‹ Prequel: No Clue Why I'm Alone
Status: Slight Hiatus :/

No Clue What I Should Do

Here We Are Again

"Okay Addison, it looks like you're about ready to start pushing.” The doctor informed me, and I let out a small whimper wanting the pain to just be over with already.

“Shh Addie Bear its okay, it’ll all be over soon.” Trent whispered to me as he ran a one of his hands through my hair repeatedly, which was one of the things that helped me relax the most, as the other held onto mine which gripped at his.

Just then, the door flew open, and in came Frank looking like a painting of emotions, one mixed into the other, ranging for tiredness and pain to rage and fear.

He walked silently over to my side not occupied by Trent, and grabbed my hand not saying a word.

Another contraction hit, making my grip on both boys hands tighten tenfold.

“Alright, it’s time to push.” The doctor said, and I did with everything I had left in me.


After hours of endless pain, we finally heard the much awaited cry, and I let my whole body relax as I sighed in relief.

“You did it.” Trent said smiling as he pushed the hair out of my eyes.

I smiled back up at him before he kissed my forehead, and the nurse offered me my daughter.

I sat up with the help of Frank and Trent, and my tiny baby was set in my arms.

I smiled and cooed down at her as she cried and fussed, only to calm down as she opened her eyes at me. They were a brilliant shade of green that outmatched mine.

“Have you thought of a name for her?” The remaining nurse asked, the other ones and the doctor having left already.

“Brittney. Brittney Grace Chambers.” I said, looking over at Frank for his approval, to which he only nodded, holding in what he felt about the situation.

Sensing his awkwardness, I passed Brittney over to him. Showing real emotion for the first time since he walked into the room, he smiled down at her, as she blinked, batting her eyelashes up at him. He held her for only a few minutes before his phone beeped, making him hand her back over to me so he could go out into the hallway and answer it.

I looked back over at Trent who was beaming down at her, so I scooted over in the bed and let him climb up and sit next to me. Once we were settled, me curled up against his side, head in the crook of his neck, I passed Brittney over to him, and he looked like he was about to burst with excitement.

“She looks just like you.” He said holding his finger out, only to have her reach out and wrap her entire hand around it, making us laugh.

“I'm just glad she’s healthy.”

She soon fell asleep, so he passed her back over to me. She curled into me, as I curled
into Trent, his arm wrapping around my shoulders to pull me closer.

He softly started singing a song that I had grown to love since Timmy had us listen to it.

Honey is for bees silly bear
and besides there's jellybeans, everywhere
it's not what it seems in the land of dreams
don't worry your head, just go to sleep

♠ ♠ ♠
I absolutely love that song. Its called Lullaby by Fall Out Boy.
Here is baby Brittney~