‹ Prequel: No Clue Why I'm Alone
Status: Slight Hiatus :/

No Clue What I Should Do

Home Is Where The Heart Is

I stayed strong the entire 10 hour drive home, holding everything in for the sake of a sleeping Brittney in the back seat. I put on a CD to try and distract me, pressing play on the last one I had been listening to.

I know we never thought that this could be,
but distance is the only thing I see
Cause we're treading deeper water,
trying harder just to breathe

I let out a deep shaky breath, trying to regain the composure I was slowly losing.

And every single broken memory of everything we only used to be
Only makes it so much harder, now I'm fighting just to sleep
I'm breaking down

Even against my best efforts, I felt a hot tear track down my cheek.

Now I'm waiting and now I'm standing all alone
Searching for my way to get away, there is no way you're gone
But when you're hurt remember who I've given everything to
Because I never felt so cold 'til I was left alone,
and the world is falling through

Cold. Alone. Frank.

The words swirled through my mind violently. How I felt when he left.

How he must feel now.

Like his world is falling through.

The air was dancing cold upon our lips,
imagining the thought of our first kiss
Still that cold December day we met, was not as cold as this

More tears started falling, and I was beyond glad that I was almost home.


Where your heart is supposed to be.

Do you remember the burning embers,
beside the lungs inside our chests that drew
the breath to break the rest, I'm breaking down

I kept myself quiet as I let go. I just let the tears run free. Tracking eyeliner down my face like deep black tears.

Look at the stars right where you are
You know I'm coming for you
Look at the sky and wonder why You know I'm coming for you
Look for my face, time can't erase You know I'm coming for you
Reach for my lips, our destined kiss
You know I'm coming for you


I was coming home to him.

He had my heart now, with a promise not to break it.

He was my home now.

♠ ♠ ♠
Frank isnt the only one who's all broken up and a mess over the situation.
So no, Addie isnt a cold heartless bitch.
Have some Timmy and Trent to lighten the crying~