Status: Writing Chapter one.

Serenaded Waterfall

Chapter two: Betrayal with a stage set.

Clementine looked at the helicopter outside of the temple. It had a logo on it.
”Who owns this helicopter?”
Devonna giggled and got in.
“Mishima Corp silly.”
Clementine shook his head and got in the helicopter. As soon as he sat down across from him sat Kazuya and Necro. Devonna kept a smile on her face.
“Well, how are you two? I haven’t seen you since I left the Darkness clan.”
“We want you to take us to her.”
“You know I would have to get permission before I could right?”
Kazuya growled lowly. He held his hand out and Nexus formed into a sword. He aimed it at her. Clementine immediately summoned his gun blade and clashed it with Kazuya’s sword. Necro summoned his nexus, turned into his own sword and held it at Clementine throat.
Devonna’s aura began to shake and fill the helicopter.
“Now now, I would appreciate you not pointing that thing at me or my family. If you kill us you won’t get to see your mother again. I’m your only lead. Do you really want to risk your life on a losing battle?”
The aura began to have spikes rise out of them. Kazuya chuckled and moved his aura away. Necro did the same. Clementine sat back. Devonna closed her eyes and faded her aura.
“Learned some new things huh Dev?”
“No, just never had a need to use some powers.”
Devonna giggled and pulled out her phone. She dialed a number and put the phone to her ear.
“Both your lovely sons are here with me. They want to come see you…… They’ll just secretly follow me… I see. Well, we’re coming.”
Kazuya looked at Necro. Clementine shook his head.
Clementine looked at Devonna and said, “She’s going to the suppression barrier isn’t she?”
Devonna nodded and told the pilot to go. As the helicopter took off Clementine looked down at Amaranth and Yang. He closed his eyes and put his head on the window. Kazuya looked over at him.
“I don’t understand how your son is so soft. You and his father were tough demons. Both of you had strength. What’s wrong with him?”
Clementine chuckled and said, “It’s because I suppress my demon being. Havik is the reason I did it. He got greedy of his power that it consumed his mind to just battle. His natural lust for women was normal, but his battle urge is like Necro’s blood lust. “
Kazuya looked at him shocked. “How do you know about Necro?”
Clementine looked over at him.” There’s a lot you don’t know. Just know your mother doesn’t know, but my mother and I know.”
Devonna closed her eyes. “Well, Clementine you really did your research on Siege huh?”
Clementine looked back at her. “You know what he did, but he’s your last connection to Rhowe. He’s your sacrifice to unlock Rhowe’s bonds, but sadly Siege accepts it. He knows something we don’t.”
Devonna looked at Clementine. “You know more than I do I see. Maybe its better we not get Rhowe back.”
Clementine shook his head. “Siege will bring him back even if it means sacrificing himself…” At that point Clementine realized Siege’s intentions. “He wants to sacrifice himself…. He’s going to initiate the Deadrox project on himself… It makes sense now. Kazuya I need your mother alive. If you allow her to live till I can get Inertia out of here, I’ll take down the suppression barrier.”
Kazuya nodded as the helicopter landed on the roof. As they got off the helicopter there stood Havik, Siege, and Yuzuki Mishima. Clementine walked up first.
“I’m the new test subject. Can we get started?”
Havik laughed,” Finally want to gain power?”
Clementine glared at him. He swung his arm swiftly in front of him and the roof cut a two foot deep gash. Siege and Havik looked surprised.
“I told you I suppressed my abilities. You’re not worth the effort.”
Havik got angry and swung at Clementine and nothing happened.
Clementine chuckled and walked passed him. “They put up an aura cancellation barrier. Making all demon powers suppressed except for those who are strong enough to not be affected.”
Necro tried to form Nexus, but it failed in attempt.
“He is not stronger than us… what the hell…”
Devonna laughed. “Remember he naturally suppressed his aura and powers so the stronger he got the more he had to suppress in time. Making his demon powers astounding. It hasn’t formed into aura yet, but the will of it is there.”
