‹ Prequel: No Clue Why I'm Alone
Status: Slight Hiatus :/

No Clue What I Should Do

Space Heater

The next few days were spent with Trent keeping me full with an endless supply of Chinese food, and entertained with his band practices, along with our soaps.

One day, I was lying alone on the couch in a pair of Trent’s basketball shorts and a plain purple tank top, bored out of my mind since Trent was taking a shower, and Timmy was doing more slave labor so I was alone with just TV to keep me occupied.

I started humming to myself as I rubbed my stomach absentmindedly, not really focusing on the re-run of some cartoon I had apparently been watching a few minutes ago.

“TREEEEENNNT!” I called out loudly as I heard the water shut off.

He appeared a minute later dripping wet with a towel hanging loosely around his hips.

“What woman?” He asked leaning against a wall as he ran a hand through his soaked hair.

“I’m bored…”

“I’ve got band practice in 15 minutes.” He informed me before going into the room to change.

He returned a few minutes later in dark denim skinny jeans and a white v-neck rubbing his
hair with the towel he had previously been wearing.

I sat up slowly, before shuffling past him, knocking my shoulder against his lightly. I pulled out some loose black skinny jeans, and left the tank top. Satisfied enough, I walked back out into the living room and jumped on Trent’s back while he was facing away from me.

“Onward my friend; Take me to place of musical talent and shit.”

He just laughed as he grabbed my legs to support me, and managed to get us out the door and down to his car where he let me climb in through the window.


“Timmy stop it!” I laughed loudly as he held onto me from behind and spun.

Somehow, a camera got worked into the mix, and so Trent and Timmy decided to torment me and take pictures of said torment.

“Trent save me!”

“Not a chance honey bun.”

Timmy finally set me back down, and I about fell over I was so dizzy. Luckily, Trent caught me after tossing the camera over to Timmy, who started taking pictures of Trent and I falling over. The two of us ended up on the couch, me sitting on his stomach with a triumphant smile.

The next picture was of Trent catching me off guard by grabbing my sides and pulling me down onto him. That was followed by me licking his face while he made a ‘disgusted’ expression.

The camera then got passed off onto Dan, who took a picture of Timmy and Trent kneeling on either side of me on the floor as I sat on the couch, the two of them poking my stomach while I was mid eye roll.

Following that was the two boys kissing either one of my cheeks while I gave a big smile.


“I want foooood.” I complained while I laid in the middle of the living room floor back at the apartment.

“Wanna go out and get some actual dinner that doesn’t come in a paper container?” Trent asked me when he walked into the room, giving me a strange look at my choice of seat.

“Sure bro…But I need help up.”

He laughed as he came over to me, standing over me as he reached down to grab both of my hands, before pulling me up onto my feet with no problem.

“There’s this really good breakfast place a few blocks away. I figure we can walk.”

“AS long as I get food in my belly I don’t care.”

We got down onto the street and started walking as the sky started to darken. As we walked,

Trent grabbed onto my hand, and when I looked up at him, he was just looking forward as he smiled.

“That was pretty smooth man, I gotta say.” I commented as I bumped my shoulder into his.

“I do what I do.” He said in a weird voice that made me laugh.

It was an oddly cold night for April, and me being in only a tank top, I was shivering in no
time. For warmth, I moved closer to Trent, and snuggled into his side.

“Dear god you’re warm.” I commented, resting my head against his chest as he put an arm around my shoulders. “You’re my new human space heater.”

“No complaints here.”


“God those pancakes were amazing.” I said as I rubbed my stomach later that night back at the apartment as Trent and I sat in bed together. “We have got to go there more often.”

“Anytime you want.”

“Okay, it's official, I am keeping you forever.” I joked as I wrapped myself around him like a snake.

“No girl shall ever steal you from me. They’ll have to deal with my crazy hormonal mom-ness.”

“All girls shall quake in fear. For an adorable little midget is going to beat the shit out of them.”

“Damn straight.”

“As for now, I want sleep. I ate too much…”

“Boy I ate more than you, but then again I do feel like I might explode.” I laughed, but snuggled against him properly by letting him out of my death lock.

“Still warm as fuck.” I mumbled as nestled my head against the side of his neck.
♠ ♠ ♠
Trent is so adorable ^_^