Status: alive and well :)


"Hey there, sleepy head."

Gerard watched as Frank slept his head on the desk and his mouth slightly agape. As soon as he’d entered the classroom he’d placed his backpack at the desktop and laid his head in front of it so the teacher would have a hard time deciphering whether or not he was awake. Gerard figured that, since it was a Monday, Frank had spent the whole weekend partying or hanging out with friends.

Halfway through the class Frank yawned as he forced himself awake. As much as he wanted to sleep, he couldn’t afford to fail another class. He sat up and rubbed at his eyes before looking at Gerard with sleepy eyes.

“Hey,” he said.

Gerard glanced up from his notebook and smiled. “Hey there, sleepy head.”

Frank rolled his eyes and leaned forward on his elbows, yawning once again. “I’m so fucking tired, man. You have no idea.”

“Long weekend?” Gerard asked. He still didn’t like the fact that Frank cursed so much, but he’d grown used to it. He hardly noticed anymore.

Frank shrugged. “You could say that. I spent the whole time fighting with my girlfriend.” He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Well, she’s my ex now… but you know what I mean.”

Gerard put his pen down and focused on Frank. “Oh. Sorry to hear that.”

Frank waved the apology off, drawing in a deep breath. “She was a bitch anyways. I don’t even know why I went out with her.” Frank found himself laughing at the situation. “You know what’s even more fucked up?”

Gerard furrowed his brow, curiosity bubbling in the pit of his stomach. “What?”

“I don’t…” Frank paused, nervously glancing around the room. “I don’t think I’m even all that into girls.”

When Gerard didn’t respond right away Frank wished he hadn’t mentioned anything. The only reason he’d even told Gerard that he was possibly gay was because Frank had assumed Gerard was gay as well. He just had that vibe to him.

“Fuck…” Frank mumbled, running a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, man. I shouldn’t have said anything. Just… just forget about it, okay? Forget I said a word.”

Gerard looked at Frank, shocked. He never would have guessed Frank was into guys. He just didn’t seem the type. Frank looked like the kind of guy that picked up girls at parties and screwed them in the parent’s bedroom. He looked like the guy who played beer pong until two in the morning and then called his girlfriend to come pick him up when he was too drunk to drive.

When Frank looked like he was about to die from embarrassment, Gerard decided it would be best if he said something. “Hey,” he said, grabbing Frank’s attention. “You don’t have to worry about anything. I’m not gonna hate you because you think you’re gay.”

“I don’t think I’m completely gay,” Frank said. “Just a little, you know? I’m halfway there.”

“So you’re bisexual?” Gerard confirmed, earning a nod from Frank.

“At least I think I am. It’s not like I’ve been with a dude before or anything. I just… I don’t even know why I’m telling you all of this. You’re probably feeling all weird and shit, huh.”

Gerard shook his head, earning a confused stare from Frank. Gerard laughed. “It takes more than a gay guy to freak me out, Frank.”

Frank found himself laughing. “Good to know,” he replied, looking toward the clock. “Hey, uh… can you tell me what happened while I was out? The bell is about to ring.”

Gerard checked the time. “Oh. Wow. Yeah, uh… he told us to take a fairytale and put a modern twist on it. Like… that crappy Cinderella movie that came out a few years ago.”

Frank nodded, a smile finding its way to his lips. “Thanks.” He opened his notebook and wrote the assignment down in the margin. “Know when it’s due?”

“Next class.”

Frank shoved his notebook into his backpack and leaned back in his chair. He thought about making himself comfortable and putting his feet on the table, but he wasn’t in the mood for an argument with his creative writing teacher. He looked at Gerard and smiled, glad that nothing had changed between them.

“Hey, Gerard?” he asked.

Gerard raised his brows as he looked up from his notebook. Over the past few weeks Frank had learned that Gerard and his notebook were almost one and the same. “What?”

Frank chuckled, the smile never leaving his face. He wanted to tell him that he was one of his best friends. Frank didn’t have a friend like Gerard; someone he could tell things without worrying about the consequences. And, even though they were so different, Frank felt that Gerard sort of understood him. That was more than he could say about some of the kids he’d known since junior high.

However, Frank shook his head, deciding not to say anything; not yet. “Nothing.”
♠ ♠ ♠
:D updatteee.
These are coming out more often than usual.
Thanks to all you who read this. <3