his uncle. Not ever since he witnessed his uncle murder a person in cold blood. So, Clementine attached his hidden blade under his shirt. He was anticipating the worst type of situation. He joined the group to opposed his uncle and have the fighting skills to back it up. He rubbed the blade gently. He thought of the day and clenched his fist. The memory was interrupted by a knock at the door. He sighed and walked down to the kitchen. His uncle was greeted by his mother Devonna Tenma. She walked Siege Tenma into the kitchen.
“Well, look at the grown man. Clementine, my how you've grown."
“At a point in age, you just start getting old. Gladly, I don’t have your curse.”
Siege laughed,” I like that attitude.” Siege dropped a stack of papers on the table and turned to Devonna. “Oh yeah can you show me the item I came here for?”
Devonna nodded and began walking upstairs and Siege followed. Clementine waited until they were out of site and began gazing through the papers. He read the on the Deadrox project and the materials he was going to need to obtain the power. Clementine put the papers back the way they were and pulled out his phone. He quickly dialed Grad.
Grad picked up and answered,” Hello?”
“How ready do you think our fighters are?”
“Um… I don’t know.”
“Well, I hope they are. Get everyone to meet up at four. I’m heading there now.”
“Are you serious? What’s this bad?”
“I’ll explain later.”

Clementine hung up and took pictures of each page with his phone. He heard foot steps and started walking up to the steps. Devonna stopped and looked at Clementine.
” Going out again? Be back before Dinner.”
“I may not come back.”
“Well, you always have a home here. Don’t let your father’s wolf demon instincts become your instincts.”
Clementine nodded and went to his room. He began changing into his leather armor. He heard the door closed and assumed it was his uncle leaving. He grabbed his Gun blade and pulled his hood up. He looked back at his door and jumped down to the street. He began walking to the school. As he walked people would stare at him like he was a trained killer. Fear was all they could see. He ignored them and kept on his path. Once at the school’s gate he began walking down the side and stopped when he was by a trap door. He opened it and jumped down. He landed and looked around to see his members armored and waiting.
“We are about to take on a real dangerous mission. We could die. Are you guys sure you want to follow me?”
Grad walked up and said, “You know we are with you. Besides it seems like this may be what this place was made for.”
Clementine opened his phone and went to the pictures. He walked up to the projector and plugged it in so they could clearly see the files. The pictures scrolled as he spoke.
“My uncle plans to capture a person to use for a project called the Daedrox project, which is forcing a person to give up their humanity and making them a being of another kind. He is really after their life which would be put into a doll or puppet. The puppet will become a light on death and it will contain the original person’s power and life. Once absorbed by another being that person can not harm them. Also, the person who absorbs gains the abilities of the person who was in this project. If this isn’t dealt with he can be a threat to everyone. My uncle has no issue killing. So they probably have the person already so we need to go to the plant and force our way in and stop my uncle and save the being. “
Everyone nodded and began to walk out the room. Grad looked up at Clementine.
“So you’re finally ready to take his life. How will we get there?”
“I have a reason to take it. Unless he absorbs the light already so I have to confirm before I kill him. Our ride will be showing up shortly. As of today, anyone who survives will be comes knights and someone will take my place. I won’t be back. I’ll have to defend the being. It’s my hesitation that has him in the predicament now.”
Grad nodded and jumped out door. Clementine looked at the room. He knew he would miss the people, but what had to be done must happen. Clementine put on his hood and jumped out the door. He landed between his followers and escorted them to the field behind the school. Clementine whistled and foot steps pattered and grew louder. From the trees, a pack of giant wolves came to them.
“I need your assistance. “
The wolves walked up and kneeled down to let the people ride on them. Clementine got on his and pulled his gun blade off his back.
“Tonight we fight together. We may die, but we started, joined, and live for this. This can’t go ignored, so let’s stop this abomination.”
The riders cheered and unsheathed their weapons. Clementine led the assault toward the base. As they came up on the building, Clementine didn’t want to danger the wolves.
“You guys lead a frontal diversion assault. I’m going to try and save the person. If I fail pull out and get to safety.”
Clementine drew close to the wall and jumped off his wolf. His purple eyes glowed as his Gun blade extended in size. He cut threw the wall the pressed the trigger to explode the wall to get an opening. Clementine landing ad ran for a man hold cover that he read in the papers used for escape reasons. The other people began a full infiltration assault killing all who opposed them. Clementine went down the tunnel to the bottom where he was hidden by the shadows. He saw Siege get off the elevator. He aimed his gun. He wondered did Siege win yet. Siege pulled out his gun.
Siege walked in the room holding a gun pointed at Yang’s head.
“Thank you for your success. It's over now."
Clementine shot his gun blade disarming Siege.
“It is over.”
Siege looked over at the darkness and Clementine walked out of the shadows. Siege’s eyes widened. Clementine grabbed his hilt firmly.
“You will not have him. Daedrox Project is over. As a result, of taking so many lives you will be executed.”
