‹ Prequel: No Clue Why I'm Alone
Status: Slight Hiatus :/

No Clue What I Should Do

When I Say 'Shotgun' You Say 'Wedding'

It seemed to be contagious I found out. And things were really starting to get bad. I couldn’t go a day without it happening anymore. I couldn’t sit down unless I checked the entire apartment, and even then it happens.

And Trent was to blame for the entire thing.

I had just finished my sweep of the apartment, and upon finding things in the clear, I went and curled up under the covers in bed with a new book I’d been meaning to read. I was enjoying myself, and the book was really getting good.

And that’s when the bed was dive bombed, and the attack started.

“Trent! Timmy! Stop. Poking. My. Stomach.” I said angrily trying to shoo them away to no avail.

“But you’re so squishy!” Timmy said gleefully.

Trent switched from poking to rubbing suddenly, which caught me off guard, what with the vicious jabbing stopping and everything.

Timmy then left the room suddenly, smiling his suspicious little grin.

“Can I try and hear her heartbeat?” Trent asked after a few minutes, looking up at my with his big brown puppy dog eyes.

I laughed as I moved his hand and pulled my shirt up over the bump.

He put his ear against the exposed skin, and his long hair was tickling me like crazy, so I couldn’t stop giggling.

“What?” He asked looking up at me again, amused this time.

“Your hair tickles.” I said moving it away gently as he rolled his eyes playfully.

I sat there just watching him, the way his face looked when e concentrated, and then how it lit up when I guess he could hear the heartbeat.

“It sounds so little…” He said softly, looking back up at me again with a look of pure delight.

“Wait til you feel her kick.” I said, and he looked like he was about to explode with joy.

“I love kids so much.”

What i didn't know was that Timmy had been recording us with the bands new video camera.

I walked into the bedroom after I had gotten up to get a snack, to feed the bottomless pit that my stomach had become, and I found Trent writing in a notebook, humming periodically.

“What’re you writing? The tune sounds familiar…” I asked as I crawled onto the bed, my foot accidently slamming against the nightstand, making something fall onto the bed. When I looked down, my phone was next to my knee, but I just shrugged it off and moved over to Trent like planned.

“It's a surprise.” He said grinning as he closed the notebook and tossed it onto the desk not far away. “So I’ve been wanting to ask you about something recently, but I didn’t really know when to do it…”

“What is it Bear?” I asked as I laid my head on his lap.

“I was just wondering about you and Frank…”

“What about us?”

“Well what happened? From what I can tell, it really seems like you guys were madly in love…”

“I think our main problem was that we rushed into things far too quickly. The length of us being friends was fairly good, but then we went right into dating and sex, and then after being together for only a month or two, we were engaged. It was brought on by some big life changing thing…. At one of the video shoots, him and the guys almost died in an accident with one of the props and everything. SO after that we just kinda decided that if we didn’t get married some other tragic thing would happen, I don’t really known actually. After that, we were only engaged for about the same time we dated, and then we were married. And he left. I just couldn’t handle being alone like that. I was so used to us being just a few minutes away, and then he was just gone. We fell apart.” I explained as I traced small patterns into the exposed skin from the rip in his jeans.

“We were madly in love at one point, but the wedding was kinda like a shotgun wedding, but more so him almost dying than me getting knocked up…”

♠ ♠ ♠
So Addie is moving on from Frank~

Just dont be mad if this doesnt end the way you want it to :/

Here's more Trent~~