Save Me

Bad Chad

I locked my door quickly running away from my drunken step dad Chad. He was going on a raging rant while my mother was at work and my brother was at his guitar practice. i had finished doing the dishes and he tried seducing me. i pushed him and he hit me in the face with a frying pan. i quickly got to my feet and got to my room.

i ran around my room not knowing what to do. should i quickly pack then leave? should i face him? should i stay in here praying for my brother or my mother to come home and save me? i grabbed my phone and a pair of clothes i changed into white shorts and a black strap less tank top. i put on my chuck taylors and threw my hair up in a quick bun.

i placed some items in my overly sized purse and jumped out my window. jumping from a 2 story house is not the best idea ever but neither is staying in that fukking house. i ran and grabbed my brothers skate board and headed 4 blocks away to where he was. i fell a couple of times trying to go down hill pretty fast but i was not going to give that man an opportunity to come find me.

i finally got to Matt's house and ran to the garage where they were playing their little hearts out. i was looking a straight site. my knees were all cut up. my hair was a mess, i had a cut on my eye brow that blood kept rushing out of and i was still crying making my make up run i tell you i looked like a whore after her nightly men.

"Lexi?" Matt said squinting his eyes as i came closer. he rushed over to me and grabbed a hold of me. "what happened!?" he asked checking me out as i kept crying like a baby.
"wheres my brother?" i coughed.
"inside using the bathroom."
"i want my brother." i cried burying my face in Matt's chest.
"come on lets get you inside." "take 10 guys." Matt said to his friends.

we went in the house and we went up the stairs to Matt's room so he didn't disturb his parents who were sleeping on the couch with Jimmy Fallon playing. he walked me over to his bed and then he started to walk away and i stopped him.

"lay with me please." i whined.
"ok sure." he said quickly getting into bed and holding me.
"hey Matt, Ryan says Le-" Zacky started before coming in the room and seeing me.
"oh no, did Chad do this?" he asked anger filling in his face as he clenched his fists together.
"yes." i cried rushing over to him as he embraced me.
"C'mon lets get you cleaned up." he said nodding his head for Matt to come help

i sat up on the counter of the sink and Zacky was bandaging my knees as Matt was taking care of my eye brow. I started to get sleepy eyed but i tried to push that away. i knew that i wasnt going back home tonight i just couldnt stand to be in the same house as that man.

"baby girl, you and Zacky stay the night tonight." Matt offered breaking me from my thought.
"please." i sighed with relief.
"i am going to beat his ass." Zacky threatened.
"no, it will only make things worse. fight him when we know we can get out of the house and don't have to live with him anymore.
"where the fukk is mom?" he asked.
"i dont know, work maybe."
"do you have clothes?" Matt asked.
"yeahh i threw some in my bag."
"good girl." Zacky said kissing my forehead.
"i have no idea what i would do without you two." i smiled putting my forehead up to both of theirs.
"well Zacky aint ever going anywhere cuz hes your brother and im not ever going anywhere because i love both of you too much. Your like a sister to me i never had."
"i love you Matt." i smiled.
"hey!" Zacky pouted.
"i love you too Zacky." i finally laughed.
"Good we got her to smile." Matt cheered high fiving Zacky.

Matty back in the day<3