

"I just really think he's cheating on me with someone."
my best friend said, teary-eyed.

"Aw sweetie, I'm sure he isn't. And if he is, he's a
douche for doing that to you and that means you're
too good foor him. You'll find someone else 'cause you're
beautiful, inside and out."
I tried to calm her, hugging her close.

"But that's the thing, I don't want anybody else.
I want Brian. I don't know what I'd do without him."
she said, sniffing.

"I'm sure it's gonna be okay, hun."
I said, releasing her from my grip.

she asked, wiping her nose.

"Really really."
I answered with a smile.

She smiled back and then shook her head.

"I don't know what I'd do without you Rox.
You're truly an amazing friend."
she said, her smile growing.

"Oh, you're making me blush. Shut it."
I said and hid my face.

"But it's true. You don't give yourself enough credit."
she kept pushing.

I sighed and closed my eyes.
"Yeah, yeah I know right? Anyway, weren't you
supposed to be on your way 15 minutes ago?"
I asked, knowing she had her Zumba class.

"Yeah, I really have to go."
she said, standing up and hugging me.

"I'll call you later tonight, okay?"
she said, while walking up to my front door.

"Yeah, of course. Have fun with your Zumba."
I said, waving at her.

"You should come with me, someday!"
she yelled back.

"No thank you!"
I replied and I heard her laughing while she shut the door.

I allowed myself to go limp and my body fell down on the couch

What was I doing?

Right then my phone went off, signalling I had a text message.
I took my phone off the table and read it.

'Can't wait to see you again x'

I smiled as the butterflies found their way in my stomach again.
It was wrong but it felt so good.

'Coast is clear... x'

I texted back, waiting for a response.
Instead the doorbell rang 2 minutes later.

I jumped up and practically ran towards my front door.
Opening it, I found him on my front porch, leaning against the wall.

"Hey there."
he said, smirking.

I said, staring at him like I always did.

I stepped back and allowed him to enter the house.
He walked in and closed the door behind him.

"I wasn't doing anything so I thought I could bring you
a visit. If that's okay with you of course."
he said, smiling now.

"Of course that's okay, you moron. You can always
visit me."
I said, turning around and walking over to the kitchen.

"Want anything to drink?"
I asked, opening the fridge.

he responded.

"What do you.."
I wanted to say but his arms found their way around
my waist and his lips were gently pressed against my neck.
They were at the spot exactly below my ear and I had to
restrain myself from moaning.

"Can I have you instead?"
he whispered in my ear.

I opened my eyes again and turned around.

"She suspects something."
I said, then.

"Of course she does. She's smart."
he said, cupping my face between his hands and
then kissing my lips gently.

"Brian, I'm serious. If she finds out that it's me, she'll
hate my guts forever."
I said, staring in his enchanting eyes.

"What are you saying..?"
Brian asked, kissing my lips again.

"I'm saying that maybe.."
I began but was cut off by his lips on mine again.

"Are you saying we should stop doing this?"
he asked, kissing my neck this time.

"That would be the right thing to do."
I answered.

"Then why aren't you moving?"
he wanted to know and I felt his smirk against my cheek
as he whispered it in my ear.

"I said it was the right thing to do, not the easiest."
I replied, pushing him slightly away from me.

"Do you want me to leave?"
he asked, wiping strands of hair out of my eyes.

"That, again, would be the right thing to do."
I answered, biting my lip.

Looking at him always made me weak in the knees.
He was beautiful and god, he was such a good kisser.
In bed, he was the most amazing lover I had ever had.
He was everything I've ever dreamt of.
And he was my best friends' boyfriend.

"I sense a 'but' coming."
he said, smirking again.

"I don't want you to leave."
I said, blushing a bit.
The way he looked at me always made me self-conscious.

"I don't want to leave, either. So what are we going
to do now?"
he asked, half whispering and coming closer to me again.

"I wish I knew."
I sighed, closing my eyes before he kissed me again.

"I can think of some things I could do to you.."
he whispered in my ear before resting his hands on my
hips and kissing me forcefully.

I tried to stay away from him at first but then he came to me
one day, fighting tears because they had a fight.
I tried to comfort him, I hated to see him so down.
Before I knew it, he'd kissed me.
When we broke away we looked at each other in shock.
'I'm sorry.' he said and I just nodded, still flabberghasted.

