‹ Prequel: No Clue Why I'm Alone
Status: Slight Hiatus :/

No Clue What I Should Do

Just Take My Hand

I was now about 5 months along in the pregnancy, and I was really starting to show. My skin was starting to stretch and itch and I was always sore. Timmy got the baby doctor information from Erin, and now Trent was taking me to my first appointment.

We sat out in the waiting room, we twiddling my thumbs to keep myself from getting twitchy like a do when I'm bored. Trent had taken to poking at my stomach, and laughing merrily as he did so.

“Trent, calm yo tits.” I laughed grabbing his hand as he was mid poke to stop him. “I already itch a lot, I don’t need you tickling me as well.”

“Sorry.” He said sheepishly as he adjusted our hands so they were folded together properly.

After much more waiting, I was called back, and I pulled Trent along after me.

“Hello Mrs.Iero, how are you today?” The doctor asked me as Trent helped me up onto the weird chair thing with the stirrups.

“You can just call me Addison.” I said nervously, rubbing at the back of my neck. “And I’m fine. Sore and itchy, but fine.”

“That’s perfectly normal for your stage of pregnancy. The baby is starting to gain weight, which is causing your skin to stretch and itch. As for the soreness, it's your ligaments stretching to support the extra weight.”

I nodded my head as she talked, trying to absorb all the new information that was being thrown my way.

“Now how about we take a look at the baby?” She asked in a chipper voice.

I lifted my shirt up, and Trent decided to sneak in a quick poke, making my slap at his hand with a laugh.

The doctor then poured the strange goo on my skin making my shiver and whine.

“It feels weird…” I complained quietly. “Like a whale hacked a loogey on me.”

Trent tried to hold in his laughing, and the doctor was sending us these weird little looks that

I couldn’t quite read. They were either her way of saying ‘awww’ or ‘why are they having a baby?’ but I wasn’t sure which.

She started moving the wand thing around, and a blurry picture started to form on the screen. When the image cleared out more, and I could see the shape of my baby, I about started crying.

“Would you like to find out the gender of the baby?” She asked me, smiling at me while I stared in awe at the screen. In response, I could only nod at her, and she started moving the wand again.

“Congratulations, you are having a baby girl.”

That was when I actually started crying.

Trent squeezed the hand that he had been holding, and when I looked over at him, him smiled widely. I smiled back just as wide, and squeezed his hand in return.

After the doctor cleaned me off, and said that I was good to go, I stood up, and Trent pulled me against him in a hug.

“Mrs. Mom,” He said in an amused ton as we swayed back and forth lightly.

“Would you like me to print out the ultrasound images?” The doctor asked.

“Yes please, but I need two copies.” I said nodding happily. “Can I also get two DVDs?”

“Sure.” She said smiling at me again as she got the things together.

“Are you sending the extras to Frank?” Trent asked into my ear as he stood behind me, arms wrapped around my middle, hands resting on my stomach.

“Yeah…” I said quietly, feeling almost guilty that he couldn’t be here to see this himself.


I hummed happily as I waddled around the apartment, just rubbing my stomach.

I had just mailed the package with the pictures and video to the next venue Frank was going to be at so that he could get them. I eventually went and sat down in the recliner, which was helping with my soreness.

The door opened and in strolled Trent, followed by Timmy and Jake.

I was all fine with that, until I saw what was in Timmy’s hand again.

“Nooo!” I whined trying to get up and move away from the camera.

“Come on! I want stomach pictures!” He said following me. “Trent come hold her still so I can get a picture!”

I almost got to a door I could lock, but I was grabbed lightly by the sides, and guided back in the direction of Timmy and his damn camera.

I sighed and gave in, pulling my tank top enough to show off the bump, and Trent stood behind me again, resting his hands on the sides of the bump.

“Well isn’t that just adorable.” Jake said as he stood watching me be tortured.

The next half hour was filled with me trying to get away from the camera, and Trent pulling me back. At one point I was relaxing on the couch when the sneak attacked me, and Timmy got one of Trent kissing my stomach, followed closely by me pushing Trent’s head away while I laughed.

For a short while I thought that I was home free, so I curled up against Trent’s side letting my head fall against his neck and my arm to drape over the two of us while he had his arm around my shoulders holding me against him.

And that’s when the camera came back out, and Timmy caught the moment perfectly.

I had to admit.

I may not enjoy having my picture constantly taken, but I was glad that Timmy was able to
capture some of these moments for me to look back on.

It was really nice.

♠ ♠ ♠
Please dont kill me my children...