Save Me


*6 years later*

.:.Lexi's p.o.v.:.

i got up this morning feeling very proud of myself. i had accomplished what i had set forth doing. it wasnt the easiest thing in the world. considering the fact that i could not speak the language they spoke here to learn. but paying attention to what the bible was saying and followin the silence the other nuns had it helped me concentrate. i learned to forgive my mother and Chad. especially Chad. he was my stepfather and what he did was synyster but i 100% forgive him for what he did. i just wish he was still alive for me to make amends with him.
i was worrying about my brother. i was wondering if he was still at the same residence. did he pursue his music career? were Matt and Zacky still friends? its been 6 years and some odd months since the last time i saw them. my ears had closed up to size my nose and lip ring piercings had closed up my tattoos were still there but i knew i was forgiven for my sinful markings. God loves me the way i am and i now know that he will forever love me no matter what i do.
Today would be my last day in Rome, my flight left in the evening so i could be back home in mid afternoon tomorrow. i hope they are still the same boys i left. although their 24 now, wow i cannot believe i have been away for that long. time surely does fly when you have no connection to clocks, times, television, or talk with the outside world its a very scary feeling. i feel like ive been in emprisonment for 6 years. i wonder if society in the states have changed? no, now thats being silly. im sure everything is just the same and nothing exciting has really happened although we're in a new decade then what i left it i know that things are just about the same.
"Sister Alexis." Father Tom greeted as i was finishing getting my belongings together.
"Hello Father Tom." i smiled as he took a seat at my desk.
"So your really leaving us?" he asked.
"yes, i feel that my time is up and that i can pursue a career in something back at my home town."
"just dont forget what you've learned your a very bright girl with a lot of adventures to come in your life."
"yes i know. i will never forget what i learned here. i appreciate you taking me in and helping me find my redemption." i smiled hugging him.
"anytime. if you ever need us, the church will never go anywhere. it will be right here where your leaving it."
"thank you."
i had gone to the rest of my lessons and then i cut out early so i could truely get a grasp on what this area was like. and it was beautiful. it was cold out, very cold. snow was on the ground i walked up to a general store and looked at the newspaper 12/23/04.
"2004. its almost 2005!" i giggled at the time frame. i went back to the church to get my discharging forms as to show that i no longer live there.
"now sister Alexis, once back to California you need to go to the Catholic Church of God in Huntington, there you will reenstate your citizenship to let them know your an American coming back and to disrobe you from your Sister duties." Sister Rose stated.
"i will do that." i smiled shaking her hand.
a car was waiting for me outside of the church. it had taken me to the airport i placed my luggage with the clerk there and took my carry on purse and then boarded the plane. i was seated by myself and then i realized that i was still wearing my nun outfit. this was going to be weird because noone in California dresses like this especially nuns there. oh well i dont care what i look like so it doesnt matter.
"Ms. Baker, your luggage was left behind in Rome." a lady said at baggage claim.
"oh my, alright thats fine." i smiled off.
"we will have it shipped to your home at once." she reassured.
"thank you i appreciate it."
i hailed a taxi cab and i went straight to the church that i was instructed to go to. it took a couple minutes to be seen but i didnt expect to be asked random american questions.
"who was the first president?" the man asked.
"george washington."
"who is on the 100 dollar bill?"
"benjamin franklin."
"resite the pledge of allegiance."
"alright last question, what is the capital of the nation?"
"washington D.C."
"great you are an American citizen no i'll need your robes back."
"but i dont have anything else to wear."
"where is your stuff? you just got off the plane?"
"yes but my luggage was left in Rome."
"well here take this costume nun outfit. its a bit trashy but it'll do."
"do you work for the church?"
"technically yeahh but i do it for the money so take your outfit get it on and your free to go."
the outfit was like a mini nun outfit. the bottom of it barely covered my butt i felt dirty. but i mean come on i learned forgivness and this is California i aint dressing up like no muslum. im a 23 year old girl and i love for my legs to show.
it was about 4:00 and i had heard around town that a band named Avenged Sevenfold was playing at the park today for one of their home gigs. and i remember that, thats what they named their band so im hoping its my boys so i walked on down the the park and dern if they werent playing their little hearts out on the stage.
"Mom." i sighed in relief as i saw Matt's mom cheering in the crowd. she was beautiful her hair was cut shorter now and it was blonde. Dad stood beside her he still looked the same a little age to his black hair with gray in it but he still looked the same. i walked over to them and stood near them for a couple of minutes just taking in everything and after a couple of seconds of standing there i got the gumption to say hello.
"Hey mom and dad." i smiled.

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i know this is short but the next chapter im bankin will be the longest.