An hour later we were on my floor, panting and catching
our breaths.
We were both staring at the ceiling and decided this was never going
to leave this room and it would never happen again.

That was almost 6 months ago and he came over to my
place about 5 times a week.

Brian lifted me up and held me tightly so I wouldn't fall down.
My hands went through his hair, pulling on it to make it hurt
He moaned into the kiss and I couldn't help but smile a bit.
He broke away and looked at me.

"You just wait and see what I'll do to you, Rox."
he said, biting his lip.

That made me smile and this time, I pressed my lips on his
and kissed him with all the passion I had.

Brian pressed me against the wall and pulled my t-shirt over
my head.
I did the same to him and my hands flew to his chest, slightly scratching it.
Soon enough our pants were off as well and he was standing in his boxers.
As for me, I was covered a little more because of my bra.

he asked inbetween kisses.

I just replied, not wanting to break the kiss completely.

"We'll just.. do it here.."
he said, releasing me and he pushed me on the couch.

He crawled on top of me and kissed my belly button and then went up.
When he reached my neck, he started biting and kissing gently what
made me want him even more.

"Fuck, Brian will you just take me already?"
I said, sighing.

"Let me think about that. No, you'll have to wait until I'm done teasing you."
he said, looking up at me with a smile.

I smiled back before pushing him off me on the floor.
Jumping on top of him, I smiled even bigger.

I lowered my face to his ear and whispered;
"You're not the only one who's allowed to tease."
before I started kissing his neck like he had done to me.

"Oh, shit.."
I heard him say, grabbing my hips and slowly scratching my back.

I smiled and started kissing down.
All the way down..


We were on my floor in the livingroom covered in sweat.
We were trying to catch our breaths, like we always had to after
our little escapades.

"God, that was hot."
Brian said, looking at me, smiling.

"Damn sure it was. I think I've lost feeling in my legs."
I said, looking down at them.

Brian laughed and rolled on his side, gently tracing my skin with
his indexfinger.

"I think I'm going to break up with.."
he wanted to say but I silenced him.

"Don't say that. You love her."
I said, also rolling on my side, to face him.

"But I love you, too."
he said, staring in my eyes.

I just looked at him, not being able to speak.
This wasn't supposed to happen.

"Brian, you can't do this. She'll know that I was 'that other girl'
and she'll hate me forever. Come to think of it, I don't think
there's any way we'll ever be able to tell her. She just told me
today that she doesn't want anyone else but you. You can't just
break it off with her."
I said, feeling the pain in my heart.

Truth was that I loved him, too.
But we couldn't go on doing this, not anymore.

"I'm not just breaking it off with her. I've been walking around
for a while, thinking about it. I want to be with you, Rox.
Why do you think I always come back to you? You're
not just some girl I can fuck. There's more behind it."
he said, intertwining our hands.

I closed my eyes and couldn't help but smile.

"I knew it."
he said, and I saw him smiling when I opened my eyes.

"Knew what?"
I asked.

"You feel the same about me."
he stated, smiling as well.

"It's complicated."
I replied, I said, still smiling.

"But you love me."
he said, confident with his words.

"The thing is, that I've tried to ignore you. I've tried to shut you
out but in the end, you'll find a way to be with me again. You're
like an addiction I can't quit and somewhere along the way.. Yeah,
I started to love you."
I said, blushing a bit.

"Good. I'll find a way to break it off with her. I want to spend
the rest of my life with you, Rox. You're an amazing girl and
I want to be with you everyday and not be sneaky about it."
he said, moving closer to be and kissing my lips.

"Just.. think about it for a while, okay? Don't make your
decision now. Just give it some time. Please?"
I asked, afraid of what would happen between them.

"She'll hate me."
I sighed.

"Me, too."
he said, sadly.

"That's why you really need to think this through.
And before you've figured out what you're going to do,
we're not sexing."
I said, seriously.

"What? Come on, Rox you can't do that! Our sex is
goddamn amazing. It's fucking good and you know it.
You really want to deny yourself that?"
he said, shock on his face.

I laughed and kissed him on his lips.