Clementine ran up to Siege and Siege jumped back to dodge what ever attack he may try. Clementine smiled and walked to the door. Yang and Chibi walked out behind him.
“I would stay and fight, but our mission is to save him. You will just have to come later. Up that entrance and my team will meet you. I’ll make sure he doesn’t try anything.”
Yang and Chibi did as Clementine said. Clementine lowered his gun blade. He looked into the shocked eyes of his uncle.
“You never noticed me the day you killed my brother. No one saw you near the town, but me. As bad as I want to take revenge for it I can’t. I have a job to do.”
Clementine began running to the entrance and Siege ran up to follow him. Clementine abruptly stopped and swung his sword back Siege tried to dodge, but the blade slightly dug into the skin of his chest. Siege kneeled down. Clementine went on his way to climb his way back up to meet Yang. When he emerged, his team was waiting.
“We have to go they’ll be here soon. You guys can go back to town. I’ll miss you guys. I have to go to another place. Those two aren’t safe here.”
Grad nodded and everyone ran out through the wall. Clementine whistled and the wolves came back. They all hopped on and Clementine, Yang and Chibi left for the town of Chime Sworn. It was the nearest town to them. Clementine looked back as he rode away.
“Hey I’m Yang. Thank you for what you done, but this isn’t your battle.”
“It is sadly. He is a foe. People with the same foe are allies. I want him dead as much as you.”
“I see. He got my parents.”
“My brother.”
The travel grew silent after that. The town was quiet. As they approached, they saw a lonely kid walking in circles around the town’s center. The wolves stopped and didn’t go in. Yang and Clementine got off them. Yang reached up to hold Chibi in his arms. The kid looked over to them. His attention switch up to a kid that walked up to him. They talked for a bit then both of them ran off.
Yang watched him run. “I know him… I don’t know how.”
Clementine looked over at Yang then back at the disappearing kid. He began walking into the town and looked around. Yang followed Clementine around.
“Wonder why we see no one. Come on Yang. Let’s check that store.”
Clementine, Yang and Chibi walked into a local store and saw a lady looking out the window shaking.
“Are you okay?”

“We are all going to die….”
Yang eyes widened. He let Chibi down and ran up to the lady.
“What’s wrong?”
“Siege will burn us all.”
“What do you mean?”
Chibi looked at the door His eyes glowed brightly. Clementine looked over at Chibi.
“What’s wrong Chibi?”
Chibi jumped and kicked down the door. There was a person behind it. In the center of the city Siege stood. The soliders with him began burning the town. Siege held a kid with one of his hands by the hair. Yang, Chibi, and Clementine ran up to the middle.
“Let him go you’re here for us.”
“Yes, but you will learn your consequences to your actions.”
Siege pulled out a knife and cut the child’s head off and threw it at them. Chibi growled. The ground began to shake. His body began steaming. Flames erupted around him when the cleared Chibi eyes were pure white his hair swayed and floated as it radiated the high purple color. His body faded to pure black. Chibi spoke with the voice that sounded as Celosia had.
“You will no longer harm innocents.”
The soliders raised the guns and Chibi raised his hand and Stalagmites pierced their body. Chibi looked back at Siege.
“Pay with your life.”
Siege smiled. Chibi dashed at him. Siege erupted into his world Demon mode. He roared and it vibrated the air stunning Chibi. He quickly dug his hand through Chibi and threw him to the ground. Clementine and Yang stared in awe. Clementine turned to his wolf form. Yang fell unconscious. Clementine looked over to him and back at Siege.
“You killed him. Wait, No he’s in purgatory till his heart is claim. I will not let you have it.”
Clementine charged at Siege and Siege ran forward. Clementine dug his claws into the ground slinging his body into a Kartwheel hitting Siege on his head forcing it into the ground. Clementine forced his hand through Siege’s back aiming at his heart.
“Lay in your own cold blood.”
Siege laughed and pushed Clementine into the air. He then launched himself into the air and his claws went through Clementine’s stomach. He threw Clementine to the ground.
“You failed just like your brother did. Your demon powers will heal you. So you get to watch me win then I’ll slaughter you.”
Amaranth Celosia

Amaranth woke up in his house and sighed like every morning. Not knowing where his mother went, he has been very distant to people, scared that they will leave too. He did trust one person. His best friend, Price Hilter, was the only person that talked to him in the town constantly. Amaranth was the only orphan in town. He lived in an abandon house near the town’s entrance. In that house there was a telescope aimed at the fortress. Everyone in town knew what that place was. The owner Siege Tenma owned the whole town and established it to keep any leeks from the place from getting to anyone else. They were to instantly inform him of people coming and aid him to get them back or in anything he needed. As an orphan, Amaranth was supposed to be main lookout.
Amaranth was doing what he was supposed to do and he saw an explosion at the fortress. He instantly ran to Price. He ran past the town center and the smoke could be seen from any point in the town. Once he found price, He grabbed his hand and pulled him to the center and pointed.
