‹ Prequel: No Clue Why I'm Alone
Status: Slight Hiatus :/

No Clue What I Should Do

Welcome Home's and What The ***'s

I walked, well stumbled really from tiredness, into my house which felt oddly cold and un-lived in. I just brushed it off and made my way back into the bedroom, tossing my bag on the floor, before flopping down on the bed. It was also cold, and I was actually disappointed to find that it didn't smell like boy and fabric softener.

I stood back up and grabbed my laptop off of the nightstand and fired it up as I crawled back onto the bed and got under the covers to try a hopefully warm them up after my absence.

I pulled the laptop over and settled it down on my lap quickly typing in my password.

I pulled up my email, and sent a quick one to Frank, before closing that down and pulling up most recent most visited website. I pressed play on the first song, and set the laptop aside so I could curl around a pillow and relax.

And when listening to Trent's voice, it was easy to relax.


I woke up some unknown time later to my phone beeping angrily at me.

I fumbled to get it off of the nightstand, and flipped it open.

"M'ello?" I questioned sleepily, letting out a yawn.

"Do you ever do anything other than sleep? I mean really hun." A laughing male voice came through the small speaker.

"Hey Trenty Bear." I laughed back, smiling.

"Is that my gorgeous god like voice I hear playing?"

"Oh you know it. You're just a god." I said sarcastically. "And since you couldn't see it, I just rolled my eyes at you."

"Well with sarcasm, the rolling of eyes tends to follow."

In the living room, the front door suddenly slammed open, and a loud angry voice soon followed.


"Fuck my entire life." I groaned, throwing an arm over my face to cover my eyes.

"If you weren't married, I would so take that offer up in a second."

"Glad to know bloated pregnant girls aren't a turn-off for you hun."

"Ah more sarcasm, and more eye rolling I assume."

"Has anyone ever told you that you can be an annoying little bitch?" I asked as Lyn barged into the room, holding a squirming True, followed by my other ladies. True jumped out of her arms and scampered over to me.

"Timmy tells me everyday." Trent replied cheekily.

"Where is my Timmy Bear anyway?" I asked as I snuggled with my puppy.

"Working slave labor over at the golden arches."

"Eww McDonald's." I said making a weird face, while the girls stood staring expectantly at me. "Hey Trenty Bear?"

"Yeah Addie Bear?"

"I uh, I gotta go. I have a brigade of angry women staring me down with the fury of Satan's fiery dick."

"Oh have fun with that. I'm gunna go annoy Timmy for a few hours."

"I wish I could be there to help. Send my love to him."

"By love do you mean ingure him in some way? Is there any special form of torture for this evening?"

"You known me all to well. And surprise me, well more so surprise him." I joked laughing. "Bye Bear."

"Bye Bear."

I snapped the phone shut, and tossed it back onto the nightstand before looking back over to the women who looked like they wanted to eat my face off.

"Addison, what the fuck?" Lyn questioned me.

"What?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"You say you're going away for alone time, and end up hooking up with some random guys for two days!"

"You make it sound like I slept with them."

"You shouldn't be in random guys beds anyway, sex or no sex. Especially if you're married, and pregnant."

"So what!? The guys accepted both of those facts, and treated me with nothing but respect while I was with them. Trent was beyond nice when he offered me a place to stay seeing as it was either that or sleeping in my car."

"Maybe you shouldn't have gone to the concert anyway." Jamia added. "It's not the best place for a pregnant girl to be going."

"Oh so I'm supposed to just sit at home and knit or something? I'm not allowed to have a life outside of this goddamn house? In high school, I didn't have many friends. So I apologize for having fun while hanging out with people my own age."

"You could have hung out with us!" Christina said throwing her hands up. "Are we not good enough for you anymore?"

"It's not that, but none of you are my age. It was just fun to get away from all you adults so I could go enjoy being a teenager again."

"But you're not a teenager. You're technically an adult like us."

"I'm sorry for having fun. I'll just sit here in this bed for the rest of my life and wither away."

"She's not going to listen to us." Jamia said to the other two ladies. "We shouldn't even bother."


"They didn't have to talk to me like that." I said quietly into the phone the next day as I sat on the bed, curled up under the covers with a sleeping True.

"Well to tell you the truth, I think in a way they are right." Frank responded. "You shouldn't have gone to that concert alone, and you really shouldn't have stayed with the guys."

"But they didn't try anything! They were being nice to me... It was like being in high school again, but y'know with people I like. It was nice having friends my own age to talk to."

"Well why didn't you just talk to the girls?"

"Lyn-Z is 22, Jamia is 23, and Christina is 25. Lyn-Z is the closest to my age, and lately she hasn't been all that much fun to stay around."

"I just don't really approve of that kind of behavior for a married woman."

"So what if I'm married, I'm still pretty much a kid. I'm not a woman." I said trying to get my point across. "And so now I need your approval for the things I do?"

"Thats not what I meant Babe..."

"No I think it was. If it doesn't make you happy I shouldn't do it, is that it? Even if it makes me happy, if you don't like it, its forbidden?"

"Addison, you need to calm down."

"There you go again telling me what to do!"

"Addison!" He said in an almost hostile tone.

"I think... I think I need more time away."

"You're not leaving again. I need to know that you're safe."

"It's not up for discussion. I'll...I'll talk to you later Frank." I said before hanging up.

I stood up quickly, and grabbed a bigger bag out of my closet than what I had last time I left. I started throwing in clothes, not really paying attention to what they were, or how many there actually were. I packed my laptop away, and grabbed my other needed things.

I grabbed True's leash and hooked him up quickly.

I had to go now before Frank got a hold of one of the girls to come and stop me.

I went out to the car, and packed my stuff in the backseat before climbing into the driver's seat, whilst setting True in the passenger seat.

I started the engine,rolled down both of the front windows (not enough for True to jump out), and backed out of the driveway. I waited until I was far enough away before pulling my phone out and sending a text to Lyn-Z.

Watch the house while I'm gone

And with that I turned the phone off, and just drove.

♠ ♠ ♠
Don't kill me >.<
Comments would be nice, even hate ones~