‹ Prequel: No Clue Why I'm Alone
Status: Slight Hiatus :/

No Clue What I Should Do

Which House Will It Be?

House shopping was always a fun thing to go through, and if you didn’t just get my sarcasm well it's understood. I’ve already done this once, but luckily we weren’t in Jersey and the area was much nicer.

We had already looked through five houses, and they were all too small, too big, too expensive, or too far away.

That is until we came across an average looking house, small but homey looking. White picket fence, red door with dark blue shudders, two story.

It was perfect already.

We called the realtor, and she agreed to drive down and show us around.


“So when you first walk in, there is the living room on your left hand side, and a small coat closet on your right hand side. Also, all furniture that you see comes with the house. The last owner left it because they were moving out of the country and thought it was too much of a hassle to take it all with them.” She explained, stopping to give us a chance to look at the room.

There was a big four person couch against the wall, with the big front window above it, facing that sat across the room against the opposite wall. On either side of the TV were a bookshelf and an entertainment center. There were also two recliners that matched the couch sitting at diagonal angles but still facing the TV as well. In the wall that you first see when you walk in is a massive fire place.

“Now if you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to the kitchen which is just right through here.” The realtor said walking under a small arch in the hall leading us past a staircase, and into a bigger room.

Along the far wall was a fridge and stove, connected by a small white cabinet, with more cabinets running all around that wall and over to the other one before stopping at another window. Below that window was a sink, and to the left of it was a dish washer. In the middle of that area was a massive counter with more cabinets under it.

Then in front of where we walked in was a glass kitchen table, with three chairs on either side, and two at each end of it.

Behind that was a sliding glass door leading into a big back yard.

“Now we’ll go upstairs before I show you the back yard.” The lady said. “There are two bedrooms, the master and a smaller one. There is a master bathroom, and then another one in the hallway for guests or whoever is in the other room, which I'm guessing is this cute little girl you have with you.”

She showed us the smaller room first, as it came first in the hallway. It was a medium size, so even as Britt grew older she could still stay in there. The walls were painted a sickly green color, which would have to be painted over.

From there we moved to the bathroom which we gave a quick once over before going to the master bedroom.

It was massive.

Against the wall facing the door, in the center, was a huge king size bed which beat even Trent’s. The sheets on it were red and gold and very regal looking. The walls were painted a dark gold, and the windows were covered by deep red curtains. Next to the bed, on both sides, were small bedside tables each with a lamp that matched the curtains. Across from the bed, was a big black dresser, holding another TV on top of it.

Inside of the room, there were two more doors. One led into a walk in closet, and the other led into the bathroom. In the bathroom, there was a shower with glass panes that looked permanently foggy. Sitting next to that was a bathtub, with built in water jets. Across from there was a double wide counter holding his and her sinks, with a massive mirror behind it. Then in a small in clove type area, stood the toilet, providing some privacy for the person using it.

“Now if you’ll follow me back downstairs I can show you that backyard.”

Once outside, we could see the pool that sat in the ground.

A fucking pool.

“I want it.” I said right away, and Trent agreed, staring in wonderment at the pool.

“I’m glad. Now let’s just go talk pricing and when you can move in.”

♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah, i just kinda described my house, but gave it a different layout and made it smaller~~
Have some Timmy, and his friend Micheal.
Apparently, According to Trent, Micheal is his man.
Guyyyyy Love.