Save Me

Zacky's Nightmare

.:Zacky's p.o.v.:.
i was going around asking people if they had seen Lexi but everyone pretty much said the same no, or there were too many people on the football field to see.
"thought you would get away forever did ya?" i heard a dark voice say then everyones direction turned to the moniter overheading the football bleachers.
"let me go." Lexi cried with her hands tied behind her back laying face first in the ground.
"oh my god." mom gasped.
"say hi to your brother. your whole class is watching this." Chad said making his face visible in the camera.
"someone help me!" she screamed.
"that son of a bitch!" Matt shouted clenching his fists. him and i both ripped off our cap and gowns and loosened our ties to get ready to find her. we were looking for any type of sign or something in the video to show us where she was. clearly they were outside but couldnt be that far away.
"Lexi Lexi Lexi. Beautiful Lexi. Little virgin Lexi." chad teased.
"if he fukking touches her." someones dad spoke up. this live feed was making anger rush through the field you could tell people were getting pissed and were about to find this fukker.
"well class of 1998, lets see what little virgin Lexi looks like naked."
"nooooooo!" Lexi and i both screamed.
he ripped off her gown and then was looking at her dress. he ripped pieces of her ruffles off and some of the jewels around front to scare her even more. he cut the back of it and ripped it off of her revealing her strapless bra and her underwear.
"that mother fukker! you leave her alone!" more parents were shouting this.
"hello we're at the Huntington high school and there is a man torturing a girl over a video cast we dont know where he is but we need troopers out here asap!" mom frantically shouted on the phone.
"STOP!" Lexi screamed as he took off her bra. and then her underwear.
"little virgin Lexi exposing her body infront of over a thousand people.
"Zacky please come help me." she cried making me cry.
"i want you to moan my name when i fukk you."
"noooooooo!!" she screamed.
"thats a start!" he grunted pushing himself inside her.
she let out this god aweful cry and my heart stopped people were watching my sister being raped and we couldnt do anything about it. police quickly arrived and came into site of the video and they couldnt believe their eyes.
"wow. she was a virgin after all. ooops not anymore." Chad smiled touching her body as she layed their sobbing.
"i see it! i see it!" Matt shouted.
"what what!?" i asked.
"look! the tree with the orange spray paint! the one we spray painted their back in the woods!" Matt screamed running in the direction that was only a few hundred yards away.
the police, Matt, mom, dad, most of the townspeople and myself were running towards the woods Matt and i knew exactly where they were at. when we got there Chad was still on top of Lexi.
"you get the fukk off of my sister!" i screamed running towards him.
"ah bup bup! come any closer and i'll blow her fukking teeth out." chad warned holding a gun to the back of her head.
"shoot the bastard." Matt told an officer."
"fukking shoot him!" Lexi screamed rolling over and sitting on top of him.
then like a flash it was like the clock stopped. police opened fire on him. He fired 2 shots in Lexi's chest. i didnt know what to do i was frozen i began to cry i felt like a child that was left by himself in a department store i was completely frozen solid. Matt rushed over to her and took off his shirt and put it on her. i finally broke from my freeze mode and grabbed her panties and slid them on her so that people werent looking at her stuff. i dont think the bullets hit her chest but she was unconcious.
"is she going to die?" i sobbed.
"no man, this girl is boss. she can get through anything." Matt began to cry to.
I walked by Chad and stomped his face in the dirt. a bit satanic but fukk that bastard he can burn in hell for all i fukking care. he took my sisters innocents from her and she can never get that back. she was waiting for the right guy and now that is ruined for her. i feel so horrible for her. i should have kept an eye out for her. i should have immediately gone looking for her or quickly grabbed her and kept my eye on her right after we through our caps up. this is all my fault.
we rode to the hospital where they quickly took her back and began operating on her which was the scary part because we were anticipating life or death. and that is seriously the worst thing ever. waiting for 3 hours not knowing if your sister is alive or dead is the worst pain anyone could experiance.
"what if shes dead and their drawing straws to see who tells us?" i spoke the worst.
"god, dont say that." mom cried.
"shes goin to be ok i just know it." dad said his voice beginning to crack a little.
"this is fukking rediculous!" Matt screamed punching his fist through the wall and throwing a coffee table to the other side of the room.
"Lexi Baker's family?" a doctor said.
"yes yes yes!" we all chorused.
"alright, Lexi was raped very violently we had to stitch the tears. she has 4 broken ribs. her face is badly beaten. the bullets did not hit any main organs or arteries. she is stable right now and she is coherant she is one strong pain medication and is a bit loopy. she will live through this but she will need to be here for a few weeks."
"oh my god yes!" i cried dropping to my knees and thanking god for sparing my sisters life.
"lets go see her!" Matt said as we all ran down the hallway to see her.
"baby girl." i cried walking over to her.
"zacky." she whined silently.
"dont talk babe. hes dead and gone. im here now and i promise i will never ever leave your side again. please forgive me." i pleaded.
"i love you. i dont blame you. its ok."
"hey darlin." Matt said lightly squeezing her hand.
"hey how am i lookin?" she asked trying to make us laugh.
"sexiest girl i know."
"damn im good." she said trying to laugh.
"hey hunny." mom said.
"hi mommy."
"hey pumpkin." dad chimed in.
"dad, im glad you all are here." she smiled before going back to sleep.
i sat there that night staring at her. graduation kept playing in my head and i couldnt get it out of my mind. i hope that she loses memory of all of this and gets over it. if not its going to kill her inside. i pray that she doesnt lose herself i pray that this doesnt kill her inside and out. i feel as though i should be doing something right now but there isnt one damn thing i can do. Chad is dead so i cant kill him. so help me god if my mother goes to his funeral i;ll kill her myself. i thinked myself out i was so wore out that i took a chance at falling asleep. too much shit for one day.

Lexi's face