Save Me

Meeting Johnny

.:.Zacky's p.o.v.:.
i cried like a baby all the way back home. i didnt want to be bothered. i was miserable i felt like she died. i would never see her, hear her, or talk to her again. i had a gut feeling that she wasnt going to come back she was going to stay and live there forever. i cant make her come back but if shes gone for more than a few years im going there myself and dragging her back because my sister is only 17 years old and she doesnt need to spend 80 years in some damn church.
i went to bed pretty early that night to try and make the day go away to start frest tomorrow. we were going to meet the possible new drummer.
"when will they be here?" Matt asked impatiently.
"soon." i said getting annoyed also.
"here they come." he said sighing pushing himself off the side of the garage as Brian pulls up with im guessing Jimmy in the passanger seat.
"broski's!" Brian smiled hopping out.
"hey." we both said
"alright this is Jimmy. the best fukking drummer i have ever heard." Brian introduced.
"whats up!!" he cheered rather too enthusiastically.
"well Brians cool, and im trusting his word. i wanna hear a few beats and then we'll see." Matt negotiated.
"fine with me." Jimmy smiled happily following us through the house then into the garage.
"ok drums are over there." i pointed and it didnt take no time before Jimmy glided himself over there and began playing a random song.
we watched in amazement as Jimmy tore those fukking drums up and thats not meant in a bad way. he literally gave new soundings to the drums that i never heard before in my life. he was so in the band.
"how'd i do?" Jimmy broke the silence.
"holy shit." Matt said.
"damn." was all i could say.
"i think that means your in brother!" Brian high fived him.
"really! oh yes!" Jimmy jumped for joy
"now we just need a bassist."
"this is gonna sound stupid, but theres this guy on youtube who takes videos of himself playing his bass. he lives somewhere in California not sure where but near here and he plays like crazy like the boys fingers move and its like wow!" Jimmy said.
"gosh i feel like its a trickle down effect." Matt laughed.
"how so?" i asked.
"i wanted to start a band so i asked you. you found Brian. Brian found Jimmy. and Jimmy has found...." he trailed off not knowin who the guys name was.
"Johnny." Jimmy smiled.
"see." Matt laughed.
"hey wheres your sister?" Brian asked noticeing that she wasnt around.
"oh shes gone on a vacation." I stated.
"oh that sounds heavenly." Jimmy smiled.
"literally."Matt said making me chuckle a bit.
"huh?" Brian asked.
"nothing. uhm lets check this kid out." I said walking back into the house.
we got up to Matt and i's room and he got out his laptop and booted it up. i layed back on my bed and was thinkin about what Lexi was doin right now. if she made it there ok if shes being taken care of if she likes it. i mean she would call to say if she didnt like it. gosh why did she have to leave, this is going to drive me insane.
"hey!" Jimmy said throwin his shoe at me.
"what in the hell?" i laughed finally sittin up to look at the video.
"im johnny, and this is the guitar solo for One by Metallica." Johnny spoke in the video.
"there is no way." Matt said before he started.
"holy shit. i said stopping the video. he's in. call him. i want him." i said.
"easy cinderella." Brian said searching for his myspace page. and sure enough he does have contact information.
"im callin him!" i said grabbing my phone and dialing. i put it on speaker.
"yo?" he said answering after 3 rings.
"hey my name is Zack Baker and i was very impressed with your skills and wanted to know if you would be interested being the last piece to our band?" i offered.
"what kind of band?" he asked interested.
"like a rock, screamo, metal, alternative band." Matt added.
"how many members?"
"you'll be the 5th." i said
"and that's it?"
"yes. we got 2 guitars, a drummer, and singer, and we need a bassist."
"hmm. you got equipment up at your place?"
"yeahh." Matt stated.
"alright im free now. lemme get your address and i'll be over soon."
we gave him the address and he said he was on his way. if we get this guy we'll have a full band together. one obsticle over with now we gotta work on getting our name out there. playing at bars and stuff to get things rolling.
"that him?" i asked as a car rolled up.
"looks like it." Jimmy nodded.
"hey bro." Matt greeted shakin his hand.
"hello everyone. i just wanted to say yeahh im in." he laughed.
"great!" i said rather too eagerly.
"i just wanted to come meet you guys and making sure i wasnt signing up for like a backstreet boy gang or something." he chuckled.
"oh god no." Brian stuck his tongue out.
"yeahh matching suits blonde gelled back hair and tighty whities sorry not my scene." Jimmy stated.
"alright well im Matt, thats Zacky, Brian, and Jimmy." Matt introduced.
"and im Johnny." he laughed.
"and now we're Avenged Sevenfold."
"i like that name!" Johnny and Jimmy said at the same time.
"what the fukk is that?" Jimmy said staring off.
"what?" we all asked.
"that!" he said pointing to a stallion duck.
"thats a stallion duck." i laughed.
"a WHAT!?" he shrieked.
"stallion duck." Brian shared my humor.
"how does this happen?" Jimmy asked still amazed.
"i dont know maybe a duck and a horse got fukkin." Brian stated.
"i want one." he whispered going into stealth mode trying to make his way over to the duck.
"oh lord." Matt said shaking his head.
"come here you big bitch mother fukker!!!" Jimmy screamed chasing it then it flew off to the pond.
"i think you were too forward." i laughed.
"one day stallion duck. one day." he promised.
"i can tell that we are going to have a good fukking time." Johnny said.

Stallion Duck :D

i know its not long and i apologize i wanted to update real quick before i went to work. but anyways the next chapter will be all about Lexi then after that it will be back to Zacky and so on. so the chapters are going to be fillers but i'll make some events to spruce it up a bit. enjoy! :D