Status: Done my pretties

Counted on You

Draco Malfoy

It was fall and Hogwarts has resume once again. I, Samantha Marie Millerthe sweetest Gryffindor or at least that's what my friends tell me, now has a boyfriend. And let me tell you he is the best thing I have ever received. His bleach blond hair, light blue gray eyes and his smile. Draco Malfoy, my Draco. It's been about three months since I first started going out with Draco. He savedme from getting raped from Cormac Mclaggen and that day I knew that I could count Draco for anything. Speaking of Draco.

" Hey babe."

" Huh. Oh hey Sammy." Draco replies weakly

" Draco are you ok?" Draco nods.

" Are you sure hon? You know you can tell me anything."

" Sam I'm fine, ok! Just bud out!"

" But Draco I want to help."

" Well I don't need it ok! I can do this! I can kill Dumbledore!" I just stand there shocked at what I just heard.

" Ki...Kill Dumbledore?"

" Wait Sam you weren't suppose to hear that."

" Why would you kill Dumbledore for?"

" I said to much. I have to go. But promise me one thing don't tell anyone."

" I have to Draco. I mean your planning to kill an innocent person! I have to!" Draco then grabs my neck.

" You will tell no one! Or else." Draco threatens

" Draco...I...can...can't ...bre..." He lets go. " Breath." I start to catch my breath. But before I actually start to remain clam Draco is already gone. I've been dating a Death Eater. And I trust him.

7th Year

Seven year, I was not present. I left with my best friends Hermione, Ron , and Harry. I was a muggleborn and Hermione was family so she offered safety for me. Draco and I split up the day I found out he was a Death Eater. The ' Or else.' made it clear he didn't care for my safety. But to tell you the truth, I didn't want safety I wanted him and only him. So far one Horcrux was found. Ron left to weeks ago and Hermione was a mess. I could tell sheloved him and he loved her. That's the reason he left. Harry was a mess too we all were. He-who-must-not-be-named came to power like Hitler all he wanted was Harry Potter. We all feared for our lives I'm surprised that Hogwarts was still running since Draco ki...killed Dumbledore. I couldn't blame him I knew he was pressured to do it. That's why my heart still beats for him.

" Sam!"

" What Hermione?!"

" Ron's back."

" What? Really?"

" Yeah." I rushed outside to see Harry with a tired Ron. So I ran for it.

" Ron!!"

" OI! What it Sam." Ron said

" Sorry." I then slap him. " What the bloody hell were you thinking leaving like that. You left Hermione heartbroken."

" I did." Hermione then comes out.

" I'll just leave you two alone. Harry!"

" Coming!" We go inside only to hear Hermione shout.

" What do you think she's yelling about?" I ask

" I don't know. Let's find out."

" Harry give me my wand."

" No."

" Harry Potter give me my wand!"

" Wait are you going to hurt Ron?" I step in

" Ye- No. Now give me my wand Harry."

" Promise."

" I promise."

" Harry give her her wand back."

" Ok. Here." Harry giving Hermione her wand back Ron fleas inside.

" Boys." Hermione says

" Boys. Can't live with them. Can't live without them." We start to laugh

" Come on help me secure around the tent."

" K."

Malfoy Manor

" Harry you idiot." I whisper

" I told you not to say his name. It's Taboo."

" Sorry guys."

" It's fine. Lets just remain calm." Hermione orders

" Fuck calm! We're in Malfoy Manor. As in he's here."

" Draco, Or the Dark Lord."

" Sadly both." The snatcher holding Harry shows Bellatrix his swollen mark.

" Get... Draco." She whispers. Fuck

As we enter the Manor we all approach a common room with Bellatrix and the Malfoy's. Draco included. Bellatrix pulls Draco aside to Harry. Not before his eyes reach mine. Those eyes looked tortured his body so weak looking like he's about to collapse any second. A tear falls as I turn my head aside.

" Well."

" I not sure." He answers. His father walks up to him.

" Draco, son think if we are the ones to turn in Potter we will be saved."

" Um, Mr.Malfoy I hope we're not forgetting who actually caught Potter now do we?" The snatcher asks

" No, no we're not."

" Come on Draco think."

" I...I don't know."

" You know what take the boys in the cellar I want the mudbloods." Bellatrix orders. Bellatrix then grabs Hermione and starts to crave something on her arm. Hermione starts to yell.

" Hermione! Hermione!" Ron shouts

" Leave her alone you bitch!" I yell

" Bitch. Am I? Draco hand her over." Bellatrix says

" Why? I mean what are you going to do to her?"

" Draco do as she says." Lucius orders

" Please son. You don't know what you aunt is capable of."

" But she might kill her."

" And why would you care what happens to this mudblood?" Bellatrix asks

" Because." Draco then looks in my eyes. And I remember the day he told me he loved me.


" Sammy you look beautiful."

" As do you my love." We share a kiss

" I have a present for you."

" Ooo, I like presents."

" You love this one."

Draco leads me to an unknown room. He opens the the door to reveal a room and beautiful room. Roses around the floor, a king bed on the left blue my favorite color, and a table in the middle. So Draco.

" Oh, Draco it's gorgeous."

" Like you. Come on."

The dinner was great we had lobster with champagne. After the dinner well we make love countless times. Draco rolls on his side and pulls me close. Looking in my eyes. I guess that was our thing.

" Sammy, I love you." My eyes start to tear up.

" I love you too. More then anything in the world."

Everything starts to fade.

Draco starts to smile. I guess he saw what I saw. I release a smile. we look into each other eyes one last time before he mouths " I love you. Don't ever forget that."

" I love you too."

" Well?" Bellatrix asks. Draco's face hardens

" Kill her."

" What!" Bellatrix smirks

" My pleasure. Wait Draco you kill her. The Dark Lord would be happy that you learned to kill trash."

" Sure thing." He turns to me and shedonelast tear. " Avada Kadarva!"

I black out. I trusted him.

" Draco I counted on you."
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