Status: Writing Chapter one.

Serenaded Waterfall

Chapter 1: The Past, The Stories, and The Secrets.

Yang looked to the sky and removed his hands from their shoulders. He starred as his mind began to wonder. Knowing that Amaranth wanted to see his mother, he thought taking care of that would be the best idea for a first step. Yang’s interactions with Amaranth’s mother were through the experiment. The teachings and writings making the experiment possible were found in a temple on the side of a mountain line. The mountains happen to share Amaranth’s last name. Yang wondered did Amaranth know about those mountains.
“Hey Amaranth…” Yang said lightly.
“Yes?” Amaranth replied as he turned to look at Yang.
“There is a group of mountains north west of here. There is a temple at the bottom of it. Do you know the name of those mountains?” Yang tilted his head lightly.
Amaranth shook his head. Yang sighed and nodded. Clementine knew the name and knew where Yang was going with that statement.
“Yang means The Celosia Mountains. They share your last name. The experiment Yang was in came through books found there. So there has to be a way to see her there.” Clementine said as he turned and started walking that way.
“Surely you don’t mean to travel by foot? That would take almost a day to get to.” Amaranth said with concern in his voice.
“Yeah you’re right. Do you have any suggestions on what to do?” Clementine replied.
Yang walked in front of them. He touched the ground. His bright green eyes shined brightly as a large chunk of iron broke through the ground. Yang slowly walked up to it and touched it. The iron formed into shape that looked like a car with no wheels.
“Get in. I can fly us there faster than we can walk we’ll be there soon.”
Yang sat on top of it. Amaranth and Clementine got on without hesitation. The object lifted off the ground and began moving forward swiftly. Clementine was surprised at the power the experiment granted him, but he also wondered at what cost. Amaranth could see the strain Yang was going through.
“Yang, that’s okay. If you can give it wheels I can use my elemental powers to move it.”
Yang nodded and the form of the car changed a bit giving it two long stone wheels. Yang sat it back on land. Amaranth switched spots with Yang. He then he his hands in front of him and exerted a flame, but it threw him off the car. Yang and Clementine laughed a bit.
“Let me set you in the car so it doesn’t happen that way.”
Amaranth sat on the car again and it slowly consumed his lower half. He then tried it again and the car began moving. It wasn’t as fast as Yang’s flying but it was still fast. Clementine looked at Yang.
“So, if given the right minerals you could probably make a full functional car right?”
“Well right now, I couldn’t. I barely understand my powers so I would have to get more familiar with them.”
“Understood, we’re almost there.”
Yang looked at the temple. He was amazed by its entrance. The door and walls were white marble stone with some kind of energy flowing through cracks that made it look like veins on the building. The amazement came to an end when he saw two young looking teenagers at the door to the temple. They stopped in front of the temple and got off the car. Yang got Amaranth off and they all walked to the temple doors. The two teenagers blocked their way. The teenagers looked like twins, one boy one girl. They both had silver hair, but their eyes were different colors. The boy had white eyes and the girl had red.
“What are you doing here travelers?” said the girl in an angry voice.
Clementine shook his head and said, “We are here to see the Celosia woman. We have her son and her servant.”
The twins looked at eat other and opened the doors. They walked in a bit then looked back at Clementine.
“Follow us; we’ve been waiting for you three.”
They all walked in and began following the twins. Yang wondered how she knew who they were. At that point, he wondered did Amaranth’s mother have all of this planned before he left her. Inside the temple were walk ways lit by this pure white energy source. It illuminated their path to a chamber where a circular alter stood. Sitting on that alter was Amaranth’s mother. When Amaranth looked up to see her he paused. He knew who she was. He knew why she left and why she couldn’t hear from him, but he couldn’t decide between staying Yang’s life source and staying with her. Victus and Violesce turned around as footsteps echoed behind them. Yang, Clementine and Amaranth walked up to Celosia. Amaranth hugged his mother as Yang and Clementine looked at the figures walking up.
Violesce became a Javelin as Victus grabbed her.
“Leave here Kazuya Mishima and Necro Mishima. We already told you we won’t give you the information you seek.”
Kazuya Mishima was a red and black haired man that gave off a strong wolf scent. Necro Mishima was a grey haired man that had a visible aura to those of advanced abilities.
Kazuya shrugged and said,”Not here for that.”
Clementine walked towards them.
“I presume you’re here for me.”
Kazuya laughed a bit and nodded.