“Whoa… What did it?”
“All I saw was people on backs of wolves and then a bright light and then the explosion.”
“We have to do our job Amaranth.”
“No… I don’t want them to have to live under his oppression.”
“What will we do then?”
“Inform everyone you can on what happen and tell them to go to the nearest town.”
“What about us?”
“You go too I have to inform him that we were under danger and you guys had to go. He won’t kill me but send me to get you guys. I’ll then meet up with you and we will leave.”
“Okay. Remember together forever.”
Amaranth nodded and ran back to his telescope. Several minutes went but and he saw bodies emerge from the wall. The wolves came back to join them and they hopped on. He thought to himself, “Did Siege lose?” He stared at them and noticed two were coming this way. Amaranth ran to the town center and saw that Price wasn’t done yet. So he thought he would stall for time if he needed. Amaranth walked around the town center. He looked at the wolf riders as they looked at him. Price ran up to Amaranth.
“Okay all but Ms. Mabel is on their way. She won’t leave she’s scared.”
“Okay she never is going to leave get to the secret way I’ll close it behind you.”
“Be safe.”
Amaranth and Price ran to the secret entrance. He let price down and nodded to him. He went to run to the store and saw Siege walking into the town. He didn’t like the look on his face and he hid behind a tree. He peaked around to see what was going on. They began setting fires to the town.
“I knew he would do that. Hiding his tracks, he’s a coward.”
Amaranth looked at the house and he could see the strangers. He looked back towards Siege and saw a stranger holding Price. He thought to himself, “Crap, he must have tried to wait for me.” Siege began talking to Price and grabbed his hair forcefully. Amaranth began to run around the tree but saw a door fly to the ground. The strangers came out to meet Siege. Amaranth kept watch of the event and wondered what was going to happen. Siege cut Price’s head off and Amaranth fell to his knees. His mind began thinking of his parents leaving him. He began crying. His thought wouldn’t stop until one cam across his mind. The night Price met him he told him that sometimes people don’t leave they are token away. Price said he would fight to stay by his side that his life would be the only way to leave, but he would still be in amaranths heart. After that thought, Amaranth stopped crying. He looked up to see two of the people laying on the ground and two wolf demons fighting. Amaranth looked over to the smallest body that started to dissolve. A black heart shaped figure floated out of the body. Amaranth looked at it and realized what it was. His mother told him about it before she left. He looked over at Yang lying on the ground. He knew what Siege was after now. Amaranth ran up and grabbed it and turned to see Clementine’s body hit the ground.
“You failed just like your brother did. Your demon powers will heal you. So you get to watch me win then I’ll slaughter you.”
Siege turned to see Amaranth standing there. Amaranth smiled and held up the heart. Siege looked at Amaranth with a serious face.
“You don’t want to oppose me.”
“You trapped my mother didn’t you? The fact that the guy has a connection to my mother means that you did something to try and gain her gift. I know what I’m holding. You will not have it.”
Amaranth ate the object and looked at Siege. Siege growled and dashed at Amaranth. Amaranth looked at him and shook his head. Siege tried to claw Amaranth, but he leaned back into a bridge. His hand became surrounded by flame and he punched Siege in his stomach and the fire burst launching Siege into the air. The hit stunned Siege so he fell back down lifeless. Amaranth stood and moved his foot behind him. When Siege fell close, Amaranth had ice form on his leg and he kneed Siege in the stomach, leaving a chunk of ice in his belly. Yang finally got up. He looked to see Amaranth standing there and Siege wounded on the ground. Clementine partially healed began to stand on his feet.
“You must not have know who I was. I am the son of Magleene Celosia. Born under the parents of a Demon and an elementalist. I am Amaranth Celosia.”
Siege got up slowly. He knew he couldn’t fight with his current wound. Siege reached on his belt to pull off a Nova gas grenade and let the smoke cover his escape. Amaranth decided not to follow. He walked over to Yang.
“I am your new heart bearer. It has awoken my abilities. I am now bonded to you. I couldn’t let Siege have it.”
“No need to explain yourself. I have seen your mother. She asked me to protect you. If I find a way for you to see her we will. I was ordered to protect you. This just makes it easier.”
“Then I shall put my trust in you.”
“And him, he is my savior.”
“So be it.”
Amaranth helped Yang up. He walked over to Clementine. Clementine finally healed and looked at them. Yang walked up to stand next to them.
Clementine stretched and said, “So, we are all a group. The only family we really have left. The only people we can trust. I think we have a long road ahead of us especially since Siege is still out there.”
Amaranth smiled.” Yes, but I also need to find a way to see my mother. I hope you guys will help.”
Yang touched Amaranth’s and Clementine’s shoulders. “Of course we owe you our lives and I would not want this any other way.
♠ ♠ ♠
The Main characters are Yang Fahrenheit, Clementine Tenma, and Amaranth Celosia. This is how they met.