Starts with Forever.

Will I always be his little brother's best friend?

Walking idly over to one of the CD stands, I examined the music carefully. The different colored covers lighting up the simple gray stand.

This place had almost ever CD ever created! Some of this stuff dates back to the 50's! Like records and stuff!

It's a phonebook of music!

Okay, that’s a lie. There is no Hannah Montana crap here, but they have every good album ever created.

Now, I just needed to find the ones that Jason likes.

Sure, I just have to start being in love with that hunk now! It couldn’t have been earlier? When he was less…of a girl magnet?

Then again, when he wasn’t a girl magnet, I was a nerd magnet.

That’s a lie too.

I didn’t attract nerds…I just looked like one, but hey, it’s what ever!

I look better know though. I worked long and hard on this look! No one can think of me as Martha anymore! It's Drew!

Then again, what if Jason only thinks of me like a little nerd? What if I’m just his little brother’s best friend?

What if that's all I'll ever be? Why would he like me? A little fifteen year old.

This is just a stupid little wish. What was I thinking? I never think like this!

This stupid store was too silent!

“Dex, what’s with the lack of tunes?” I shout over to him from the other side of the store.

“I got it!” He yelled, walking over, putting one of my favorite songs on. It’s not exactly the words that mean a lot to me, just the memory around it.

My hair was whipping around my face, as we made it onto the highway. It was just another beach day, but it was special.

It was the first of the summer. The sun was shining as it heated up my arms, as my hand hung out the window. The top was down in the old red truck.

Some random song had just ended, as I took Dexter’s wrist, placing it in my lap, examining his bracelet. I felt him tense up a little as I traced it, but then again he’s almost up tight when I touch his things.

Stressed out little boy.

Then the song came on.

My heart’s a stereo.

It beats for you so listen close

Hear my thoughts in every note.

The rhythm caught us both off guard, considering it fit our mood. At least, that’s what I think.

I think Dex just clicked to it, because his eyes shined a bit.

Smiling at the memory, I looked over to Dexter, whose eyes were on me. Smiling wider, I yearned to be back in that day.

Back when my hair was just a tangle of curls and braces were plastered on my teeth.

How hot was I?

I’ve changed so much in the past two months or so.

I angled a metallic album to the point where I could see myself clearly. My hair down and my eye make-up outlining my eyes.

Plain brown hair, plain Jane eyes, not a curvy figure.

I mean don’t get me wrong! I’m defiantly better looking then I was but I don’t have the figure he wanted.

I can work on that though! Maybe hitting a gym, but getting a sexy bikini bod!

Then again, what’s the point? Will he always see me and just his little brother’s best friend.
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Short But its up! Tell us your thoughts!