A giggle was heard from above them. Havik looked up.
“She’s back. Welcome back Nylara.”
The girl floated down quietly and waved to Havik. She walked in building and Havik followed her. Clementine shook his head.
“I swear to god that guy and women… Let’s get this project ready.”
Siege chuckled, “Right this way nephew.”
Clementine followed Siege into the building. Devonna walked in behind them. Yuzuki looked at her sons.
“Good to see you Necro. Hi Kazuya.”
Kazuya growled, “Still like this huh?”
“So why are you both really here?”
“I believe you know why, but you’re not our target for now. Where’s Leon?”
“I’m not huh? Somehow I doubt you want that. Something is stopping you from trying to fight me. I wonder what.”
“I said, where’s Leon?”
“Inertia killed him. One of the Horseman of Damnation.”
“Is he their strongest?”
“No Integra is, but the twins aren’t far behind. If the learn their horseman powers they may in fact be the strongest team I’ve ever seen.”
“Take me to Inertia.”
Yuzuki looked at them puzzled. She nodded and led the inside the building. Yuzuki led them down to an all white room where a silver haired man sat. Kazuya walked in.
Inertia looked up, “Hello Kazuya. I’m guessing it’s about that time.”
“What do you mean?”
“We both know why you’re here. Clementine must be here.”
“How do you know this?”
“Each of the Damnation family members holds a special trait. Mine is Foreshadow. It allows me to see big events in whole when I dream. I can change the out come if I interact, but sometimes things happen for a reason.”
“So what is the other three’s gift?”
“Integra… Power Transfer. She can give her power to another at no cost to her. She is my team mate for that reason. Her power boost actually amplifies my power and Strength. The twins will get theirs tomorrow or should I say discover.”
“You already know what abilities they have?”
“Yes. Victus will get possession. Able to become a person’s mind. He won’t control them just give their mind thoughts and options that he pleases. Violesce will get a fury mode. Kind of like Necro’s blood lust which will activate tomorrow. Which if you kill your mother tomorrow like you want Necro will not be with you for the rest of your life. I suggest when this place goes up keep tabs on her.”
Kazuya looked down at what he was told. He has a question in his head he went to open his mouth and Inertia said, “Yes… I did kill Leon. And I will be forced to take Necro’s life if you don’t head my warning. This time he won’t come back.”
Kazuya eyes widened. He turned around to walk out. He didn’t need to hear anymore. He left the room and looked at Necro.
“We are going Necro.”
Necro nodded and didn’t understand why. He knew Kazuya would explain later. Yuzuki walked in the room with Inertia.
“You were willing to tell them, but you with hold information from us.”
“I’m doing my job here. He wasn’t apart. So I can do as I please with them. Besides Devonna has the last book but I don’t need it.”
“And why is that?”
“Because tomorrow is the end of our bargain.”
“What makes you think I’ll free Rhowe with you not finishing your job?”
“Devonna no longer has a use for Rhowe. Keep him.”
Yuzuki looked at him shocked and stormed out the room. Clementine stood at the other end and looked at her.
“Leave this building by tonight. If you do our life will be spared until Kazu and Necro ends your life.”
Clementine walked away and went to the resting room. Yuzuki didn’t know what to do. Siege walked up.
“My nephew is something the projects growth is sped up on him. The suppression he used is amazing. He’ll gain actual abilities by tomorrow.”
“Siege, what’s tomorrow?”
“Umm…. Solar Eclipse. Why?”
“Solar Eclipse… Damnations signal… The point where their powers are amplified…”
“They are coming to get Inertia… And we can’t stop it.”
“I’ll awaken Rhowe if you want.”
“No. Devonna doesn’t want him anymore… We lost our most powerful fighter.”
Siege looked down. He nodded and walked off.
Devonna laughed from the end of the Hall.
“You’ve lost Yuzuki. If you leave tonight your sons will kill you, if you stay here we will kill you, and if you awaken Rhowe Siege will kill you. Which death is more pleasing?”
Yuzuki smiled. Devonna began to summon her Aura. It began clouding the hallway in black.
“Fine Devonna Let’s began this tonight. If I’m losing either way the war starts now.”