Can you believe it?

Meeting Nick.

It had been a horrible day so far. The rain hadn’t stopped since yesterday and being stuck in the same confined space for the last 3 hours was like hell. There was no one coming in until he walked in, I knew who he was the second he walked in. I mean, with a face like that, who wouldn’t notice? He flicked his wet hair out of his eyes, before walking over to me, a small forced smile on his face. “Good afternoon sir.” I said, like I would with any customer. He chuckled, before shaking his head.

“Not really.” He mumbled, wiping his face with the back of his hand. “Is there a phone I could use to ring my brother? My car has broken down and my cell has lost signal.” He asked. I smiled at him, putting the notepad down on the counter in front of me.

“There’s one in that corner, sir.” I said, pointing at it. I knew the exact place of the phone, even without looking at it. I had used it so many times to ring my younger sister while our mother was at work.

“Thanks.” He replied, a genuine smile on his face. “And it’s Nick.” He held his hand out to me. I looked down at it, confused. Did he really want me to shake it? I sighed softly, before looking up at him.

“Logan.” I said, smiling. He nodded his head, not even questioning how I managed to get a boy’s name. As Nick walked closer and closer to the phone, my mouth opened. “You’ll need a few quarters.” I said, before ducking my head down, blushing slightly. If there was anyone else in the tiny café that was on the outskirts of California, then they would have probably laughed at me. Nick fished down into his jeans pockets, which seemed too tight for him, and fingered through the change he had.

“Got changed for a dollar?” He waved it in the air, making me laugh. I nodded my head and walked over to the cash register, handing him 4 quarters for his dollar. “Thanks.” He said, before walking over to the phone, tapping away at it. I attempted not to listen to the conversation he was having with his brother on the other end of the line, but I caught the words. Stuck. Café. End of California. An hour? I smiled as he came over to the counter, where I was pretending to wipe down the counter. “Hey Logan.” He said, making my head shoot up to look at him.

“Yes?” I asked in my politest voice I could possible managed. He smiled, this time it looked more relaxed.

“Whenever you are ready, could I have a Diet Coke please?” He asked, making me narrow my eyebrows. He looked confused, as I waved my arms around.

“It’s not like I’m doing anything important.” I said, making him laugh. I walked over to the machine, pouring him out a glass of Diet Coke. I passed it to him, as he handed me a soggy $5. I looked at him, pushing it back towards him. “It’s on the house.” I said, laughing. Nick sighed, and then left the money on the table.

“That was kinda pathetic, wasn’t it?” He said, before the both of us started to laugh. I turned my back away from him as he took a sip from his drink, relishing the taste. I flicked the coffee machine on, feeling in the mood for a strong coffee, something that will get my through the rest of this day. “So seeing as my dumb-arse of a brother won’t be here for another hour, how about we get to know each other Logan?”
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just testing it out. I don't even know where it's going. but your comments may help. (hint hint.)