‹ Prequel: No Clue Why I'm Alone
Status: Slight Hiatus :/

No Clue What I Should Do

Putting A Stop To The Thoughts

The thoughts had been flooding my mind recently. I just couldn’t seem to make them stop.

They were all screaming at me that I needed to go see him, take care of things and make it right.


“Are you sure you want to do this now?” Trent asked me nervously as he balanced a month old Brittney against his side.

“I have to. I won’t feel right if I don’t.” I explained as I finished putting the car seat in, moving aside so that Trent could put her in the seat.

He kissed her forehead, making her giggle and reach out at his face, grabbing his nose. He just laughed, pulling her hand off gently, before leaning back up and closing the door.

I wrapped myself around him in a goodbye hug, and he did the same, rocking us side to side.

“Bye Bear.” I said when I pulled away, standing up on my tip-toes and kissing him softly.

“Bye Bear.” He said back, rubbing our noses together gently.

I giggled some, and pulled away from him, climbing into the driver’s seat.


I pulled into a drive way that had slowly become less and less familiar to me, having been away from it for almost a year now. I had decided now was the best time for me to come back, Frank being on the last break of the tour before the final leg. Okay maybe it wasn’t the best but it was the first chance I got, and I just wanted the nagging thoughts to stop.

I got out, closing my door quietly after shutting the engine off, before opening the door behind it to reveal my bouncing baby.

I smiled at her as I unfastened the buckles and pulled her out.

With Brittney resting on my side, I walked up to the front door, and pressed the doorbell.

After a few minutes, which seemed to stretch out before me, the door opened.

“Addison.” Frank breathed out in shock.

♠ ♠ ♠
Dunn. Dunn. DUNNN.
What do you think is going to happen now??
Also, this picture would have been the night that she met the boys~