Status: In progress.

I'm Always on My Knees for You

Chapter three.

The ride to the doctor's office was rather silent, so Josh decided to put a CD in; it was the mix CD that I had made for him back in ’08 I was shocked that he still had it. The CD was basically a bunch of guilty pleasure songs that we would listened to none stop all summer long, How I missed the summers with out all the drama; I guess that’s what happens when you grow up, people change and so do their life habits. The music was blaring through the speakers so Josh and I couldn’t really talk. It gave me time to thing about everything that was going on in my like, as well as in his life.

Josh turned down the music and I gave him a confused look.

“Are you okay, Helen?” Josh asked from the driver's seat, looking a tad concerned.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking, that’s all.” I shot him a forced smile.

“What about?” He asked returning that same pathetic smile but still sounding a little concerned about my thoughts and well-being.

“Stuff, I guess.”

He pulled over to the side of the road.

“C’mon, the Helen that I know doesn’t just give short useless answers and leave it at that. There is something wrong and I’m going to get it out of you, like it or not.”

I laughed slightly, I remember now why Josh and I were such good friends. I could tell him anything and he would just listened and give me the absolute best advice. He knew what to say to put me at ease.

“I’m just nervous for you and I, with the treatment and rehab and counseling and what not. Truth be told, I’m scared, Josh.” I then took a deep breath in attempt to calm my nerves.

“I totally understand, Helen. But don’t worry your pretty little head, I’ll make sure we both get the best and most convenient help so everything will go back to normal.”

“Promise?” I asked.

“Remember when I lived on Acadia?”

“Yeah. Those were good times.”
“Well, I promise you now, once were both done getting better, we’ll buy a place like that and we can live there together and pull the same kind of shit we did back then. It’ll be just like old times. Good?”

I hugged Josh from the passenger's side seat and he hugged me back. He shot me that genuine Ramsay smile, the one that could brighten anyone’s day no matter how bad things were. The same smile that helped me through my father's death and my moms drinking problem.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello, my dears.

I haven't updated in a long time, and for that I am sorry. I've been real busy sorting my shit out.
Feedback is always welcome I love to get comments. :)

A big thanks to allisynbreanna for her comment. <3

-Beth xoxo.