

Standing in the grocery store, I was contemplating
on what vegetables I was going to take home with me.
I must've stood there for almost 10 minutes when I heard
a high voice call someone's name.

Next thing I know, there's a guy standing next to me.
I looked up at him and I saw him smiling half-heartedly
at me.

he said, looking over his right shoulder.

I replied, looking over his right shoulder as well.
"Are you okay?"
I asked.
I couldn't help myself, he looked rushed and had
big, panicky eyes.

"That depends."
he said, furrowing his eyebrows.

I wanted to know.

"Whether my ex finds me or not. She's pretty much stalking me."
he said, rubbing his temples.

"Ah, the stalkery exes. I hate those."
I said, understanding where he was coming from.
I had an ex like his a few years ago who didn't understand that
'breaking up' also meant 'i never want to see you again' in my book.
Douchebag cheated on me, numerous times.

"Yeah, I know right? I just hope she doesn't.."
he started but then someone called him.

"Brian! There you are!"
she yelled from down the aisle.

".. find me. Damn it. Pretending I didn't hear her won't help, right?"
he asked.

I laughed a bit and shook my head.
"I don't think so. Her voice is hard to miss."

He laughed and nodded in agreement.

"Hey sweetie, I've been calling your name for a few minutes now.
You didn't hear me?"
the girl asked, placing her hand on his arm.

"I did but I don't want to talk to you. I thought I told you that
yesterday. And the day before that."
Brian said, pulling his arm away from her hand.

"But sweetie, I.."
she wanted to start but I got an idea.

"Bri, are you gonna help me pick yet? We have to eat something tonight."
I said, placing my arm around his back.

Brian turned around and looked me a bit confused.
I tried to make it clear he had to play along but I had
no idea if he understood.

"I'm sorry, how rude. I'm Kendra. And you are?"
I asked, sticking out my hand.

She didn't take it and instead I got death glares.

"Brian. Who is she?"
the girl wanted to know.

"I'm his girlfriend. You must be his ex?"
I answered for him.

I saw a click forming in Brian's head and he seemed
to loosen up a bit.

"Your girlfriend?"
his ex asked.

"Yes, she is. Do you understand why I don't want to
talk to you anymore? I'm done with us. I have been for 6 months.
I found a new girl I'm completely in love with so just.. stop."
he said, intertwining our fingers together.

"I can't believe you never told me!"
she said, fuming with anger.

"I don't have to tell you anything anymore. Now, if you would be so
kind to fuck off, that would be appreciated."
Brian said, turning away from her and looking at the vegetables again.

I saw on his face that he was waiting for whatever was coming next.
His eyes closed when her voice filled the air again.

"Brian. Can we talk in private?"
she asked, holding back her rage.

"Look, I think Bri just told you he wanted you to leave.
Brian and I are a couple now and we are happy. Just leave him the
fuck alone or I am going to the cops to get a restraining order on your ass.
Got it?"
I said, facing her.

Her mouth dropped in shock and then she walked away,
her heels clicking on the floor fast.

"You dated that girl? Seriously?"
I said, facing Brian.

He started laughing with relief and I loved the sound of it, immediatly.
Now I could really look at him, I saw how handsome he was.
His attire was completely black. A Metallica shirt with black ripped
jeans and black shoes. His hair was spiked up to perfection.
When he looked at me again with a big smile, I saw his beautiful eyes
that turned my legs into jell-o. I could understand why she wouldn't
want to let him go, looks-wise.

"Jesus, that was the coolest thing I've ever seen anybody do.
You scared her good, I think."
he said, laughing again.

"Well, I hate girls like her. Ew."
I said, shaking my head and facing the vegetables yet again.

"Kendra, right?"
he asked, then.

I nodded.

"You have no idea how much I owe you right now. That was awesome of you,
he said, a sincere look on his face.

"No problem."
I said, finally deciding on my veggies for the day.

"Well.. It was nice dating you."
I said, and turned around to walk away.

I didn't get very far.

"What, you're leaving like that? After we dated for 5 minutes I'd
have thought that I'd at least get a 'it was nice' dinner or something."
Brian said, walking after me.

I laughed and turned around.
"Did you, now?"

"Well, I don't know about you but I had a blast."
Brian said, smirking. He looked even hotter when he did that.

"I got confronted with an ex girlfriend after 5 minutes of dating
so I think it's you who should get me dinner."
I said, smiling.

"Fine. Are you free today?"
he asked, walking over to me.

"Erm. I guess?"
I said, looking at my shoppingcart.

"Put that back and meet me at my place at 7?"
he asked, catching me by surprise.

"Well.. I mean, I didn't.. I was only joking you don't have to.."
I said, feeling like I pushed the subject.

"If you didn't say it, I would have offered it. Please?
It's the least I can do for saving my ass just now."
he had the most enchanting eyes ever and I found myself agreeing
to dinner with him.

I'd placed the few things I had in my shoppingcart back on the shelves,
while Brian walked with me and we talked about some stuff.
I found out he was in a band and he'd been home for 4 months after touring.
I had heard of the band but I never heard their music. He also told me
where he lived and I realised it was only 3 blocks away.

We walked out of the store and he walked with me, towards my car.

"So I guess I'll see you in 3 hours?"
Brian asked, smiling.

"I guess you will."
I said, opening my door.

"Oh, crap."
he said, rubbing his temples for the second time that day.

"What is it?"
I asked, worried.
Why the hell was I already worried about him?

"Look who's in the car next to you, staring at us for dear life."
he said, shaking his head.

I looked to my left and saw his ex, indeed staring at us.

"I guess we're dating again?"
I whispered, close to his ear.
Wrapping my arms around his neck I acted like I hugged him goodbye.

His arms wrapped around my torso and his head rested on my shoulder.
"I'm afraid so. I think we should kiss, just to convince her."
he said and I heard the smirk in his voice.

"Oh, really?"
I asked, releasing my arms so I could look at him.

"Yeah, why not? We are a happy couple, afterall."
he replied, smiling.

I said and leaned in.
Brian did as well and our lips met.

I wanted to peck his lips briefly but for some reason they stayed connected.
I even heard the car next to us start and drive away but I didn't care.
This was a feeling I would never forget.

When he broke away, I felt disappointment flowing through my body.

I breathed out.
When Brian chuckled, I realized I'd said it out loud.
My cheeks started to burn and I knew that they were red.

"Tonight at 7. My place."

Brian said, pecking my forehead.

"Yeah I'll be there. Definetely."
I said, grinning as he walked away.
Stepping into my car, I sat down and sighed.

I said, again.
The feeling of his lips on mine was sensational.
And I was curious to what would happen tonight.
Starting the car, I drove away from the grocery store.