Save Me

Miss Me?

"Lexi?" Mom asked turning around.
"It's me." i smiled not knowing what else to say. my heart was racing a mile a minute i felt as if i was going to throw up.
"oh my baby!" she shouted embracing me in the worlds tightest hug. "Adam its Lexi!" she squealed hitting his arm.
"i see her hunny now let her go so i can hug her!" he said with a laugh.
"i have missed you guys so so much." i began to cry.
"Lexi you are never aloud to leave like that again. ever." he said sternly beginning to cry as well.
"Matt and Zacky are going to lose their minds once they see your back." Mom smiled.
"yes i know, lets go somewhere quiet so we can catch up before i see them." i suggested.
"certainly, lets go out to lunch." Mom said immediately.
we got through the crowd of overly hormonal teenage girls. i scanned over the boys to see what they looked like now a days. Matt was the singer he had tattoos covering both of his arms. He wore ripped jeans and an olive like muscle shirt he had a bandanna wrapped around his head that was covered by a black hat and he had on aviators, i think i see a lip ring but i cant tell. Zacky was playing the guitar or bass i don't know i cant tell. He had on a black misfits muscle shirt, black jeans, his hair had gotten longer and it was all black. His arms were also covered in tattoos, and I'm pretty sure i saw snake bite lip rings.
The other guy Brian that i had met briefly had short messy black hair, he had a white muscle shirt with a cross on the front of it. Like seriously what is up with these guys wearing muscle shirts? Anyways he also had his arms tattooed, his finger nails were painted black he played either guitar or bass. He had on black jeans and a couple necklaces on. There was another guy with a bass or a guitar i never met him but he looked as though he was playing rather well. He had on blue jeans and a white t-shirt with a skull on it. He had short jet black hair and only one arm was covered in tattoos. Then there was the drummer I'm guessing that was Jimmy, i remembered Brian mentioning the night i left that he was going to bring someone over named Jimmy to test him on the drums. He didn't have a shirt on, his arms were also covered in tattoos he had styled black hair and he had two black strips of war paint on his face. He did a drum solo at the end of one of their songs I'm guessing just for fun and he had very quick hands to play that fast.
i had smiled as we got in the car i was remembering what the boys had looked like when i left them to now, they were so grown up looking and i looked exactly the same. I'm going to have to spruce my wardrobe up quickly, from the looks of it fashion has certainly changed a bit. Dad brought us to a little sit down diner called Celeste's.
"so, how was the church?" Mom asked with a grin.
"it was actually ok. when i first got there i was like oh heck no i am not staying here. but after a few months i kind of secluded myself and just read and studied on my own."
"that sounds nice but a bit boring." Dad added.
"it was the priests and nuns spoke English but they taught in their language. i was like wait a minute how am i supposed to learn whats going on if i don't even know whats going on." i laughed.
"Jeez Louise." Mom expressed.
"i know! but i have learned to accept people for who they are and keep an opened mind to forgiveness. but that doesn't mean i have changed. I am still the same Lexi I'm sure I'll cuss get tattoos and piercings again and I'm more than sure I'll get married and have kids but i know my life has changed for the better."
"I'm glad that you've had your redemption and all that but as i said before you are never leaving again." He laughed.
"trust me, i could never leave like that again. i think if you had of told me no i couldn't go then i would have stayed." i stated.
"alright I'm building a time machine and telling you know 6 years ago. you have missed so much." he stated.
"i know things seem a bit different around here and i don't want to miss anymore time away from my family than needed because i was going through great withdrawal's. so tell me about the boys."
"oh yes! well after they got your letter they went and tried out with that record dealer and he wanted them. they started playing shows and writing songs and they were getting better and better. At the ending of every show Matt dedicates the show to you." Mom spoke.
"awe that's so nice and great their famous that's what i wanted them to be."
"without you Lexi it would have been more of a rocky road for them to get heard. you were the key to their success and they are eternally grateful for that." Dad added.
"i only made phone calls, they play their hearts out its their talent that made them famous not me."
"if you hadn't of given them the boost they needed they probably would be a band today."
"well I'm happy for them. i cant wait to see them."
"then lets go see them I'm sure their show is nearly over." Dad said paying for the meal then leaving.
He drove us back to the park and people began clearing out there were still a few fans lazing around to i guess see if the boys would come back out. Dad drove us around to where the tour bus was he showed his pass to the security guard and we drove right on through. We pulled up beside the bus and the boys were walking back out.
"hey dad!" Matt shouted from a distance.
"hey son, i got someone here who wants to see ya." he smiled parking the car.
"is she hot!?" Brian shouted.

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so Lexi is reunited with Matt's mom and dad. we shall see what happens in the next chapter(:
also thanks soooooooooooo much to ForeverHopeful, and Fallenangel_97 for the wonderful comments they really boosted my enthusiasm for this story(: