Status: Short 3 minute stories

Everything Falling Down Around Me


1.) Fireflies – Owl City
Jon and Spencer watched as the multi colored lights spun around the room.
“They look like fireflies.” Jon said.
“Yeah, they kinda do.” Spencer mused. He had bought a retro disco ball with colored squares that rotated on a battery motor. The lights spun around the walls they had stripped of the various posters the rest of the band had hung in their studio.
“It’s hard to think that the Earth rotates hundreds of miles an hour, but we barely notice it.” Jon said.
Spencer let out a small laugh.
“I hardly believe that.”

2.) Kings Part II – Point Juncture, WA.
Spencer watched as the sun rose over the desert. It shot out orange, pink and yellow rays into the retreating inky blues and purples of the night. The Earth was turning rich shades of gold’s and browns as the tour bus sped down the interstate. Spencer turned around to look down the small hall of the bus. His friends and band mates were still asleep; missing the beauty of a sunrise like that only came once.

3.) Help – The Beatles
“RYAN? BRENDON? SPENCER?!” Jon’s voice came from the back of the bus. Spencer was the only one around; everyone else had run into the gas station to buy more soda.
“What do ya need?” Spencer yelled back.
“Can you, um, like come here?” Jon yelled, embarrassed.
Spencer sighed, set down his magazine and walked to Jon.
Jo n peaked from behind the bathroom door.
“Do we have anymore toilet paper?”

4.) Happy Ending – Point Juncture, WA.
Spencer was curled up on his bunk, sniffing and trying not to let any tears trickle out. There was a soft knock from outside his curtain and they parted just a little.
“You okay Spence?” Jon asked quietly.
“Yeah.” Spencer replied, not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment.
“Alright, well, if you need me I’m in the back watching a movie.”
The curtains closed and Spencer heard footsteps walking away.
“Jon?” Spencer jumped out of his bunk.
“I need you.”

5.) I Don’t Care – Fall Out Boy
Jon was livid.
“How could you do this to me? Seriously, I thought you were different Spencer. But I guess I don’t matter to you anymore!”
That cut into Spencer like a knife.
“I do, I do care about you. It was a mistake, I never meant to hurt you.”
“Oh my God! How cliché is that?” Jon spat back.
“It’s true. I do.”
Jon turned to leave, but Spencer grabbed his arm and spun him around.
“No, not whatever. Because no matter how pissed at me you are, you are still thinking about me.” Spencer said, a little triumphantly.
Jon was speechless.

6.) Pick Up the Phone - Dragonette
Jon paced back and forth in the hotel room. Why wasn’t he answering? They had made up over a week ago, what was he made at? Sure, Jon said stupid things to piss Spencer off, but so did Spencer.
It went to voicemail. He redialed without leaving a message.
If Spencer thought Jon had feeling for Brendon, Spencer was crazy. He knew Brendon was a flirt, and Jon may have flirted back a few times. Was Spencer that jealous? Jon had a vision of Spencer trashing the hotel room in a jealous rage.
It went to voicemail. Jon hung up.

7.) The Ghost of You – MCR
Spencer watched the cars as if his life depended on it. It kind of did. If Jon didn’t roll up in his blue Civic, Spencer knew a little part of him was going to die. Two green sedans passed his house, three silver two door sports cars and a red Bentley. No Jon in his blue Honda.
The clock was ticking in the background, Spencer had forgotten his TV was still playing reruns of Jersey Shore on the other room. No blue Civic pulled up.

The fight was worse than ever. Windows shook, doors were slammed and profanities ran rampant. The other band members, Brendon and Ryan, sat in an uncomfortable silence. They had never heard Jon and Spencer fight like this.
“You mother fucking, lie spilling…”
“You want to talk about lying, you cheating son of a crusty…”
Brendon didn’t want to hear the end of that. He got up and shouted as loud as he could
“Haven’t you people ever heard of closing a god damned door?” and slammed the door to the hallway.

9.) Don’t stop Believin’ – Journey
Spencer was sitting on a picnic table not too far from the bus, hidden in the dark by a giant oak tree. Jon marveled at how the parking lot seemed to have been built around this particular tree.
“Hey.” He said as he approached Spencer, who took a long drag of his cigarette. Spencer never smoked, even at his stressing point, he never touched one.
“Hey.” He said back as his ex-lover sat next to him.
“Look, man, I can’t tell you how sorry I am…”
“I know,” Spencer said, not looking at him. “I’m sorry too.”
“Really?” Jon asked, not sure how forgiven he was.
“Really, really.” Spencer smiled. “I know I was being a dick.”
“I was being a dick too.” Jon confessed.
“I guess we’re two stubborn to actually say what we mean.”
Jon smiled and rubbed Spencer’s back. Spencer leaned over and rested his head on Jon’s shoulder as they both looked out into the dark sky.

10.) Rise Up – Diane Birch
Jon and Spencer lay, curled up, legs and arms entwined breathing in the bleach smell from the sheets of the hotel bed. Jon gently stroked Spencer’s hair.
“You need a trim.”
“No I don’t” Spencer flattened his hair back down. “You need to trim your beard.” He teased.
Jon rubbed his whiskers on Spencer’s neck, a spot that was very sensitive, he knew. Spencer giggled and tried to break away, but Jon held him down.
“You aren’t going anywhere!”
They began laughing and wrestling each other. Spencer finally managed to pin Jon to the bed and hovered over him. They gazed at each other, breathless.
”I love you.”
“I know.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Look these songs up if you've never heard of them.