‹ Prequel: No Clue Why I'm Alone
Status: Slight Hiatus :/

No Clue What I Should Do

Rowdy Overly Hyper Party Animals

Planning was going better than good for us so far. It was going to be a smallish wedding, and the owner of The Attic was letting us rent it out for the night. So basically all we had to do was set up and shit like that. Timmy had decided right away that he was in charge of the playlist and

I'm not even going to lie I was a bit scared of what he was going to come up with.

A local minister was going to come in for the actual ceremony, but I'm guessing they’ll leave once that’s done, as not to be stuck with a bunch of rowdy overly hyper party animals.


RSVP’s were slowly coming in, and I was over seeing each one.

The one that really got my attention was the one I had sent to Frank. He was coming, and so were the rest of the guys, and even the girls.

I was surprised, but a bit excited that the first people I ever got really close to were going to be there, even if we did end on a bad note.

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I know its like reallly short but its all i got for before the wedding jazzyness.