Status: Comments are always great ♥

Golden Memory


Emily's POV...

"Damn", I cursed. I slapped the covers sluggishly hanging off the bed, bringing my knees to my chest. Their was no way I could sleep, my eyes wouldn't budge to close. I have a very important conference in the morning with the head-in-chief Chris, who surprisingly flew to Sweden for a unknown reason. Maybe he'll change his plans, but until then; I'll just tiredly throw my frustration at the striped covers. Leaning over to turn the fan on, I stared around the dim room before removing myself from the bed. Oh great. Just fucking great. 3 in the morning and I can't find a decent thing to do. As I went over to grab my robe, my phone went off. Sighing, I tiredly opened my phone, staring at the awaiting text message.

Can't sleep?

How thoughtful of Tom to send me a text. Smirking, I sat on the edge of the bed, clicking 'Reply' and chewing on my lower lip. Before I could punch a letter, I creased my eyebrows and stared out the window. How did he know I couldn't sleep? Just to feel better, I walked over and closed the drapes, replying back to Tom's message.

Stalking me, aren't we?

Clicking 'Send', I layed the phone on my lap as I sat in the chair. My stomache felt jumpy, for I rubbed it and stared at the bed. These ol' feelings, man don't these bring back memories. Tom would always call or text me late hours at night, pretty much talking about nothing. I thought it was kind of sweet, but after we lost touch and never saw eachother, I started to grow sick of it. Not only did I grow sick, I began to actually miss it...and Tom. My phone went off, catching me out of my thoughts.

Well, it's really not stalking. I live right next door, surprise.

Suprise, my ass.

Ohhhh, so you have physcadelic powers?

What? I might as well ask, alot has happened over the years since Tom left, he could've ran into some magic witch or some shit.

Emily, we have the worst walls in all of Hamburg. I've been sitting here, listening to you toss and groan for the past 25 minutes.

Oh, I'm neighbor.

Then it hit me. Why should I be sitting here texting him, when he's just next door. Wrapping the robe tightly around my waist, I slipped my phone into the side pocket, walking out the door of my apartment. Closing it behind, I walked next door, tapping lightly. Not even a few seconds later, Tom opened the door, revealing a sly smirk. My eyes hauled away from his face to his body, damnit, he was shirtless. His glistening chestnut tone desperatley made my knees knock, licking my lips while rubbing the tip of my fingers. Then again, my phone went off.

Like what you see?

Man, Tom was such a dork at some times. Staring at the text, I smirked at him before replying.

Very...very much. May I come in?

Even though this was stupid for two people to text eachother while standing neck-to-neck, I found this completley adorable, waiting for Tom to reply.

Come on in, neighbor.

Staring into Tom's eyes, I shot him a small smirk before walking into his apartment. "Thank you".
♠ ♠ ♠
So short, it's not even funny.
Next part will be out shortly, but I promise'll be longer than this. ♥