‹ Prequel: No Clue Why I'm Alone
Status: Slight Hiatus :/

No Clue What I Should Do

Somewhere I Belong

I stood nervously outside of a familiar door, not sure if I was ready to knock and set a whole slew of bad things in motion. I could still walk away from this.

But I really couldn’t.

I slowly lifted my hand up, and knocked on the door, before taking a step back.

“Hold on!” A voice called from inside.

Just a minute later, the door opened, and a very shocked Trent stood there.

“Addie, what are you doing here?” He asked happily as he pulled me into a tight hug. “What happened to going home to the loved ones?”

“Well… Things didn’t go over so well, so I kinda left…” I explained, resting my head on his
shoulder as I wrapped myself around him. “I need a place to stay again…”

“Sure, anything for you hun.” He said pulling away to look at me. “Are you alright?”

“No, not really…” I said folding my arms around myself, only to have a thougt. “Is it okay that I have my dog?”


Trent helped me settle into his room, which he gave up without a second thought for me, offering to take the couch while I was there.

“You really don’t have to take the couch. We have shared a bed, twice.” I said as I folded up clothes to put in the drawers he emptied out for me to use.

“That was different. You weren’t living here.” He said smiling over at me from where he was also folding clothes.

“I owe you so much now.” I said as more of an afterthought.

“That is where you’re wrong. You don’t owe me a thing. I’m glad to help you out with anything you need.”

“Are you sure? I mean you are giving me a lot…”

“Addison.” He said turning and grabbing me gently at the shoulders. “I mean it. I want to help you.”

I smiled up at him softly before pushing myself against him in a hug.

“How did I get lucky enough to find such a great guy like you?” I asked out loud to myself.

“I’m the lucky one.”


Trent and I sat on his couch with containers of cheap Chinese takeout while we watched those cheesy soap operas that we had bonded over. The two of us sat in the middle of the couch, me with my feet pulled up next to me as I leaned into his side. True laid curled up by my feet, sleeping quietly. It was the perfect picture of quiet relaxation.

That is until the door slammed open making True bark like a fiend at the ‘intruder’.

“Fuck Trent when did you get a dog?” Timmy yelled as he jumped forward onto the recliner nearby.

“When I got a roommate.” Trent replied giving me a big grin.


“TIMMY BEAR!” I yelled back mocking his enthusiasm.

“When… What… I am so confused right now…”

“When I got home, shit went down, so I left again cause I seriously was not dealing with that.
And this is the only place I felt comfortable enough to go.” I explained shrugging lightly before shoving some noodles into my mouth.

“Pretty like a lady, eats like a man. The perfect kind of woman.” Timmy commented making me throw a chopstick at his head.

“Hey mister, I am currently eating for two so step off my jock.”

“Did you seriously just say that?” Trent asked me laughing.

“Stop making fun of me.” I whined stabbing Trent with my remaining chopstick.

The two of them just laughed at me, and True jumped back up to sit next to me after giving Timmy a good sniffing.

“I’ll sick my damn dog on the both of you.”

Trent just laughed more as he put an arm around my shoulders to pull me into a side hug.

“So how long are you staying?” Timmy asked.

“I actually have no idea. All I know is that I can't go home anytime soon.”

“Was it that bad?”

“I got yelled at by the people I'm closest to when I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“That’s straight up bullshit. Just live here forever and never go back. We can feed and clothe
both you and the child!”

I laughed softly as I shook my head at him.

“I’m a bit tired. It’s been a long day…” I said with a small yawn.

“Go get some sleep. We’ll be out here if you need us.” Trent said taking the food container from me while Timmy came over and grabbed my hands to pull me up.

“Yes please, pamper me.” I joked as I walked back into the bedroom.

I changed into a pair of light blue Remember When short shorts that Trent insisted I keep
when I commented on how much I like them, as well as a white wife beater. I climbed onto the massive bed and pulled the cold covers over myself. I rolled over onto my right side, back facing to the door, and just stared at the dark wall. There were some band posters along with a few personal pictures taped up within my view, and I tried my best to look at them.

I ended up ditching that effort, and rolled over onto my left side. On the night stand next to the bed, I caught sight of my beat to shit phone. After much thinking I reached over and grabbed it. I flipped it open and pressed the power button. It took a minute to turn on, but when it did, notifications came pouring in.

98 Missed Calls.

56 Text Messages.

40 New Voicemails.

I scanned over the names that went with the notifications, most of them were from Frank, some were from the girls, and even a few were from Gerard. I dismissed all of the messages and calls, and then erased all of the voicemails. I turned the phone back off and set it down again.

After laying in the bed for almost ten minutes of nothing, I couldn’t take it anymore, and I stood up and walked out into the living room. I went over to Trent, and basically curled up on his lap with my arms wrapped around his shoulders with my face in his neck.

“I don’t wanna be alone…” I mumbled quietly.

“Shh. It's alright.” He said softly as he held me, rocking us back and forth slightly.

We sat there for a long time, just holding onto each other as Trent whispered comforting
words to me. I relaxed completely into him and slowly started to fall asleep.

“I’m gunna head out.” I heard Timmy say quietly, followed by a kiss to the top of my head. “I’ll see you later Addie Bear.”

“Bye Timmy Bear.” I mumbled half asleep as one of my hands clutched lightly to the front of Trent’s shirt.

“Later man.” Timmy then said to Trent, followed by a, “See ya” in return.

“Do you wanna go to the bed?” Trent asked me a few minutes after Timmy left.

“Will you stay with me?” I asked looking up at him as he looked down at me.


And with that, he actually stood up while holding me, and carried me to the bed. He set me
down, and pulled the covers up around me on my side, before climbing in on his own side.

“Thank you Trent, for everything. For being here for me. Just…Thank you.”

♠ ♠ ♠
You must hate me now~
Just wait my children.
More hate shall come to me.