Starts with Forever.

Excuse me, I was busy drooling

“I will teach you the ways of Jason’s preferred girls.” He smiled, as I had to jump up and hug him.

“Thank you thank you thank you!” I giggled. I could really act like a schoolgirl when needed.

Kissing his cheek out of pure happiness that the one guy I can trust all the time will help me.

He peered out the window, squinting against the sun thinking. There was something weird in the air. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but something felt different.

It had to be that I just confronted my love for Jason.

It had to be.

Desperate to get out of this room, I bit my lip, looking up at Dex. “Want to go downstairs and get something to eat?” I ask, with a smile.

Dexter’s eyes were glared at something outside the window, as I cleared my throat. After waving my hand in front of his face, I attempted to follow his line of vision.

Faintly I could see a bare chest but that’s it.

Suddenly, he jumped forward and slammed the blinds closed.

“Food sounds good.” He smiled, grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the room.

Pounding down the stairs after him, I took each step gingerly. Passing the family pictures of Jason and Dexter.

Funny how missing tooth me was in almost each of them. Wasn’t I beautiful with the frizzy hair and glasses?

Reaching the entrance of the kitchen, I took a seat on the counter across from Dexter.

“Is a tomato a fruit of a vegetable?” He asked, glancing at a group of tomatoes from their mom’s garden.

”Eat one.” I said, giggling. My little yellow dress whipped around me. My curls wrapped around my neck.

“No! I don’t like strawberries!” He smiled, tugging at his shirt.

“Just try one! They’re good!” I laughed, plucking one out of the huge garden. It nearly took up the whole backyard.

Or so it seemed.

Sure I was only 4 foot tall, but I swore those blueberry bushes were the size of a tree!

“I don’t want to!” He laughed.

“Pretty pretty please?” I asked, shooting him puppy dog eyes. He opened his mouth to disagree before sighing and taking the small strawberry out of my hand.

Taking a bite into it, he smiled. I knew what would come next.

“Do you like them?” I asked, a smile growing on my face. He just nodded quickly, sinking his teeth into another bite.

“Drew!” He shouted, as I looked up at him.

“Oh what?” I asked sheepishly.

“You daydream a lot… there must be some illness. Anyway! Do you think a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable?” He asked, as I raised my eyebrows.

“Did you really ask such a cliché question?” I asked giggling.

“Well what is it!” He asked, honestly.

“It’s obviously a…woah…” I mumbled as Jason walked through the door.

The bare chest I had seen outside had belonged to the most beautiful, most fit, most-

Suddenly, I felt a kick on my knee. Bouncing my head up, I saw all eyes on me. Glancing over to Dexter, I read the words he was mouthing.




But how can I not?
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