“I supposed it’s about the Mishima elders intertwined in my uncle’s and mother’s business?”
Necro shook his head,” The kid is smarter than he looks.”
As soon as Necro said that another pair of footsteps was heard and the wind blew in dragging a scent in. Clementine growled lowly and walked past the Mishima brothers. A person with black hair and green tips walks up.
“Good to see you Tenma.”
“What are you doing here Havik?”
“Is that anyway to treat an old friend?”
“Again what are you doing here?”
“I’m here to see Victus and Violesce, but I can see things are busy with you. So, I’ll handle two missions at once.”
“Oh yeah you are the new lap dog aren’t you?”
Havik grew an angry face and instantly went on the attack. Wind pressurized around his hand as he went for a strike. Clementine summoned his gun blade and blocked his hand.
The wind shot strong blowing against everyone. Havik smiled and chuckled.
“Well, I can see your strength has improved. Ever since my powers came in you lost that last fight with me, but you know strength isn’t enough for me.”
Havik stomped his foot and a tornado strength wind threw Clementine back. Havik dashed in to go for the kill and Yang jumped forward. Yang tapped his foot on the floor between them and the ground shot a spike clashing with Havik’s wind which stunned him Yang touched the slate and transformed it into a sword and as he went for a strike Victus blocked it with his sword.
“I can’t let you do that Yang Fahrenheit. He is our messenger.”
Victus pushed Yang’s sword into the ground and went to kick Yang. Amaranth hand began absorbing the pure energy around him and he dashed to the fight instantly. He caught Victus’s leg and the energy erupted from his hand, knocking Victus into Havik.
“I will not let you harm the soul I am guarding.”
Kazuya laughed and stepped in the middle.
“Well, how about we call this a stalemate. I no longer need Clementine. Let’s go Necro.”
Kazuya and Necro walked out of the temple. Havik got up and helped Victus up. Celosia stood up and walked to them.
“This can cease now. Amaranth and Yang be calm please. Victus and Violesce are your allies. They are only following my orders. As for you Havik, you dishonored my trust by striking the first blow in my temple. Our negotiation is over you can take the last book you need anyway, not like Siege will be able to obtain what he needs in time.”
Celosia looked at the temple entrance.
“My my, She comes when her son is in danger. Good old Devonna.”
Clementine eyes widened. He looked at the entrance and she began walking in. Devonna had all black hair and a black skin tight outfit on.
“Clementine dear are you okay?”
“Yes I’m fine.”
“Good. Havik leave. I’ll get the book.”
Havik sucked his teeth and walked out.
Celosia looked at Devonna and held out the book.
“Here you go.”
Devonna took the book and nodded. She looked at Clementine. Leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. She looked at Yang.
“Oh it’s you.”
Yang turned away. “The past is the past Devonna. Let’s not get into it right here.”
Devonna giggled. “How is Yuna and Angel?”
“I don’t know. You already know the reincarnation process took all of my memories. I wasn’t supposed to die back then.”
“Then you must tell your nephew the truth about you knowing him.”
Yang looked at Clementine. “That was my past life not this one.”
“You look the same and act the same. You are still my brother.”
Clementine eyes widened and he stood up.
“You knew you were my uncle. That left us a long time ago…”
Yang nodded and said nothing. Clementine whispered in Amaranths ear. Amaranth nodded. Clementine handed him a map. He then turned to Devonna.
“I’m going with you. I’m going under the Mishima Testing project.”
Devonna looked down. “Are you sure this is what you want? There is no turning back from that project… They are ruthless people especially when they tried to Sacrifice Kazuya for Necro…”
“Yes mother I am.”
Devonna nodded and walked out the Temple with Clementine.
Amaranth turned to Yang.
“Don’t worry he’s not mad or in danger. He gave me a map to lead us to his testing site. He said come get him in two days by force.”
“So he’s going to gain abilities to be like us.”
Yang smiled and turned to Celosia.
“So I’m guessing your sending Victus and Violesce with us aren’t you.”
“Oh Yang, you’re very intelligent, but I’m coming with you. After I get my books back then we will be apart again. At which time Amaranth will no longer be your Vessel. I’ll let you keep your powers and give back your mortality as a token of my gratitude. “
“You’re an interesting person Celosia.”
“My First name is Integra. Inertia is Amaranth’s father. Victus and Violesce are my brother and sister. We are the Horseman of Damnation. “
“So where is Inertia?”
“He is the person working for the Mishima project. He’s the translator of the Text.”
Yang shook his head. “We have one day of rest then we go get Clementine, your books and Inertia.”
Integra smiled, “ Just like a family reunion everywhere.”
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This continues My Roleplay character's story. It gives a little more on their lives out side of the primary event in the prologue.