Sequel: Until the End

A Forbidden Love

Til The End

I sat at the table with my head resting on my arms. The smell of hot coffee filling my nose with its delicious, mouth watering scent. I picked my head up to see Val smiling down at me as she pushed the coffee mug in my direction. I smiled up at her. This woman of mine was an angel.

"Thanks, babe." I thanked her, taking a swig. The warmness warming my throat.
"You feeling okay?" She asked, feeling my forehead as she sat down on my lap. I nodded, wrapping my arms around her.
"I'm fine. Just tired." I yawned. She grinned and bent down to press her plump lips against mine. "I'm awake now." I grinned widely. She giggled.
"I smell coffee." Zacky walked out of the bunk area with his eyes shut, dropping onto the leather sofa with a thump.
"You smell right." Val said.
"How much do you love me, Vallie?" Zacky asked, fighting off the smile.
"I fuckin hate your guts." Val shrugged, matter-of-factly. I laughed at Zacky's shocked yet sad expression. "I'm kidding, Zack. I'll make it, just give me a second."
"Thank you, Vallie dear." He grinned. Soon everyone piled into the front of the bus.

I watched as Syn and Ellie were the last ones to walk out. Watching as Syn held the door open for Ellie, but keeping his eyes on the ceiling. And Ellie looking at her feet as she frowned, Syn's skull beanie covering most of her head. I frowned. This wasn't right. I wasn't right. I looked at my hands wrapped around the coffee mug, thinking of what to say. The tour bus swerving uncontrollably from left to right made everyone stumble or fall onto the floor. Zacky who was laying comfortable on the sofa was now cursing on the floor, rubbing the back of his head. I turned my body to make myself land on my back so that Val, who was in my arms still, wouldn't have gotten hurt from the fall. Syn had pushed Ellie up against the bus's wall and sheilded her with his body, as he held a tight grip on the ledges so he himself wouldn't fall. Johnny fell into the bathroom and cursed loudly after the loud shattering sounds finished. The swerving ceased to stop as Rev was laughing, maniacally, from the front of the bus in the driver's seat.

"REV!" Everyone yelled his way. He laughed as he straightened the bus out.
"Everyone all right?" I asked. They nodded.

I nodded as I turned around to pick up my coffee mug that fell onto the floor. Someone clearing their throat softly behind me made me look over my shoulder. Ellie stood there as she bit her lip, her fingers twidling in front of her as she looked up at me from under Syn's beanie.

"Can we, uh, talk? In private?" She asked.

I nodded, getting up and following her into the bunk area. I glanced at everyone that watched us, well except for Syn who was strumming at his guitar. Val gave me a look that told me to be nice and hear her out. I sighed as I gave a slight nod, shutting the bunk door behind me. I leaned against the bunks as she sat down on Zack's bed.

"Matt, I just want to say that I'm sorry. Sorry for how I have been acting about the whole not being able to see or talk to Brian issue. I understand that you were just looking out for me and I appreciate that. I really do. Forgive me?" She looked up at me with large, sad hazel green eyes. I frowned as I pulled her off the bed and into my arms, hugging her tightly.
"I already forgave you, Ell Bell. It was you who needed to forgive me." I said into her hair. "I'm sorry. I have no right to tell you what you can or can't do. It just scared me, you with Syn. You're growing up too fast for me and I'm worried about you and Syn. He's not very faithful."
"I know, Matty. But I need to learn from my mistakes. You're not always going to be there to point out my rights from my wrongs forever. I need to figure them out for myself."
"Can you just do me one favour, it's all I ask."
"What's that?"
"See someone else, please. I don't want you getting so attached to Syn when he'll just end up breaking your heart."
"Matt, he won't break my heart. But I'll try..." She sounded not too sure of herself. "But I love Brian. With all my heart. No guy will ever come anywhere close to having my heart like Brian does."

I just nodded, tightening my arms around her small figure. She pulled back to look at me, giving me a dimpled smile. I returned that dimpled smile.

"Siblings?" She raised a delicate eyebrow. I grinned.
"Til the end."