Status: I'll Miss You!

Here Comes Goodbye


Dear Maxime Talbot,

I don't know how to thoroughly express the range of emotions I've had regarding your recent news (Philly? Really, Max?!). At first I was mad; how could you betray us like that?! Then I was just annoyed; we offered you a contract, you should've taken it, even if it was only 3 years and you wanted 5. Then I was just plain depressed; I'll miss you, Max, I really will. Throughout the years you've been with the Penguins organization, you've been a constant bright light. Through the painful losses and the triumphant wins, you've kept a smile on your face and I want to thank you for it.

You've said again and again how you hope the fans in Pittsburgh remember you fondly; well I think I speak for us all when I say that we sure as hell will. Your humor, your charm, your skills on the ice, and your work off the ice won't easily be forgotten. You gave this city a whole lot of love and it would be selfish and juvenile for us to not return it just because of the jersey you'll be wearing next season.

It will be..... different to see you in orange and white, but wear it proud. I know now that this was what was best for you and your career. You weren't being greedy or selfish, it's just a fact. I'll miss you more than words can describe but I'll have my memories of you crowding my head forever. December 29th, 2011 will be a test of Pittsburgh's character, you can be sure. But I, for one, hope everyone shows you the respect you deserve.

You've given us years of hard work and dedication. When game time comes and that clock starts it's just gonna be two rivals battling it out on the ice, but somewhere deep down I know you'll be a Penguin for life. Maybe on the outside, your orange will show bright, but deep down that black and gold will be begging to come out! You're one of us, Superstar. You're a part of this city. You helped win us Lord Stanley and you've made your mark in Pittsburgh deep and permanent. I hope you know and remember that, though you're our enemy on the ice now, our love and respect for you is still burning strong.

Chicka-chicka-chee-chee. (:
Love you forever *Superstar*<3
♠ ♠ ♠
"Don't cry because you lost it, smile because you had it."