"Hm, maybe one more time as a goodbye for now?"
I asked kissing the tip of his nose softly.

"Hm, I could go for the one more time, I guess."
he said, his smirk appearing again.

Just before we wanted to get hot and heavy, there was a knock on the door.

"Brian? I know you're in there! BRIAN!"
She screamed.

We froze and then jumped up, pulling on our clothes.

"How does she know I'm here?"
he whispered, trying to get his pants on.

"I don't fucking know!"
I said, scared.

"She's your best friend, don't you know that kind of stuff?"
he asked, pulling his t shirt over his head.

"We're best friends, not twins, dick!"
I said, frustrated, trying to flatten out my hair again.

she screamed, pounding on the door.

"Put in a movie. Skip it to 45 minutes or something."
I said to Brian while walking over to the door.

"Right. Fuck shit."
he said, running out of the room we were in.

I opened the door and saw her standing there with her eyes
red and puffy.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?"
I asked, trying to comfort her.
Instead she slapped me in the face, hard.

"You bitch. You fucking bitch. Comforting me while you're the one
who's fucking my boyfriend? How dare you!"
she said, wanting to slap me again but I held her hand.

"Where did you hear that?"
I asked, trying to sound confident.

"That's none of your fucking business. Where is he?"
she asked, pushing me aside and walking into my house.

"Will you calm down? We were just watching a movie."
I said.
I'd never seen her this pissed.
Of course, she had all the right to be.

"Don't insult my fucking intelligence, Rox. I fucking know
and you are dead to me, now. Where is Brian?!"
she demanded to know, shouting in my face.

"I'm here."
he said, standing in the room.

"You. You fucking asshole. And to think I ever told you
I fucking loved you! How dare you two do this to me? Do you hate me?
Brian, we're through and Rox, don't ever, EVER try to be my friend again.
I hate you.You two deserve each other. Enjoy screwing each others' brains out."
she said, tears now rolling down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry."
I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Don't you dare! You knew exactly what you were getting into
when you started this shit. How long has it been going on?"
she wanted to know.

"Almost 6 months."
Brian replied for me.

Her mouth just fell open and more tears started to spill.

"Is there a reason why?"
she asked, her voice cracking on the end.

"Not really. You guys had a fight one day and he came over
to talk. And then.."
I said, not finishing the sentence.

She closed her eyes and shook her head.

"So we fight and you decide to fuck my best friend.
Classy move, Brian."
she said, looking at him.

"I didn't decide anything. It just happened. We never meant
for it to be this way."
he said.
All the while he remained so calm, it baffled me.
We were just caught cheating and he was just standing there.

"You know what, I don't want to hear your lame excuses and I certainly
don't want to be near you anymore. Ever. Goodbye Brian. I hope
you know that you broke my heart. As did you, Rox. Of all the people,
I thought I could trust you. Fucking hell."
she said and turned around, walking away.
When she was at the front door, she saw a picture of is hanging on the wall.

She screamed with rage, grabbed the picture from the wall and threw it on the wall.
When she was satisfied the picture was destroyed, she walked away.

Brian and I stared at her in shock before I turned around to face him.
My hands flew to my face and I started crying.
I just lost my best friend.

Two big arms wrapped themselves around me, kissing my head.

"Shh, sweetie. It's gonna be okay.."
he said, rubbing my back soothingly.

I sniffed and then face up.

"I'd like to forget what just happened. Ready to finish what we started?"
I asked, smiling through my tears.

He smiled and kissed my lips gently.

"We've got enough time to finish that.
It's okay to be upset, Rox."
he said, hugging me, still.

"How come you're not?"
I asked, sniffing again.

"Because I'm with the one girl I truly love, now. You're
all I need Rox. It sucks how it ended between me and her.
But look what I got in return."
he whispered, hugging even closer.

"I love you too, Brian."
I said and held him even closer.

I couldn't help but think about what if this never happened.
I'd still have my best friend and be just friends with Brian.
But then that thought washed away, quickly.
I couldn't be just friends with Brian, the attraction was too
So I'd stay with him, knowing I'd lost my best friend in the whole world.
I felt happy but sad. Because I couldn't help but think..
Was it all worth it?