‹ Prequel: No Clue Why I'm Alone
Status: Slight Hiatus :/

No Clue What I Should Do

Welcome to the Family

After the stay in the hospital, being at home again was like heaven. Brittney was settled into her new crib, which all of the guys had chipped in to get as her coming home present, and Trent and I were relaxing in bed, as we had all week, just watching her.

“We need to go out and do something.” Trent said with a laugh, making me look up from my beautiful baby.

“Yeah?” I asked, hoping he had a plan.

“Timmy said he’d babysit, something about teaching the kid how to play bass and being Uncle Timmy,” He explained making me laugh at Timmy’s childishness.

“So we get a date night?”

“We get a date night.”


After dressing in my nicest pair of skinny jeans, and purple v-neck, Trent led me out of the apartment just as Timmy was arriving with a handful of kid’s movies.

I was shaking my head and laughing as Trent drug me down to the car.
In said car, he put on the Twenty One Pilots CD, and we sang along loudly as he drove us to some unknown place.

I saw it before the car was even parked, and became giddy beyond belief.

“Nuh. Uh. You are the best boyfriend ever.” I said shoving his shoulder as I smiled at the fairgrounds ahead of us.

“Whats better on a date night than a Carnival by the river?” He asked laughing as he parked, before getting out and coming around to open the door for me.

I got up on my tip-toes and kissed him softly.

“Thank you.” I said smiling when I pulled away.

♠ ♠ ♠
So I found this~~
And its a real honest to god boy/boy kiss
Apparently Trent has a thing for kissing boys.
And kissing anyone for a Monster.